<p>初识几种常见恐龙</p><p>霸王龙 Tyrannosaur Rex /T.Rex</p><p>Carnivorous肉食,big body,big head,big mouth,sharp and long teeth good at biting,small fore arms(sharp claws),big hind legs,very fierce.</p><p>棘龙 Spinosaurus</p><p>Carnivorous肉食,bigger than T.Rex,a big sail on the back大背帆、powerful fore claws.</p><p>迅猛龙/伶盗龙 Velociraptor</p><p>Carnivorous肉食,as small as a turkey,swift敏捷迅速,very smart,sharp teeth and sharp claws</p><p>剑龙 Stegosaurus /covered lizard</p><p>Herbivores植食,2 rows of bony plates on the back,4 sharp spikes on the tail,the smallest head so not smart</p><p>钉状龙 Kentrosaurus</p><p>Herbivores植食,7 pairs of bony plates on the back,7 pairs of sharp spikes on the tail,1 pair of sharp spikes on the shoulders</p><p>甲龙 Ankylosaurus</p><p>Herbivorous植食,hundreds of bony discs骨质碟片,rows of sharp spikes,a big bony hammer/mallet骨槌(can wave fast),move slowly.(armor+tail hammer)</p><p>肿头龙 Pachycephalosaurus</p><p>Herbivorous植食,the funny big skull looks swollen肿的,butt撞 with its hard head</p> <ul><li><b>carnivorous animals/meet eating animals/meet-eaters(肉食动物 )</b>like to eat meet.They usually have sharp teeth or beak.(lion,tiger,leopard,woof,fox,crocodile and so on)</li><li><b>herbivorous animals/plant eating animals/plant-eaters(草食动物 )</b>like to eat plants.They usually have flat teeth or beak.(giraffe,horse,donkey,sheep,cow,bunny,panda,elephant ,deer and so on)</li><li><b>omnivorous animals (杂食动物)</b>like to eat meet and plants.They usually have some sharp teeth and some flat teeth.(mouse,pig,squirrel,hedgehog,bird,monkey,human and so on)</li></ul><p><br></p>