<p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">👉🏽Croc is hungry</b></p> <br>M: Domi, Come to play games!<br>Who wants to be doggies? <br>D: Me! The doggy is so cute.<br>M: So You're doggies, woof, woof. <br>B: We are going to play here. (Run to the rug)<br>M: I'm a Croc (mommy). <br>I'm hungry, growl, growl, growl. <br>I'm hungry, growl, growl, growl. <br>I'm hungry, growl, growl, growl. <br>I want to eat. <br>What should I eat? Oh look, I see lots of doggies. <br>I will eat some doggies, haha. <br>D: Oh look, croc is coming.<br>B: Let's run away (go to the bedroom).<br>M: Croc runs to catch the doggies (the one who is caught will be the croc). <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">👉🏽Who is hungry?</b></p> <p>B: I'm a girl. I'm hungry, I want to eat (Mum give a bowl of food to Domi).</p><p>B: Mm, yummy. I like this food.</p><p>M: I'm a doggy. I'm hungry, I want to eat.</p><p>What's that?It smells good.I want to eat this food.</p><p>B: Come here, doggy.</p><p>I'll give you some food.</p><p>M: Oh,thank you very much! It's delicious.</p><p>D: I'm a Croc. I'm hungry, I want to eat. </p><p>Oh, here's a doggy.</p><p>Croc's hungry, growl. growl. growl. Croc's hargry, growl, growl. (Croc goes to eat the doggy)</p><p>M: Come here croc. Are you hungry? I'll give you this food. Here you are!</p><p>Croc: Oh. Thank you. (So croc won't eat doggy)</p><p>We are full.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">👉🏽Croc is coming</b></p> <p>M: I'm a Croc. I'm hungry, growl, growl, growl.</p><p>I want to eat.</p><p>What should I eat? Wow look, I see some kids. I will eat them, haha.</p><p>Croc's hungry, growl, growl, growl.</p><p>Croc's hungry, growl, growl, growl.</p><p>Croc's hungry, growl, growl, growl.</p><p>"I want to eat."</p><p>When croc says 'I want to eat',everyone needs to squat down to be safe.</p><p>B: Mum, I'm squating down, you can't eat me!</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">👉🏽Let's go back(大运动)</b></p> <div>Domi,let's paly a new game, I'll say the roles</div><div><font color="#39b54a">croc faces the wall. the other people sneak up behind the croc and ask,"Are you hungry?"<br></font></div><div><font color="#39b54a">When croc shouts"growl,growl,growl" he will turn its head back. you should stop in place.</font></div><div><font color="#39b54a">when croc shouts"I'm hungry", he will try to catch you. you should run back to your seat to be safe.</font><br></div>Croc:I'm Croc. I'm hungry, I wangt to eat.<div>Mommy,dady:"Are you hungry?"</div><div>Croc: Growl,growl,growl(turns its head back)<br></div><div>Mommy,dady:"Are you hungry?"<br></div><div>Croc: Growl,growl,growl...</div><div>Mommy,dady:"Are you hungry?"<br></div><div>Croc: I'm hungry!<br></div><div>Mommy,dady:"run!run!"<br></div> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">👉🏽Differences between alligator and crocdile</b></p> <p>儿歌版</p> <p>科教版</p> <p>两个版本哆咪都非常喜欢,真是爱屋及乌,喜欢恐龙,顺带也喜欢鳄鱼,就是因为长得像😬</p> <p>鳄鱼这个大家族的成员在鳄目中,而鳄目下分为三大科:分别为短吻鳄科,由短吻鳄亚科和凯门鳄亚科组成;鳄科和长吻鳄科。</p><p>There are three groups, or families, of crocodilians, the alligatoridaed短吻鳄, consisting of the alligatorine and caimaninae, the crocodylidae鳄科 and the gavialidae长吻鳄科.</p> 我们的两位明星成员短吻鳄和鳄鱼便分别属于短吻鳄科和鳄科这两种不同科属。<br>Our two star members, the alligator and the crocodile, belong to two different families, Alligatoridae and Crocodylidae. <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">1⃣Habitats栖息地</b></p> Alligator less adapted to saltwater (swamps, lakes and river). 短吻鳄不适应盐水(主要生活在如沼泽,湖泊和河流)栖息地;Crocodile better adapted to saltwater.鳄鱼更适应淡水。 <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">2⃣Physical characteristics外型特征</b></p> Alligator: U-shaped head,短吻鳄的头部成U型;<br>Crocodile: V-shaped head.鳄鱼的头部是V型。 <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">3⃣Exposed teeth露在外面的牙齿</b></p> Alligator: only the upper teeth are visible when closed;短吻鳄的嘴合上时,只有上牙露在外面;<br>Crocodile: all teeth are visible when closed.<br>鳄鱼的嘴合上时,所有的牙齿都是露在外面的。 <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">4⃣Skin color肤色</b></p> Alligator: darker color appearance;短吻鳄看起来颜色更深;<br>Crocodile: lighter color appearance.鳄鱼看起来颜色较浅。 <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">5⃣Speed 速度</b></p> Alligator: less faster on land & water; 短吻鳄在陆地和水中的速度相对较慢;<br>Crocodile: faster on land & water.鳄鱼在陆地和水中的速度都更快。 <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">6⃣Aggressive侵略性</b></p> Alligator: less aggressive;短吻鳄主动攻击性较弱;<br>Crocodile: more aggressive.鳄鱼更具主动攻击性,更危险。 Now that we know the difference between alligators and crocodiles, where do the other members of the family live and what do they look like? Let's take a look. <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">7⃣Crocodylia in the world鳄鱼家族分布</b></p> Crocodidae: mainly in Africa, some in Asia, North and South America, and a small amount in Oceania;鳄科主要在非洲, 部分在亚洲和南北美洲,少量在大洋洲;<br>Alligatoridae: only in China and the United States; 短吻鳄科只存在于中国和美国;<br>Gavialidae: in Asian; 长吻鳄科在亚洲。 <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">8⃣️Nile crocodile 尼罗鳄</b></p> Africa's largest reptile, habitat: lakes, rivers, swamps, saline areas.非洲最大的爬行动物,于湖泊、河流、淡水沼泽、盐水区域都可以生存。<br> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">9⃣️Chinese alligator 扬子鳄</b></p> One of the oldest and smallest crocodile species in the world, lives in lakes, ponds and swamps in the lower reaches of the Yangzi River in China.世界上最古老、最小的鳄鱼品质之一,分布在中国长江下游地区的湖泊、水塘和沼泽中。 <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">🔟Indian Gharial 恒河鳄</b></p> Habitat-fresh water, the rapid and good quality rivers such as the Ganges and Indus. 生活于淡水中,喜欢栖息在恒河、印度河等水流湍急、水质良好的河流中。 <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">👉🏽汉语学习</b></p> <p>汉语第一册第5单元公鸡母鸡和小鸡:猜谜语</p> <p>玩嗨了之后的赠送表演:小老鼠上灯台</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">📖阅读时光</b></p>