<p> 序言</p><p> 欧阳修(1007--1072),字永叔,号醉翁,晚号六一居士。吉州永丰(今属江西)人,天圣(1030年)进士。他是北宋著名政治家、文学家、史学家。其文学成就最高,是唐代古文运动之后北宋文坛的盟主。</p><p> 他幼年家境贫寒,四岁丧父,他自幼天资过人,母以″荻画地教子″。母亲郑氏为让儿子习文练字,想出了一个巧妙的办法:用荻草代替毛笔教他在地上写字。欧阳修勤奋刻苦,练成了一手好字,成为远近闻名的神童,十岁左右所作文赋,老如成人。他</p><p>24岁中进士,步入仕途。历任知县、知州、馆阁校勘、翰林学士、枢密副使、参知政事(副宰相)等职。熙宁四年致仕,次年卒于颖州(今安徽阜阳),享年66岁。死后谥″文忠”。他政绩显赫,著述极丰。散文、诗词均有成就。著有《新五代史》《集古录》《六一词》等。</p><p> 欧阳修晚年,每天把一生中所写的文字,加以修改,用心极苦。他夫人叫他不要修改了,说:″何必这样折磨自己,难道还怕老师责骂?″欧阳修笑曰:″不怕先生骂,却怕后人笑。″</p><p> 欧阳修在中国文学史上的主要艺朮成就:</p><p>欧阳修在中国文学史上有重要的地位。他大力倡导诗文革新运动,改革了唐末宋初的形式主义文风和诗风,取得了显著成绩。由于他在政治上的显著地位,有似于唐代的韩愈,他推荐选拔和指导了王安石、曾巩、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙等散文家,对他们的散文创作有很大的影响。他的平易文风,还一直延续到元明清各朝代。欧阳修对有真才实学的后生极尽赞美,竭力推荐,使一大批当时还默默无闻的青年才俊脱颖而出,堪称千古百乐。″唐宋八大家”中五人均出自他的门下,而且都以布衣之身被他相中,提携而名扬天下。</p><p> 欧阳修在传统文化的重重束缚下挣扎着表现自我。他淡视名利,无欲则刚,其目的也是为维护社会稳定,但他不是″守旧″而是"图新″。他身居高位,仍坚守大节,保持人格尊严,对习惯势力和庸俗无聊的生存状态进行抵制。正是欧阳修堪为人师的道德文章,才有薪火相传的苏门四学士的黄庭坚、秦观、晁补之、张耒,才有了曾巩、曾布、昆仲,才有了中国十一世纪的改革家王安石,是欧阳修奠定了宋代文化盛世的基础。政治上他曾支持过范仲淹等的革新主张,文学上力主″明道″、"致用″,反对论卑气弱、艰涩险怪的时文和风靡诗坛的″西昆体″,他是北宋诗文革新运动的领袖。″唐宋八大家″之一。他一生著述丰厚,散文达500余篇,政论充分发挥儒家中的民本思想。为治国理政服务。如《与高司谏书》《朋党论》等。他状物写景及叙事的散文摇拽生姿,从容委婉,如《醉翁亭记》等。他的词基夲上沿袭晚唐五代余风,抒情委婉深致,写景清新明丽,亦有少数篇章风格豪放疏宕。</p><p> 译者这次英译欧阳修最美诗词十余首,旨在深入解读这位中国文学史上最杰出的文学家的艺术特色,传播其诗词作品的艺术成就。本美篇釆用汉英对照、图文并茂,并配有背景音乐,以飨微友读者。由于时间仓促,制作美篇刚起步,难免有许多不足之处,恳请微友读者不吝赐教。</p><p> 译者 樊怀宇(日月同辉)</p><p> 2020年6月15日</p> <p> 长相思</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 萍满溪,柳绕堤,相送行人溪水西。回时陇月低。烟霏霏,风凄凄,重依朱门听马嘶。寒鸥相对飞。</p><p>注释:萍满溪:浮萍飘满小溪。柳绕堤:柳树围绕堤岸。相送行人溪水西:在溪水的西岸送别行人。回时陇月低:回来的时候已经山月低垂。烟霏霏:烟雾弥漫。风凄凄:冷风凄凄交加。重依朱门:久久地依靠在红色的大门前。马嘶:马儿在嘶叫。</p><p> Tune: Everlasting Longing </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p>The stream is full of duckweed,</p><p>The dyke is encircled by green willow</p><p> trees.</p><p>On western shore I bade farewell to my </p><p>parting friend.</p><p>When I came back , the hill moon had </p><p>already drooped.</p><p>Mist is heavy,</p><p>Wind is chilly.</p><p>Leaning on the gate painted with red,</p><p>Again I wait </p><p>For my friend 's neighing steed ;</p><p>I see gulls fly back and forth </p><p>Pair by pair,</p><p>In cold air.</p> <p> 丰乐亭游春①</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 红树青山日欲斜②,长郊草色绿无涯。</p><p> 游人不管春将老,来往亭前踏落花。</p><p> 注释:①丰乐亭:在今安徽省滁县西南琅琊山上幽谷泉边。原题三首此其三。</p><p> ②红树:开满红花的树。</p><p> Spring Travel to Fengle Pavilion </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p> Red bloom trees, verdant green hills and </p><p>the setting sun.</p><p> The sight of our suburbs is trimmed with </p><p>endless green.</p><p> Travellers do not mind if the spring will </p><p>end soon.</p><p> They tread the fallen flowers roughly in </p><p>front of the pavilion.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p> 蝶恋花</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 庭院深深深几许?杨柳堆烟,帘幕无重数。玉勒雕鞍游冶处,楼高不见章台路。</p><p> 雨横风狂三月暮,门掩黄昏,无计留春住。泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。</p><p>注释:几许:多少。堆烟:形容杨柳浓密。</p><p>玉勒:玉制的马衔。雕鞍:精雕的马鞍。</p><p>游冶处:指歌楼妓院。章台:汉长安街名。</p><p>《汉书.张敞传》有″走马章台街″语。唐</p><p>许尧佐《章台柳传》,记妓女柳氏事,</p><p>后因以章台为歌妓聚居之地。乱红:凌乱</p><p>的落花。</p><p><br></p><p> Tune:Butterflies-Falling-in-Love-</p><p>wⅰth-</p><p>Flowers </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p> The courtyard is very very deep,</p><p>But I not know how deep it is .</p><p> Just like smoke heap upon heap,</p><p>The willows are swaying in the breeze.</p><p> By layer upon layer of curtain and screen.</p><p> Leaving his fine saddle and jade bridle,</p><p> at the place where sons of noble and </p><p>wealthy families </p><p>Often seek pleasure and make merry.</p><p> I climb my tower to look into the distance </p><p>but fail to find his trace.</p><p> The raging rain and wild wind come</p><p> together in the third moon late;</p><p> The scenery of dusk is barred from the </p><p>gate,</p><p> But I have no means to persuade spring </p><p>scenery to stay.</p><p> With tearful eyes I ask fallen flowers,</p><p>But they fail to say.</p><p> I see scattered and messy red flowers </p><p>fly over the swing.</p> <p> 浪淘沙</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 把酒祝东风,且共从容。垂杨紫陌洛城东。总是旧时携手处,游遍芳丛。聚散苦匆匆,此恨无穷。今年花胜去年红。可惜明年花更红,知与谁同?</p><p>注释:浪淘沙:词牌名。把酒:端着酒杯。从容:留恋,不舍。紫陌:紫色的道路。据说洛阳当时用紫色的土铺路,故名。洛城:洛阳。</p><p> Tune: Ripples Sifting Sand </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p> Raising a cup of wine in hand, I drink to </p><p>eastern breeze:</p><p> Please stay more time, don't come and </p><p>go in a hurry !</p><p> On the purple outskirts paths with whirl -</p><p>ing green willows east of Luoyang city,</p><p>We used to go sightseeing hand in hand </p><p>in old days,</p><p>Viewing all over the flower shrubs.</p><p>To meet and part in haste,</p><p>Would leave us an eternal regret in our </p><p>heart.</p><p>Flowers bloom redder this year than last.</p><p>They'll be more beautiful next year, maybe,</p><p>But who will enjoy them with me?</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p> 釆桑子(一)</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 轻舟短棹西湖好,绿水逶迤,芳草长堤,</p><p>隐隐笙歌处处随。</p><p> 无风水面琉璃滑,不觉船移,微动涟漪,</p><p>惊起沙禽掠岸飞。</p><p>注释:釆桑子:又名丑奴儿,罗敷媚等。双调44字,上下阙各四句,三平韵。轻舟:轻便的小船。短棹:划船用的小桨。绿水:清澈的水。逶迤:形容道路或河道弯曲而长。笙歌:</p><p>指歌唱时有笙管伴奏。琉璃:即玻璃,像玻璃一样光滑。涟漪:水的波纹。沙禽:沙洲或沙滩上的水鸟。</p><p> Gathering Mulberry Leaves </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p> Paddling a light boat with short oars,</p><p>the scene of West Lake is more enchant -</p><p>ing.</p><p>Dark green water is meandering and </p><p>unceasing.</p><p>Sweet grass overgrows </p><p>here and there along the long banks.</p><p>A flute song can be heard instinctly in </p><p>every place.</p><p><br></p><p>Without wind blowing,</p><p>the water surface is smooth like glass ;</p><p>I don't feel the boat moves.</p><p>I can only see wavelets rippling behind </p><p>When it goes.</p><p>The waterbirds startled by the boat skim </p><p>over the flat sandy banks.</p><p><br></p> <p> 临江仙</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 柳外轻雷池上雨,雨声滴碎荷声。小楼西角断虹明。阑干私依处,遥见月华生。</p><p> 燕子飞来窥画栋,玉钩垂下帘旌。凉波不动簟纹平。水晶双枕畔,犹有堕钗横。</p><p>注释:轻雷:雷声不大。阑干:纵横交错的样子。月华:月光、月色之美丽,这里指月亮。画栋:彩绘装饰的梁栋。玉钩:精美的帘钩。帘旌:帘端下垂用以装饰的布帛,此代指帘幕。凉波句:指用竹子做的凉席,平整如不动的波纹。簟:竹席。水精:即水晶。堕:</p><p>脱落。</p><p> Tune: Immortal at the River </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p>Beyond the willow trees </p><p>the light thunder is heard ;</p><p>And the raindrops drip from lotus leaves .</p><p>The fine rain is pitter -pattering on the</p><p> pond.</p><p>An imperfect rainbow separated by West </p><p>Tower can be seen.</p><p>We lean on rails alone.</p><p>To watch the rising moon.</p><p>Swallows, pair by pair, fly back to peep at </p><p>the painted eave;</p><p>I pull down the curtain from the jade hook,</p><p>The even and flat bamboo mat still spread </p><p>as if calm and quiet wave </p><p>Cold on bed.</p><p>But by the crystal pillows twin</p><p>There seems to be left her hairpin.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p> 釆桑子(三)</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 群芳过后西湖好,①狼籍残红,②飞絮蒙蒙,垂柳栏杆尽日风。</p><p> 笙歌散尽游人去,③始觉春空,垂下帘栊,④双燕归来细雨中。</p><p>注释:①群芳过后:百花凋零之后。西湖:指颖州西湖,在今安徽阜阳西北,颖水与渚水汇流处,风景佳胜。②狼籍残红:残花纵横散乱的样子。残红:落花。狼籍:</p><p>同狼藉。③笙歌:笙管伴奏的歌筵。④帘栊:窗帘。栊:窗棂。</p><p> Tune: Gathering Mulberry Leaves </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p>All flowers having withered away, West</p><p> Lake is still gorgeous.</p><p>The fallen flowers scatter about in a mess.</p><p>Floating willow catkins,</p><p>Just like misty fine rain drops,</p><p>Fly all day in breeze beyond the railings.</p><p>Flute songs end and sightseers disperse </p><p>already.</p><p>I begin to feel the spring days pass</p><p>leasurely and lonely.</p><p>Lowering the curtains in vain,</p><p>I see a pair of swallows come back in the </p><p>fine rain.</p> <p> 青玉案</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 一年春事都来几?早过了,三之二。绿暗红嫣浑可事。绿阳庭院,暖风帘幕,有个人憔悴。买花载酒长安市,又争似,家山见桃李?不枉东风吹客泪。相思难表,梦魂无据,惟有归来是。</p><p>注释:都来:算来。几:若干,多少。三之二:三分之二。红嫣:红艳,浓丽的花朵。浑:全。可事:可心的乐事。长安:指开封汴梁。</p><p>争似:怎像。家山:家乡的山,指故乡。不枉:</p><p>不要冤枉,不怪。是:正确。</p><p> Tune: Green Jade Cup</p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p> How many cheerful things have </p><p>happened in this spring ?</p><p> Two-thirds of the spring has passed</p><p> away already.</p><p> The shade of green trees is thick,</p><p>And layer upon layer of red flowers are </p><p>in full blooming .</p><p> The courtyard is shaded by willows.</p><p>And curtain is ruffled by warm breeze.</p><p> Alone I 'm consumed with deep griefs.</p><p>Even if in Chang 'an City I can afford to </p><p>buy flowers and wine.</p><p> How can it be compared with peach and </p><p>plum in homeland of mine?</p><p> Don't complain that the eastern breeze </p><p>has blown down the strangers ' tears.</p><p> For it's hard to express their homesick -</p><p>ness.</p><p> And their dreams are also baseless.</p><p>To go home is the only way to attain </p><p>their wishes.</p><p><br></p><p> </p> <p> 生查子</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p>含羞整翠鬟,得意频相顾。雁柱十三弦,一一春莺语。</p><p>娇云容易飞,梦断知何处?深院锁黄昏,阵阵芭蕉雨。</p><p>注释:翠鬟:妇女环形发譬称鬟。翠鬟:泛指美发。雁柱十三弦:筝有十三弦,琴柱斜排如雁斜飞,称雁柱。这里均代指古筝。</p><p>[译文]似娇还羞抿了抿秀发乌鬟,笑靥盈盈秋波流转频频顾盼。玉手纤指弹琴,筝声婉转欢快,琴弦飞荡回旋,似春莺传情,低语交欢。</p><p> 曲尽人去,宛如飞云飘逸,只留下娇柔的身影。春梦已断,不知何处寻觅。庭院深深,锁住的是寂寞和黄昏,还有那阵阵凄雨敲打的芭蕉声。</p><p> Tune: Mountain Hawthorn </p><p> Ouyang Xiu</p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p>She arranges her beautiful coils of hair </p><p>bashfully.</p><p>When a tune is well played, she gives me </p><p>loving glances frequently.</p><p>Her slanted thirteen strings of heptachord</p><p>are just like thirteen rows of wild geese.</p><p>As orioles sing vernal songs one after </p><p>another to express their amorous feelings </p><p>in low voice.</p><p>The fair cloud seems to fly away easily ,</p><p>Awake from my sweet dream, Where can I </p><p>find her occasionally?</p><p>Locked up with the twilight and solitude </p><p>in my deep courtyard,</p><p>Shower upon shower the rain patterns </p><p>against the banana leaves, I can hear </p><p>the rain sound.</p><p> </p> <p> 诉衷情</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 清晨帘幕卷轻霜,呵手试梅妆。都缘自有离恨,故画作远山长。思往事,惜流光,易成伤。未歌先敛,欲笑还颦,最断人肠。</p><p>注释:诉衷情:原为唐教坊曲名,后用为词牌名。双调44字,上下两片各三平韵。轻霜:</p><p>薄霜。气候只微寒,说明时节已是初秋。试梅妆:谓试着描画梅花妆,梅妆,″梅花妆″的简称。始于南朝宋寿阳公主。远山:指远山眉。形容把眉毛画得又细又长,有如水墨珈的远山形状。比喻离恨的深长。流芳:</p><p>流逝的年华。敛:收敛表情。颦:皱眉,忧愁的样子。断人肠:悲痛之极,谓之断肠。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p> Tune: Telling of Heart-felt Emotion </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated By Fan Huaiyu </p><p> At dawn she rolls up frosted </p><p>screen,</p><p> She breathes to warm her hands trying </p><p>to adorn herself with plum blossoms in </p><p>new fashion.</p><p> As she cherishes the sorrow of parting </p><p>still,</p><p> she pencils her brows as long as a </p><p>distant hill.</p><p> As she recollects the past,</p><p>She deplores time flies so fast .</p><p> And she was too sentimental at her </p><p>heart.</p><p> Before she wants to sing , she would set </p><p>her face for a while ;</p><p> She knits her brows when she would </p><p>smile.</p><p> Oh, all this causes her heart broken.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p> 蝶恋花</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 几日行云何处去?忘了归来,不道春将暮①。百草千花寒食路②,香车系在谁家树?③泪眼倚楼频独语,双燕来时,陌上相逢否?④撩乱春愁如柳絮,依依梦里无寻处。</p><p> 注释:①不道:不觉。②百草千花:词意双关,即指寒食节的实景,也暗指花街柳巷的妓女。寒食:寒食节在清明节的前一天。③香车:指情郎的马车。④陌上:小路。</p><p> Tune: Butterflies-Falling -in-Love -With-</p><p>Flowers </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p>Where have you gone for many a day just </p><p>like floating cloud?</p><p> My dear sweetheart, Do you forget to </p><p>return homeward road?</p><p> Don't you know spring has already grown </p><p>old?</p><p> On Cold Food Day sightseers in pairs</p><p> stroll along the treading -green -grass </p><p>road .</p><p> Under whose tree is your scented cab</p><p>fastened and at whose household?</p><p> With tearful eyes I murmur to myself</p><p> alone on my balcony.</p><p> Watching the returning swallows in pairs </p><p>I ask them whether they have met you on </p><p>the pathway.</p><p> Spring grief is running wild just like willow </p><p>catkins.</p><p>Nowhere can I find you, my sweetheart,</p><p>even in my sweet dreams .</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p> 采桑子(二)</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 画船载酒西湖好,急管繁弦,玉盏催传,稳泛平波任醉眠。</p><p> 行云却在行舟下,空水澄鲜,俯仰留连,</p><p>疑是湖中别有天。</p><p>注释:急管繁弦:指变化丰富而节拍紧凑的音乐。玉盏:玉制的酒杯。空水:天空与水面。澄鲜:清澈明亮。俯仰:仰观俯察,观赏。</p><p> Tune : Song of Picking Mulberries (2)</p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p> On the West Lake it's fine to carry wine </p><p>in painted boat,</p><p> From tubes and strings comes orchestral </p><p>music fast ;</p><p> Jade cup urges to pass on from hand to </p><p>hand repeatedly.</p><p> On calming waves we lie drunk freely and </p><p>safely.</p><p> Beneath our moving boat fleeting clouds </p><p>seem to float near.</p><p> Both water and the sky seem to be very </p><p>clear.</p><p> Looking up and below; We tend to linger </p><p>on there.</p><p> We are doubtful if there is another sky in </p><p>the lake near.</p> <p> 画眉鸟①</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p>百转千声随意移②,山花红紫树高低。</p><p>始知锁向金笼听,不及林间自在啼。</p><p> O Thrush</p><p> Ouyang Xiu</p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p>O thrush, hundreds upon thousands of </p><p>sweet twitters you utters as you please .</p><p>Red or purple hill flowers, tall or low trees </p><p>you can freely choose.</p><p>Now I get to know that you shouldn 't be </p><p>locked in a gold bird -cage for chirps.</p><p>You 'd better roost in the forest to sing at </p><p>ease.</p><p>注释:①画眉鸟:一种叫得很好听的鸟。</p><p>②啭:指画眉鸟婉转的叫声。随意移:自由自在地在树林里飞来飞去。</p> <p> 生查子. 元夕</p><p> 欧阳修(1007-1072)</p><p> 去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。</p><p> 今年元夜时,月与灯依旧。不见去年人,</p><p>泪满春衫袖。</p><p>注释:元夜:元宵之夜。农历正月十五为元宵节。北宋时从正月十四到十六三天,开宵禁,游灯街花市,通宵歌舞,盛况空前,也是年轻人密约幽会,谈情说爱的好机会。花市:民俗每年春时举行的卖花、赏花的集市。灯如昼:灯火像白天一样。月上:一作″月到″。见:看见。泪湿:一作″泪满″。春衫:年少时穿的衣服,也指代年轻时的自己。</p><p> Tune: Mountain Hawthorn </p><p> --The Lantern Festival Night </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated By Fan Huaiyu </p><p> On the last year 's Lantern Festival night,</p><p>The flower fair was ablaze of light.</p><p> The bright moon climbed over the tip of </p><p>willow trees.</p><p> An appointment to meet my sweetheart </p><p>was made after twilight.</p><p> On this year 's Lantern Festival night,</p><p>The moon and lanterns are the same as </p><p>before.</p><p> But I couldn't meet my sweetheart any </p><p>more.</p><p> My lovesick tears wet my sleeves for my </p><p>broken heart.</p><p><br></p> <p> 望江南</p><p> 欧阳修</p><p> 江南柳,花柳两相柔。花片落时粘酒盏,</p><p>柳条低处拂人头,各自是风流。</p><p> 江南月,如镜复如钩。似镜不侵红粉面,似钩不挂画帘头,长是照离愁。</p><p>注释:花柳两相柔:柳树与花儿同样的温柔美丽。花片落时:花瓣缓缓飘落时。粘酒盏:粘在酒杯上。拂人头:在人们的头顶上扫来扫去。各自是风流:各自是那般美好动人。如镜复如钩:像一面镜子,而又像似一把钩子。似镜不侵红粉面:说它像镜子吧,没有女子对着它涂抹胭脂。似钩不挂画帘头:说它像钩子吧,却挂不了任何画帘。长是照离愁:它只能总是映照着人们分离的痛苦。</p><p> Tune: Dreaming of the South of the </p><p>Yangtze River </p><p> Ouyang Xiu </p><p> Translated by Fan Huaiyu </p><p> The green willow trees in the South of </p><p>the Yangtze River;</p><p> Both willows and flowers are enchanting </p><p>and slender.</p><p> The fallen petals often stick to your cup </p><p>of wine;</p><p> The willow branches hanging low stroke </p><p>lightly your head.</p><p> Each of them has its own respective </p><p>romantic grade.</p><p> The moon in the South of the Yangtze </p><p>River,</p><p> Now like a hook, now like a mirror.</p><p>A mirror in which no beauty faces it </p><p>dressing .</p><p> A hook on which hangs no curtain</p><p>painting .</p><p> It always shines on people 's sorrows </p><p>of parting.</p><p><br></p>