<p><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">介绍丝绸</span></p><p>the silkworm is a kind of insect, white, soft. It can spin silk.</p><p>有一种虫子,白白,软软的。它能吐丝。</p><p>The silk can be woven into cloth, called silk.</p><p>丝可以用来织布,叫做丝绸。</p><p>It can be made into clothes, sheets, quilt cover and hats and so on.</p><p>它可以做成衣服,床单,被套和帽子等等。</p><p>Silk is bright, slippery, comfortable and expensive.</p><p>丝绸亮亮的,滑滑的,穿在身上非常舒服,并且价格非常昂贵。</p><p>Now, many of us ordinary people can enjoy it.</p><p>现在,我们很多普通百姓也可以享用。</p><p>The Chinese, about two thousand years ago, had already mastered the art of deriving silk from silkworms.</p><p>大约二千年前,中国人已经掌握了从蚕提取蚕丝的技艺。</p><p>Silk is a valuable fabric that symbolizes wealth and prosperity.</p><p>丝绸是一种有价值的纺织品,是财富和繁荣的象征。</p><p>In earlier times, use of silk was reserved only for kings, monarchs and grandees.</p><p>在早期,丝绸仅供国王,君主和达官显贵们使用。</p> <p><b>4.22</b></p><p>收到蚕宝宝和一盒蚕卵</p><p>baby i have brought some silkworms egg ,they are here.come and see.Eventually these eggs turn into moths.</p><p>do you want to see the progress of they grow up?</p> <p><b>生命周期</b></p><p>the process they grow up from egg to adult moth is moth‘s life circle</p> <p><b>4-27日</b></p><p> these silkworm have hatch out of eggs,Let's help the silkworms move into a new home with the feather</p><p>小盒子的蚕卵 已经孵化出小蚕宝宝了,我们用羽毛给他们换个新家.</p> <p>The silkworm's home it's very dirty. And leaves were wilt. We should clean their home.</p><p>蚕宝宝的家脏了,叶子也枯萎了。我们需要清理它们的家。</p><p>These little black spots are their poop</p><p>这些小黑点点就是他们的粪便</p><p>Removing their frass each day.</p><p>每天都需要清理它们的排泄物,便便。</p><p>we amost cant see the silworms clearly,they are too small to be found.</p><p>so transfer the silkworm on to new leaves with your hands as opposed to (而不是)just letting them crawl over.</p><p>用你的手,把他们转移到新的叶子上,而不是让它们自己爬过去。</p><p>Leaves should be added at least once per day. And ideally 2-3times per day. Once in the morning, once at midday and once before bed.</p><p>叶子每天至少添加一次。最好是一天2~3次。早上一次,中午一次,睡觉前一次。</p> <p>Look ,I place a piece of net over the box and place the leaves on top. The worms will crawl up through the net and onto the new leaves. Then we don't need to transfer each worm over when changing leaves.</p><p>你看,我在盒子上放了一张网,并在上面放了一些叶子。这些蚕会爬过网,爬到这些新叶子上。这样,我们在换叶子的时候就不用转移每一只蚕。</p><p>Wow! look ,the worms really can crawl up through the net and onto the new leaves.They are great!</p><p>哇哦,你看。这些蚕真的会爬过网,爬到这些新叶子上。它们太棒了。</p><p>After 22-35 days of looking after you worms, they will start to eat more mulberry leaves than over.</p><p>经过22到35天的照料之后。这些蚕会比之前吃更多的桑叶。</p><p>Soon after ,the silkworms will be ready to start cocooning.</p><p>不久之后,它们就会准备织茧了。</p><p><br></p> <p>5月2Look at these baby silkworms, I think they Grew up a little longer.</p><p>看这些蚕宝宝,我觉得它们长长了一点。</p> <p>5月14日</p><p>They all look up, and don't move, don't eat mulberry leaves. Do you know what they're doing?</p><p>他们都抬着头,然后不动,也不吃桑叶了。你知道它们在干什么吗?</p> <p>蜕皮</p><p><br></p><p>Maybe they're dormant, will be molting.</p><p>有可能它们在休眠,即将要蜕皮了。</p><p>Oh. Look !The old skin. Can you see the old skin? Here.</p><p>噢,看,旧皮。你能看见旧皮吗?在这里。</p><p>They're really molting.This is the second time they're molting. They will be grow up.</p><p>它们真的在蜕皮。这是它们第2次蜕皮了。它们将会长大。</p><p><br></p><p>Each times it molts,it sheds the old skin and grows a larger one.</p><p>每蜕皮一次,它就会脱落旧皮,长出更大的皮。</p><p>Do you know what the color of their bodies is?</p><p>你知道它们的身体是什么颜色吗?</p><p>The color has become more and more white.</p><p>颜色会越来越白。</p><p><br></p> <p>5月24日</p><p>They ate leaves so fast.They need to eat a lot of leaves now. Have you hear the sound of eating leaves"</p> <p>5月26日</p><p>we have looked after them about 36days, they will start to eat more mulberry leaves than over.</p><p>我们已经照顾他们36天了。这些蚕会比之前吃更多的桑叶。</p><p>the silkworms are getting fat. What do you think?</p><p>看,我觉得蚕宝宝变胖了。你觉得呢?</p><p>????:Yes. It's fat.</p><p>是的。它长胖了。</p><p>Because we take good care of the silkworms. So they are getting fat.</p><p>因为我们把它们照顾得很好,所以它们长胖了。</p><p>Soon after ,the silkworms will be ready to start cocooning.</p><p>不久之后,它们就会结茧</p><p>It means that they will build a small house called a cocoon, around himself in a few days.</p><p>我想过几天之后他们会建一个小小的房子,叫做茧,把自己围绕起来。</p><p><br></p><p>they will sleep inside</p> <p>5月29日</p><p>In the morning, I was surprised to find that the silkworm had begun to spin its cocoon.</p><p>早晨我惊喜的发现,蚕已经开始在织它的蚕茧了。</p><p>Look. The silkworm spins itself in </p><p>a silk cocoon. one silk thread may be nearly a mile long.</p><p>Lucas,看,蚕在蚕茧中自转,一根蚕丝接近一英里长。</p><p>They build their house need to 48 hours to fully complete. It will be a perfectly cocoon.</p><p>他们建造他们的房子需要48小时才能完全完成。那将会是个很完美的蚕茧。</p> <p>6月2日</p><p>some of larvas has cocooned,but some of them get silk and died.</p><p>baby In the process of growing up, you will encounter many difficulties, like these silkworms, do not give up to adhere to the last, you will break the cocoon into a butterfly, fly high</p> <p>6月12日</p><p>养了三十只,一共10只成茧,其它生病死掉了</p><p>昨晚一个一个剪开茧,只有一个成蛹,其它的都死掉了。真是有点灰心。</p><p>没想到今天吃完早饭 娃儿激动的发现这一只成功破茧成蛾</p><p>妈妈 你快来看呀</p><p>哇</p><p> a moth ! dont let it fly away lets find apaper cover the plastic box</p><p>later we go out to fly it away ok?</p><p>baby now canyou remenber the circle life of it!</p><p>egg、 larva 、pupa、 adult moth</p><p>妈妈 他在下崽儿么?</p><p>no it isnt, because there is only one moth in the box ,no one mates with it,no one marrys with it.and i dont know is it a male or a female.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>想象中很美好的放飞画面</p><p>尴尬了</p><p>就是不飞 就是不飞</p><p>最后爸爸出手了</p> <p>我们把她留在了那里,娃儿很不舍,但是娃知道让她找朋友去</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Main Difference – Moth vs Butterfly</b></p><p><br></p><p>baby this moth not butterfly</p><p>do you know their difference?</p><p>now lets learn the differences of them</p><p><br></p><p>Both butterflies and moths belong to insect order Lepidoptera. The presence of scales on wings and a coiled proboscis are unique features of lepidopterans. In general, butterflies are more colorful than moths (often gray or dull). Nevertheless, color is not the best feature to differentiate these two groups since there are exceptions among the species. For example, Polyphemus moth is more colorful than Summer Azure butterfly. The main difference between moth and butterfly is in the shape of their antennae. Butterfly antennae look like clubs at the end, whereas moth antennae are straight. Therefore, the best way to differentiate a moth from a butterfly is by observing their antennae. </p><p>主要区别-飞蛾和蝴蝶</p><p>蝴蝶和飞蛾都属于鳞翅目昆虫目。翅膀上的鳞片和卷曲的喙是鳞翅目特有的特征。一般来说,蝴蝶比蛾子(通常是灰色或暗淡的)色彩更丰富。然而,颜色并不是区分这两种物种的最佳特征,因为物种之间也有例外。例如,波利斐蛾比夏天的天蓝蝴蝶更鲜艳。蛾子和蝴蝶的主要区别在于触角的形状。蝴蝶的触角末端看起来像棒子,而蛾子的触角是直的。因此,区分飞蛾和蝴蝶的最好方法就是观察它们的触须。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Difference Between Moth and Butterfly</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(21, 100, 250);">Antennae</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">Butterflies</span>: Butterflies have antennae that club at the tip.</p><p><span style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128);">Moths</span>: Moths have straight antennae, which sometimes feathery in appearance.</p><p><b style="color: rgb(21, 100, 250);">Active Time</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">Butterflies</span>: Most butterflies are diurnal. (except very few species)</p><p><span style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128);">Moths</span>: Most moths are nocturnal.</p><p><b style="color: rgb(21, 100, 250);">Body Color</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">Butterflies</span>: Most butterflies have colorful wings.</p><p><span style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128);">Moths</span>: Most moths have gray or dull colored wings, which help them to camouflage.</p><p><b style="color: rgb(21, 100, 250);">Wing Position When Resting or Feeding</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">Butterflies</span>: Most butterflies keep their wings upright over their body.</p><p><span style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128);">Moths</span>: Most moths spread their wings flat in a horizontal position.</p><p><b style="color: rgb(21, 100, 250);">Presence of a Frenulum</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">Butterflies</span>: Butterflies do not possess a frenulum.</p><p><span style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128);">Moths</span>: Moths have a frenulum, which is found on the wings linking forewings and hindwings together when flying.</p><p><b style="color: rgb(21, 100, 250);">Body</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">Butterflies</span>: Butterflies have longer, thinner and less shaggy 乱蓬蓬的bodies.</p><p><span style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128);">Moths</span>: Moths have thick bodies.</p><p><br></p><p>图片上的蝴蝶和蛾位置错了 和娃解释一下</p>