V-Learn万思乐学小西妈双语工程1906期248号Summer打卡 D93—FT 端午节


<p>Dragon Boat Festival</p> <p>🎬宝宝巴士 端午节视频科普</p> <p>汉语第四册 端午节</p> <p>农历五月初五,是中国民间的传统节日——端午节,它是中华民族古老的传统节日之一。端午也称端五,端阳。</p><p><br></p><p>端午的习俗</p> <p>端午节</p><p>Dragon Boat&nbsp;Festival /&nbsp;Duanwu&nbsp;Festival&nbsp;端午节</p><p>eat rice dumplings&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;吃粽子</p><p>make rice dumplings&nbsp;包粽子</p><p>have dragon boat race 举行龙舟赛</p><p>paddle&nbsp;dragon boats&nbsp;&nbsp;划龙舟</p><p>watch dragon boat races&nbsp;看龙舟</p><p>herb sachet&nbsp;&nbsp;香囊</p><p>wear sachet&nbsp;配带香囊</p><p>drink realgar wine&nbsp;喝雄黄酒</p><p>bamboo leaves 粽叶</p><p>the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar&nbsp;五月初五</p><p>Long and narrow the path, I shall search heaven and earth for the truth.&nbsp;</p><p>路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 。</p> <p>M: Hey Summer , Dragon Boat Festival is coming. What’s your plan?</p><p>S:I want to play some games.</p><p>M: Sure. What do you have in mind?</p><p>S:Eating Zongzi!</p><p>M:Yes,It’s very yummy.</p><p>M:Let's work on steaming them.They're nearly ready,we just need to place them in the steamer.This way the rice and filling become sticky and fresh.</p><p>S:Can I put them in?</p><p>M: Sure, but be gentle with them.We're putting them on the steamer rack.Here, I'll hand them to you as you place them in the steamer.</p><p>S:Ok</p><p>M: We'll let the water boil and steam them for only 10 minutes since they're already cooked.If they're frozen we need 10 more minutes.</p><p><br></p><p>(zongzi finishes steaming)</p><p>M:Now, I'll pull them out and let them cool.</p><p>S:I can blow on them like a wolf!</p><p>M:Is the Zongzi be a little pig?</p><p>S:Yes</p><p>M: Yeah, that would be helpful.Let's have something to drink while we wait.Happy Dragon Boat Festival!</p><p>S: Cheers!</p><p>M:Let's unwrap them now.Untie the string and unwrap the leaves.</p><p>S:Like this?</p><p>M:Good work!Let's try some.</p><p>S:They look so yummy!</p><p>M:Don't forget to wash your face and hands after we finish.</p> <p>端午lapbook</p> <p>&nbsp;小实验</p><p>端午节:Dragon boat day</p><p>做一只小船,吹气比赛谁的快。</p><p>用锡纸做一只船,比一比谁的船的承重更厉害。Congratulations!对赢家表示祝贺。</p><p>用鸡蛋和盐做沉浮实验。</p> <p>布鲁可积木拼搭</p> <p>香蕉船龙舟</p> <p>划龙舟比赛</p> <p>端午worksheets</p> <p>点数</p> <p>描线</p> <p>形状认知</p> <p>剪纸</p> <p>晚饭后去了游乐园玩。</p><p>坐小蜜蜂🐝</p><p>唱了上周学的little bee</p>









