【0b Unit4】V-Learn小西妈双语工程1906期249号Bodhi打卡


<p><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">【2020.6.19-28☀D243-246☀4Y6M】</span></p><p><br></p> <p>🎧 Listening</p><p>1.教材:0B儿歌/清汉第一册儿歌</p><p>2.分级:牛津树4(6本)</p><p>3. Peppa Pig: S01E15, S01E23</p><p>📖Reading</p><p>1.👉🏻指读</p><p>📓英语:W5-海尼曼G1(10本)累计50本</p><p>📔汉语:清汉第一册1-6儿歌/古诗/谜语</p><p>2.理解性阅读</p><p>📓牛津树4/6本; From Tadpole to Frog; 生命的故事-诞生了!蝌蚪; 清英大书小书; 红火箭4本</p><p>3.清汉:大书小书汉1-6/早读晚诵:汉1-6古诗口头作文</p><p>🎬Video</p><p>1. How a Tadpole Transforms Into A Frog </p><p>1. 动画:Peppa Pig/Curious Geoage</p><p>2. 美国家庭视频中级Unit3家庭游戏</p><p>3. 教材:0bU4 The Little Green Frog/清汉语1-6找妈妈</p><p>4. 哈佛外教百科英语</p><p>🎮Game</p><p>1. I'm a little frog</p><p>2. Family time.</p><p>3. Looking for bugs</p><p>🐷Retell</p><p>1. Peppa Pig: S01E15(The New Car)</p> <p>☑️Fun frog facts for kids.</p><p>They are amphibians [æmˈfɪbiəns]. (两栖动物: an animal, such as a frog, that lives both on land and in water but must lay its eggs in water)</p><ul><li>They typically lay their eggs in the water.</li><li>A group of eggs is called a frogspawn [ˈfrɑːɡspɑːn].</li><li>The eggs hatch into tadpoles.</li><li>A group of frogs is called an army.</li><li>Tadpoles have no lungs (肺), they have gills(鳃).</li><li>They grow lungs before they mature /məˈtʊr/(成熟的) into a frog.</li><li>Frogs don't drink water – they soak/soʊk/(渗透) it into their body through their skin.</li><li>They breathe through the nose and their skin.</li><li>They need to live near water as their skin must constantly be moist(湿润的). If it dries out the frog dies.</li><li>They catch their prey with their tongue.</li><li>Their eyeballs assist them in swallowing food – they push the food down their throat by pushing down the eyeballs.</li><li>Their vision(视力) field is almost 360°(angle) so they can see all that is around them all the time!</li><li>Their call is called a croak [kroʊk].</li><li>Frogs can hibernate [ˈhaɪbərneɪt] (冬眠). In extreme conditions they can also enter a state called torpor [ˈtɔːrpər] which can last for months.</li></ul> <p><br></p><p>☑️The Life Cycle of a Frog:</p> <p>1️⃣Video: How a Tadpole Transforms Into A Frog</p> M: Bodhi, do you know how a tadpole becomes to a frog? <br>B: Yes. 就是青蛙妈妈生了一些蛋,然后过了好多天这些蛋就变成了小蝌蚪, 然后它们开始慢慢长了两条后腿,后来又长出来两条前腿.......(吧啦吧啦说了一大堆,都是在学习清汉《找妈妈》中拓展出来的)<br>M: Correct! Do you want to watch a video and see the whole process of it?<br>B: Sure! Mom.<br>M: Look! Mom lays eggs on the leaf. Then dad watches over them to keep the embryo [ˈem.bri.oʊ] (胚胎) safe from predactors [ˈpred.ə.t̬ɚs] (捕猎者).<br>Like you said, it becomes tadpoles a dozen of days later. Then the tadpole start growing legs. It grows 2 hind legs first. After a few days it grows two front legs. Their tails get shorter and shorter. Now it becomes a froglet.<br>The froglet grows and grows, finally it turns into an adult frog.<br>PS: 这个视频太好用了,老母亲几乎不用组织语言,边看边给孩子讲。 <p>2️⃣Match and order the pictures</p> <p>(Prepare some pictures which has eggs, tadpole, froglet...)</p><p>M: Look, Bodhi. What does this picture show?</p><p>B: It shows the life circle of a frog.</p><p>M: Correct! You already know it, Mom is so proud of you.</p><p>M: Can you cut them out?</p><p>B: Yes. (开始最爱的剪纸游戏)</p><p>M: Tell me, what did you cut out? What are they?</p><p>B: There are some eggs, tadpole, froglet, and frog. </p><p>M: Yes. Can you paste them in the correct order on this life cycle chart? </p><p>B: OK.</p> <div><br></div>☑️Game: <p>1️⃣ I'm a little frog.</p><p>M: Bodhi, come over here. Let's do some exercises.</p><p>B: Mommy, I'm coming!</p><p>M: Look, baby. What's this?</p><p>B: Wow...... it's a chocolate chip. I want it.</p><p>M: OK, but we should play a game first. 'Handy dandy riddlely ro. Which hand will you choose? Which hand will you choose high or low?</p><p>B: High.</p><p>M: Unfortunately, you lost it. Please squat down and do some frog leaps.</p><p>B: 哼,我不玩儿了</p><p>M: Body. You look upset. Never mind. Let's play one more time. Try to win next time.</p> <p>Bodhi太喜欢这个游戏了,上午玩儿了N遍,晚上爸爸回家3个人继续一起玩儿。开始娃儿输了会有点小失落,甚至说“不玩儿了”,我跟爸爸不理他,两个人继续玩儿。Bodhi禁不住诱惑,又跑来参与,到后来输了做🐸跳,边跳边唱儿歌都不在话下。玩游戏,身心都得到了锻炼。</p> <p>2️⃣ Family Time: </p><p>M: Hi, body. It's our game time.</p><p>B: What game?</p><p>M: Now I am a mommy frog and you are a baby frog. Let's jump like a frog together.</p><p>B:Ok</p><p>M: Ready, set, go!</p><p>B & M: "Mm, ah!" went the little frog one day...</p> 妈妈和Bodhi一起画的荷叶有点大,跳起来真的非常消耗体力。娃儿还热情地邀请旁边的小朋友跟我们一起玩儿游戏,然而那个宝宝却说:“你跟你妈妈说的话,我都听不懂。” 3️⃣ Looking for bugs. <p><br></p> <div><br></div>☑️Handcraft: Make an Origami Jumping Frog <ol><li>Start with a square sheet of paper.</li><li>Fold one corner diagonally [d' down to the opposite edge, then open it back up and fold the paper on the other diagonal.</li><li>Open the square back up and fold it backwards, across the intersection of the two diagonal lines.</li><li>Open the paper again and push in the sides.</li><li>Fold the outside corner up to the top point. Then, fold the other corner up.</li><li>Fold the new corner in, towards the center line. Then, fold the other corner in towards the center.</li><li>Now fold the top corners back out, until the edge is even with the edge underneath. Repeat folding the top corners, as shown above, except on the other.</li><li>Turn the paper over.</li><li>Fold the outer corners towards you, into the center.</li><li>Fold the outer corners back out, so that they're even with the outside edges. You're almost done.</li><li>Fold the frog in half.</li><li>Turn the frog over so the legs are facing away from you.</li><li>Make our frog jump. Set the frog down on its back legs. Press and release the center folds to make it jump. </li></ol><p>折纸青蛙的时候,哥哥也参与进来。哥哥分享了不同的折法,最后比赛看谁的青蛙跳得更远,娃儿们玩的不亦乐乎。看着孩子们的笑脸,我却感到深深地愧疚,老大小的时候我忙于工作,孩子丢给姥姥带,几乎从没有这样陪玩儿过。</p> <p><br></p><p>☑️🐷 Retell</p> <p>☑️阅读时光</p>









