万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程2001期125号martin打卡Day36 (2020.6.7)


<p>1.❤️Listening:</p><p>清华幼儿英语0b 情景故事,儿歌</p><p>清华幼儿汉语1</p><p>2.💛Reading:</p><p>如图</p><p>3.💚Video:</p><p>Peppa pig 3集</p> <p>4. ft石燕湖之旅</p><p>今天的行程是去石燕湖,因为是临时决定的,只约到了两个小伙伴,出发也比较晚了,也没有提前备课,只能现场看到什么用什么</p> <p>1.风车</p><p>👩What is that?</p><p>👦风车</p><p>👩How to say in English?</p><p>👦I don't know</p><p>👩windmill</p><p>👦windmill</p><p>👩What color can you see?</p><p>👦Yellow, orange, green, pink, blue.</p><p>👩Great. Do you know how to make it turn?</p><p>👦wind</p><p>👩yes. although we can't see the wind, we can see the wind push the windmill to rotate. Can you hear the wind?</p><p>👦Yes.</p><p>👩Can you smell the wind?</p><p>👦no. </p><p>👩Can you taste the wind?</p><p>👦no.</p><p><br></p> <p>2. 看地图</p><p>👩Let me see the map first. We didn't go to this place to play. We can learn something interesting about this place by looking at the map first. How should we go?</p><p>👦I will go too.</p><p>👩Where are we now?</p><p>👦here</p><p>👩Let me see what's interesting here?We can go to the glass bridge.And Subtropical Forest Park.Playground.We can also take a boat.Let's climb the glass bridge first, shall we?</p><p>👦ok.</p><p>👩Where to climb the glass bridge?</p><p>👦here.</p><p>👩OK, let's go this way.take your scooter.</p><p><br></p> <p>3.走玻璃桥</p><p>这是从下往上看的玻璃桥,还是有点高的,从中午吃饭跟小朋友们说一会儿我们要爬玻璃桥,七七就一直说我有一点害怕,倒是两个姐姐,一直很嗨,期待的样子。问我要怎么上去?</p><p>👩How can we climb the glass bridge?</p><p>👦climb landder.</p><p>👩We can run up there, too.</p><p>👩We can also walk up.</p><p>👩We can also roll up.</p><p>小朋友们被逗的哈哈大笑,真是笑点低</p> <p>上桥前拍的照片,因为是中午,所以没什么人。因为怕走到半路不敢拍照了,所以上桥前先拍一张</p> <p>没想到真的上桥了,小伙子却义无反顾的往前走,压根就忘了害怕这回事。开始是爷爷带着走的,因为奶奶有点害怕,所以后来就爷爷照顾奶奶了。小伙子,牵着妈妈的手过的桥。</p><p>👩Do you know what this bridge is made of?👦玻璃</p><p>👩Do you have anything else made of glass?👦glasses,cup..</p><p>👩excellent!</p><p>👩Look ahead, don't look down.</p><p>👦居然还敢往下看,还告诉妈妈“好高诶”,下面还有水。小伙子不错(*๓´╰╯`๓)♡</p><p><br></p> <p>快要下桥了,让我们来一组自由拍吧,庆祝我们顺利过桥😘</p> <p>回过头再看看刚刚走过的桥</p> <p>4.碰碰车</p><p>👩Do you want to play this?</p><p>👦想。</p><p>👩Do you know what this is?</p><p>👦Bumper car.</p><p>👩OK, Choose a car you like!Let dad pay for it. Do you want dad to drive with you or mom?</p><p>👦mom. </p><p>👩Fasten Safety Belt. This is the accelerator. Press down and you can drive forward. If you want to stop, Just let go. This is the steering wheel. You adjust the direction by turning the motion. </p><p>👦ok. </p><p>👩are you ready? 321 let's go!</p><p>👦……</p><p>👩Is bumper car fun?</p><p>👦yes. </p> <p>5.旋转杯</p><p>👩Want to play with this rotating cup?</p><p>👦yes.</p><p>👩Do you do it by yourself, or do you do it with your mother?</p><p>👦I do it myself.</p><p>👩Fasten Safety Belt.Grab this handrail.Relax. This cup will turn, but don't be afraid.Have fun!</p><p>👦ok!</p><p>👩Now I'll take a picture of you and smile. </p> <p>6. 喊泉</p><p>👩There is a fountain here. He can spray very high. This is a loudspeaker. You can control the fountain by sound. The louder your voice, the longer you shout, the higher the fountain. </p><p>👦我来试试</p><p>👩All right, you take turns. Don't rob. </p><p>爸爸妈妈都能喊到40m,小伙子也能喊到20米,不错👍水喷出来的时候居然还可以看到彩虹,真棒</p><p>👩Look at the rainbow!!</p><p>👦彩虹!</p><p>👩Do you know how many colors a rainbow has?</p><p>👦七种。Blue, red, yellow, green,orange, Purple.</p><p>👩Great. Do you like rainbows?</p><p>👦yes. </p> <p>7. 老鼠抬轿</p><p>在道路边上的雕塑有老鼠抬轿,想起汉语里面的两只瘦狗抬竹篓,正好复习下。真羡慕你们这么两小无猜的生活。👀</p> <p>8.看表演</p><p>👩What is this?</p><p>👦grum.</p><p>👩Do you know how to play?Let's try it with a pat.You see, he'll make a sound and scold.Let's play rhythm with the uncle who is singing on the stage!</p><p>👩If you want to play it yourself, you won't tell the staff about it.</p><p>👦我不敢</p><p>👧我去👁伊伊姐姐自己去跟工作人员说他要表演节目,然后就真的上台唱了一首歌,let it go。非常棒!</p> <p>今天的游玩结束了,大家都很辛苦,但是很开心。因为路线不是特别的熟悉,亚热带森林乐园还没有进去玩,下你以为丛林飞跃的亲子路线可以和小朋友玩,结果发现要一米四以上,有一点点遗憾,下次可以再来。下次还是要早一点点决定,早提前约,做好功课。</p>