<b>2020.6.7</b><br><br>进行了植物园的FT<br><br><b>1.Listening</b><br>1.1 1a, 1b<br>1.2 peppa pig<br><br><br><b>2.Reading</b><br>2.1 海尼曼-6本<br>2.2 牛津树-12本 <b>3.video</b><br>早晨: 2集peppa<br>晚上:2集peppa<br><br><b>4.Game</b><br><b>Game 1. plants</b><div><b><br></b></div> The 61 species of pine trees that grow throughout North America fall under the categories of soft pines and hard pines based on such characteristics as their wood and their needles. Pines grow in acidic soil and are often among the first tree to reforest an area after a fire. The pines are <font color="#ff8a00">evergreen</font>, retaining their needles through the cold, and the trees produce woody cones that <font color="#ff8a00">harbor (庇护、怀有)</font>their seeds.<br><br><b>Size</b><br>The pine trees are some of the <font color="#ed2308">tallest trees</font> in their <font color="#ff8a00">ecosystems(生态系统)</font>. The Eastern white pine and the red pine of the American East both can attain heights of 100 feet, and the slash pine of the Deep South is another species that can grow to that height. The pines that grow in the West can grow much taller, with some like the sugar pine known to approach 200 feet high and the Ponderosa pine able to make it around 180 feet. Not all pines are giants, with species such as limber pine and bristlecone pine rarely taller then 40 to 50 feet.<br><br><h3><b>Identification</b></h3>To identify pines it is important to examine such <font color="#ff8a00">facets(方面特征)</font> of the tree as its needles, cones and <font color="#ff8a00">bark(树皮)</font>. For example, upon <font color="#ff8a00">scrutiny(细看)</font>, you would find that the Western yellow pine has needles that are 8 to 10 inches long and they exist in bundles of threes on the branches. The needles are light green with barely detectable <font color="#ff8a00">serrations(锯齿状)</font> on their edges. The cones typically grow in pairs, are light brown and up to 4 inches long. The thick bark is a brown-black when the tree is mature, possesses a vanilla <font color="#ff8a00">aroma(芳香)</font> when you peel it away and is full of <font color="#ff8a00">furrows(皱纹).<br></font><br><br><b>Uses</b><br>Pine trees are a very important genus of trees in terms of their uses. <font color="#ff8a00">Lumber(木材) and pulpwood(木质纸浆)</font> are vital pine products, and pines are instrumental as telephone <font color="#ff8a00">poles(电线杆)</font> and in furniture. You may opt to plant pines on your property as <font color="#ff8a00">windbreaks(防风林)</font>, specimen trees or as a tree to form a buffer between your property and a busy roadway. Pine trees are popular Christmas trees in many parts of the country, with the Virginia pine, Eastern white pine and Scotch pine all possessing traits that make them usable for this purpose.<br><div><br></div> 绣球花<div>Hydrangea<br></div><div>Hydrangea is a genus of 70–75 species of flowering plants native to Asia and the Americas. By far the greatest species diversity is in eastern Asia, notably Korea, China, and Japan. Most are shrubs 1 to 3 meters tall, but some are small trees, and others lianas reaching up to 30 m by climbing up trees. They can be either deciduous or evergreen, though the widely cultivated temperate species are all deciduous.<br></div> 珍珠梅 a place to keep bees. Insect traps: It looks like a little house, but it is not the nest of birds, it is an insect traps.<div>There are many bad insects who do harm to the tree and plants. </div><div>Inside the trap, there is some sticky liquid, and it smells so yummy. So when a bad insect flys by, it will be atracted by the smell and enter in, then be sticked. This is how the inscet trap works.</div><div><br></div> a beetle<div>features of insects: antenna, three parts of body, a pair of wings.(宝宝竟然都还记得)</div> cottage room a very big log<div>Definition of <b>annual ring</b>: the layer of wood produced by a single year's growth of a woody plant.</div><div>Dense, often dark, and heavily lignified wood produced in the annual ring during the later part of the growing season, characterized by small, thick-walled cells.<br><br>Also known as a double ring or an intra-annual ring.<br><br>The portion of the annual ring produced early in the growing season, characterized by large, thin-walled cells.<br><br>Tree rings are as distinctive as fingerprints: the width, density and anatomy of each annual ring contains information about what the climate was like during that particular year.<br><br>A change in cell structure within an annual growth layer, which resembles the boundary of a true annual ring, making it appear to be two or more growth layers instead of one.<br><br></div> notice the frog, fish and butterfly eat icecream