Progress <p>年龄:3岁2个月</p><p>目前进度:</p><p>清华幼儿英语-3a Unit 2</p><p>清华幼儿汉语-汉语第一册</p> Listening <p>汉语第一册</p><p>Peppa Pig S02</p> Reading Video <p>Peppa Pig</p> Activities <p><b>Activity 1: Retell the Story-3a Unit 2</b></p><p>Page 1:</p><p>What do you see in the first picture? I see a turkey and a bear. The bear is bigger than the turkey. What are they doing? They are playing tug of war. What is on the rope? It is a flower. What are they trying to do? They are trying to get the flowerNow look at the second picture. We see the bear. The bear looks happy and he is not pulling very hard.He is very strong. But look at the third picture. What is the turkey doing? The turkey is pulling very hard. Who is stronger? I think the bear is stronger and the turkey is weaker</p><p>Page 2:</p><p>Look at the first picture, what is the bear doing? He is flexing his arm to show how strong he is. Look at the second picture, what is happening? The bear is pulling the rope again. Now look at the third picture, who is pulling the rope this time? It is the turkey and the pig. What is the pig holding? He is holding the turkeys tail. What happens next? He pulls the turkeys tail feathers out. The turkey does not look happy. Look at the bear, what is he doing now? He is pulling very hard. And in the second picture, the pig and the turkey are pulling very hard too. What is wrapped around the turkeys tail? Yes, a bandage. It is holding his feathers. What happens next? The bear loses. The pig and the turkey are stronger. They won! They are a good team</p> <p><b>Activity 2: Game-Pull the Rope</b></p><p>Zoey: Let’s put on these masks.</p><p>Daddy: Who are you?</p><p>Zoey: Mommy dinosaur.</p><p>Daddy: Ok, who am I?</p><p>Zoey: You are baby dinosaur.</p><p>Daddy: I am the baby dinosaur? Look, I have three horns on my head. I am the triceratops.</p><p>Zoey: I have one horn, two horns and I have my wings on my head.</p><p>Daddy: Ok, let’s have a competition. Let’s pull the rope to see who is stronger?</p><p>Zoey: I’m stronger, you are not stronger.</p><p>Daddy: Really? Pull with your mighty, ok? Let’s sing the song and pull the rope.</p><p>Zoey: Pull, pull, pull the rope, pull with all your mighty. Hard, hard, don’t let go, hold on very tight.</p><p>Daddy: Oh, you win. You are strong, you are stronger than me!</p><p>Zoey: Yeah.</p><p>Daddy: Because I am the baby dinosaur, right?</p><p>Zoey: Yeah.</p><p>Daddy: Do you want to try again?</p><p>Zoey: Yeah, with the long monkey.</p><p>Daddy: All right.</p><p>……</p> <p><b>Activity 3: Game-Push Game</b></p><p>Sing the song and play with the push game.</p> <p><b>Activity 4: 早读晚诵/中文字卡游戏</b></p> ix <p>Work out with Daddy</p>