

<p>理解性阅读:好奇猴2个,海尼曼科学2本</p><p>独立阅读: 牛五3 牛9 2 牛8 1</p><p>动画:好奇猴,</p><p>中文:第五册第十二单元,四五快读第五册,古诗2首,八仙过海,笨狼</p> <p>Game 1 musical statues</p><p>This is what you do . Dance when the music is playing. And when it stops .freeze like a statue.</p><p>Ready steady Go!</p><p>Just dance already. Ricky is still blinking you are out.</p><p>Adan is moving he is out too. </p><p>So daddy is winner. You 'Ve got a medal. </p> <p>Game 2 pass the parcel.</p><p>British Pass the Parcel</p><p>英式击鼓传花</p><p>Mom: Now, let's play Pass the Parcel from the UK!</p><p>妈妈:现在咱们玩来自英国的击鼓传花吧!</p><p>Pass the Parcel的字面意思是传包裹。</p><p>Between these many layers of wrapping paper is some candy.</p><p>这一层一层包装纸里包的是一些糖果。</p><p>As the music plays</p><p>音乐响起的时候,</p><p>we pass it along</p><p>我们来传递它,</p><p>and when it stops,</p><p>音乐停止的时候,</p><p>a person unwraps a layer</p><p>一个人剥开一层,</p><p>to see if they won something.</p><p>看看能得到什么。</p><p>Child: Oohh! I hope I can get some candy!</p><p>宝宝:哦!希望我能得到点糖果!</p> <p>Chinese Pass the Parcel</p><p>中式击鼓传花</p><p>Mom: We have a similar game in China too.</p><p>妈妈:咱们在中国也有一个类似的游戏。</p><p>The literal translation is "Play the Drum and Pass the Flower",</p><p>直译过来是Play the Drum and Pass the Flower,</p><p>But we can call it "Chinese Pass the Parcel" too.</p><p>但是咱们也可以叫它Chinese Pass the Parcel。</p><p>Child: What's the difference?</p><p>宝宝:区别是什么啊?</p><p>Mom: In our game, there is no big winner in the end.</p><p>妈妈:在咱们的游戏中,最后没有一个最大赢家。</p><p>Instead, whoever gets the flower or any other item we pass should give a little performance,</p><p>而是谁拿到花或者其他我们传的东西,谁就要表演一个小节目,</p><p>like a little dance or song.</p><p>比如跳一支舞或者唱一首歌。</p><p>Child: Got it. Let's play this one.</p><p>宝宝:明白了。那咱们玩这个吧。</p> <p>小猪佩琪里玩法</p><p>It's time for pass the parcel.</p><p>When the music plays pass the parcel round.</p><p>When the music stops.take some paper off You will get a superise </p><p>Ready steady go.</p> <p>Hot Potato 烫手山芋</p><p>Mom: Alright now everybody, let's play Hot Potato!</p><p>妈妈:好了,各位,现在咱们玩烫手山芋吧!</p><p>Let's make a circle.</p><p>咱们围成一个圈。</p><p>Very good. We always need at least 3 people.</p><p>很好。咱们需要至少3个人。</p><p>Child: Should we sit or stand?</p><p>宝宝:咱们是坐着还是站着?</p><p>Mom: Either should work,</p><p>妈妈:都行,</p><p>but whatever you choose,</p><p>不过选择好以后,</p><p>everyone has to do it.</p><p>每个人都要这么做。</p><p>Which do you guys want?</p><p>你们想怎么着?</p><p>Children: Stand!</p><p>宝宝们:站着!</p><p>Mom: Okay, let's stand in our circle.</p><p>妈妈:好的,咱们站成一个圈。</p><p>Good. Now I'm going to hand the ball to Sarah.</p><p>很好。现在我把球传给莎拉。</p><p>We will pretend that it's a hot potato!</p><p>咱们假装这是一个烫手山芋!</p><p>We will toss it around</p><p>我们要把它扔给旁边的人,</p><p>so that it doesn't "burn" us.</p><p>这样它才不会“烫到”自己。</p><p>Now, I will play a song</p><p>现在,我来放一首歌,</p><p>and we will pass it around as the music plays.</p><p>在音乐播放的同时,咱们把它传来传去。</p><p>When the music stops,</p><p>音乐停止时,</p><p>the passing and tossing stops.</p><p>传递就停止。</p><p>Whoever has the potato is out!</p><p>土豆在谁那儿谁就出局了!</p><p>Also, if you drop the potato at any time while the music is playing,</p><p>还有,如果音乐播放中你把土豆掉了,</p><p>you are also out.</p><p>你也会出局。</p><p>The last person to stay in the circle without getting the potato wins!</p><p>最后留在圈内,没有拿到土豆的人就赢了!</p><p>Are we ready?</p><p>准备好了吗?</p><p>Child: Can I pick a song?</p><p>宝宝:我能选个歌吗?</p><p>Mom: Sure.</p><p>妈妈:当然。</p><p>Child: Can we use "Hot Potato" by The Wiggles?</p><p>宝宝:咱们能用The Wiggles的《烫手山芋》吗?</p> <p>Duck, Duck, Goose 鸭子、鸭子、鹅</p><p>1. Hi children, let’s play a new game today. It’s called Duck, Duck, Goose.</p><p>孩子们,今天咱们来玩儿一个新游戏。游戏的名字叫做鸭子、鸭子、鹅。</p><p>2. Everybody, please make a big circle.</p><p>咱们来围成一个大圈。</p><p>3. Okay great. Now please sit down and face inwards.</p><p>好的,现在大家请坐下,面向圈内。</p><p>4. Does anyone want to be “it”, the picker? Nobody wants to be "it"? Okay then, let’s decide by chance. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe…Oh David, you are “it”!</p><p>有人想当“it”么,负责点人的?没有人?好吧,那我们就看运气吧。泥锅泥碗你滚蛋……哦,大卫,就是你了!</p><p>5. David, here are the instructions. You need to walk around outside of the circle. As you walk, please tap each person in turn and call him or her “duck”. You keep going until you find your target. When you walk up to your target, you call him or her "goose". Got it?</p><p>大卫,你要绕着圈外走,按顺序轻轻拍每个人,同时说“鸭子”,直到最后选中一个人,说“鹅”。明白了吗?</p><p>6. Whoever is chosen as the “goose”, he or she must stand immediately and try to tag David. David will have to escape from the “goose” by running around the circle and sit down at the "goose’s" original spot.</p><p>如果你们当中的任何一个人被选中成为“鹅”,你必须马上站起来去追“it”。与此同时,“it”要马上逃跑,并且回到“鹅”原来坐的地方坐下。</p><p>7. If David succeeds, the "goose" becomes "it" in the next round and the game restarts.</p><p>如果大卫成功了,那么“鹅”就会在下一轮变成“it”,然后游戏重新开始。</p><p>8. However, if the "goose" tags David, the "goose" returns to his or her original seat and the game restarts with David as “it” again.</p><p>但是,如果“鹅”抓住了大卫,“鹅”就可以回到原来的位置,游戏继续,大卫还当“it”。</p><p>9. Everyone got it? Brilliant! Now let’s play!</p><p>大家都听明白了吗?太好了!现在我们开始玩儿吧!</p> <p>复习方位词 copycats </p> <p>Talk about water conservation</p><p>Water conservation means trying to save water. We need to save water as it is a resource we get from the earth. The earth is 74% covered in water, but only 3% of it is what we can drink.</p><p>If we use too much we will get less back from the earth when it cycles water through itself. It is our duty to save water</p><p>Check for leaks check taps and pipes in your house to make sure there is no leaks.</p><p>Turn the tap off when you brush your teeth or wash your hands, don’t leave the tap running.</p> <p>复述牛5</p>