

<p><b>Field trip:摘樱桃</b></p><p><br></p><p><b>1.Listeaning:</b>0a 1-12 牙牙学语 1-16单元</p><p><br></p><p><b>2.Reading:</b></p> <p>#佑佑阅读打卡# 2y28d</p><p>6.14新增英文输出:worm、pick cherries、where are you、hold you</p><p>6.15新增中文输出:妈妈这个里面有没有worm、这个是劳斯莱斯吗、妈妈回家睡觉吧、</p> <b>Field trip:摘樱桃</b> <div>准备工作:</div><div>M:Today we are going to the orchard to pick cherries. Do you like cherries?<br></div>J:Yes.<br>M:Oh,you like the cherries.<br>M:Now,We need to put things in the bag before leaving home. After picking, we will have lunch there,so we need to put your bottle,lunch box,bib in the backpack.<br><div>防蚊工作:</div><div>Jason,Do you know mosquitoe?</div><div>It's very itchy when bitten by mosquitoes.</div><div>Since you are wearing shorts, let me spray some mosquito repellent on your legs before we go out. Press on the top nozzle and spray!<br></div><div>Put on mosquito repellent stickers to protect you from being bitten by mosquitoes.</div><div>(如果被蚊子咬了:Is it itchy or painful? </div><div>Do you want me to scratch or rub it?<br>Don’t scratch so hard. You don’t want to scratch yourself and make it bleed.)<b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></div> M:This time we will put the bags in our car.<br>We're ready to go to the orchard. Let's go.<br>J:Bumpity bump……<br>M:Driving in my car, bumpity bump.<br>Driving in my car, bumpity bump.<br>Driving in my car, bumpity bump.<br>Driving in my car, bumpity bump.<br>M: See, bumpity bump.<br><br> M:Look at these cherry trees, they are too short.<br>M: Here is a red basket for you. We'll pick the cherries and put them into it, OK?<br>J: OK.<br>M: Here we go.<br> M: Look, the cherries are behind the leaves. You have to peel the leaves to see the cherries and pick them.<br>we can pick some now, but don't eat too much.<br>We'd better clean them after we pick them.<br>M: The cherries that fell on the ground were all ripe[raɪp] and not very tasty. You mustn't eat the cherries on the ground, it's not healthy. <p>摘到甜樱桃的秘诀</p><p>1.Before picking a lot of cherries, taste one to see if it is ripe. If the cherry on this tree is sweet, then probably the whole tree is sweet. You can pick all the cherries that are ripe on this tree.</p><p>2.You should pick the red ones and the bigger ones. They are sweet, the big and the red cherries that are sweet. Don't pick the orange ones and the small ones, they are very sour.</p><p>3.Choose cherries that have a full, rich color. The deeper the color on a cherry, the more ripe and ready to eat it will be. Cherries that are more orange are usually not ripe enough to pick. The cherries should be either a bright red or a dark red that is almost purple, depending on what kind they are.</p><p><br></p> M: Are these cherries sweet? Is it good?<br>J: Yummy.<br>M: OK, let me hold you.<br>M:Come here,Jason. I've picked some cherries. Please put them in the basket. Thank you Come and see these plants,they are the leaves of corn. <p>4.Jason很有舞台感,在农家乐那吃完饭遇到有个大舞台就开跳了,顺便玩了一下赛跑的游戏</p> <p>杂记:疯玩了两天成功感冒了...😩晚上一直睡不好,打卡都是陪着睡觉一点点码出来的。明天开新单元little squirrel,他一直很爱这首儿歌,希望一切顺利</p>









