<p>1.❤️Listening:</p><p>清华幼儿英语0b 情景故事,儿歌</p><p>清华幼儿汉语1</p><p>2.💛Reading:</p><p>今天没有完成,因为要出去玩</p><p>3.💚Video:</p><p>peppa pig</p><p><br></p> <p>👩Today is Saturday. Today is working with my mother. (每次妈妈出门上班都要哭一场,说我也要去上班,后来跟他说了周一到周五是和奶奶上班的,周六周日和爸爸妈妈一起上班的)</p><p>Where do you want to play?It's a nice day, It's cloudy today, suitable for going out.</p><p>👦游乐场?公园?</p><p>👩Do you want to go to a place we haven't been to?</p><p>👦ok!</p><p>👩The beach there is very good.</p><p>👦要带上我的桶子</p><p>👩Yes, bring your buckets, shovels, all your sand tools.</p><p>👦Boots? </p><p>👩Oh, no, The water there is deeper than the water in our pond. We can wear sandals. Do you want anything else?</p><p>👦My police cap.</p><p>👩All right, We're ready to go!</p><p>……</p><p>👩This is our destination. Look out for the big beach.</p><p>👦哇😀</p> <p>👩Well, if we want to play on the beach. we'd better take off our pants,And your sandals. </p><p>👦好的</p><p>👩it's a nice day today.It's less cloud than when we went out, right? But it's also windy so well don't feel too hot. </p><p>👦It's windy.</p><p>👩This is a beach. What's the dynamic of the books we read? An animal usually live in the sea, and then go back to the beach to lay eggs?👦turtle.</p><p>👩excellent!Let's look for the turtle eggs in the sand?</p><p>👦No,This is not the sea. </p><p>👩What a clever boy. It's just a lake, not a sea. </p> <p>👩There are very small fish in the water. Can you use your bucket and shovel to catch fish?</p><p>👦ok. 试了几次鱼游的太快了</p><p>👩We should bring the net next time.</p><p>👦yes. </p><p>👩Can you hop hop hop in the water?</p><p>👦yes.hop... </p><p>👩Can you run in the water?</p><p>👦run... </p><p>👩Can you squat down?</p><p>👦(蹲下)</p><p>👩Can you sit in the water?</p><p>👦yes. </p><p>👩Can you hear the water?</p><p>👦no</p><p>👩(拍水)Can you hear the water now?</p><p>👦yes.</p><p>👩Can you see the water?</p><p>👦yes.</p><p>👩Can you smell the water?</p><p>👦no.</p><p>👩can you touch the water?</p><p>👦yes.</p><p>👩can you taster the water?</p><p>👦no. </p> <p>👩I'm a little frog. I can jump in the water.and I can swimming in the water.</p><p>👦我们也会游泳(然后就变成了踢水比赛)</p> <p>今天因为是临时决定去的地方,装备没有带充分,开始只顾着玩,玩的很开心,回来才发现背上被晒伤了,全是红的,赶紧买回来芦荟胶冰敷😭不过下次再战就走经验了,防晒霜必须走起🤗</p><p>对话因为去的地方妈妈也不熟,现场临时准备的用语,把最近看的海尼曼和游戏再因地制宜复习了一遍,下次要做好充分的物质准备和精神准备😏</p>