1au4万思乐学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1906期157号 Nemo打卡 D80


<p>☑️音频:</p><p>1AU1-U10;汉语第2册;裸听粉猪S225-40;婷婷唱古诗</p><p>☑️视频:</p><p>Peppa Pig S2 38-42; 基础教材视频1AU1-U10</p><p>☑️ 分级阅读</p><p>小宝:理解性阅读 牛津树4+海尼曼中 指读海尼曼易</p><p>复述粉猪S1-20</p><p>大宝:理解性阅读牛津树9+海尼曼难,指读牛津树8+海尼曼难</p><p>复述:粉猪S2-34, 牛6-19</p><p><br></p><p>小宝日常打卡:斑马思维, 洪恩识字</p><p>古诗背诵:一、《小池》,《悯农》,《咏鹅》,《山村咏怀》,《登鹳雀楼》,《静夜思》;二、《春夜喜雨》, 《清明》</p><p>识字:300个</p><p>字母:26个字母已学完👍开始辅音开始音拼读练习</p> <p>1. What is Opposite?</p><p>A person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else.</p> <p>复习Review: Opposites</p><p>Black and White; Day and night; Happy and Sad; Hot and cold; Little and big; New and old.</p> <p>Hungry and full; Asleep and awake; Slow and fast; Heavy and Light; Work and Play; Start and Finish.</p> <p>Game1⃣️:Matching Opposites</p><p>1. Mum: Baby, Let's play a game,.</p><p>Baby: I like game very much.</p><p>Mum: I have many pictures here, can you help me to cut it?</p><p>Baby: Yes!</p><p>Mum: Now try to match it and tell me what it is?</p><p>Baby: Long Pencil and Short Pencil.</p><p>Open and close.</p><p>Mum: Which one is left?</p><p>Baby: This one. This one is right.</p><p>(左右居然分得这么清楚,妈妈赞👍一个)</p><p>Big, Small.</p><p>......What is this?</p><p>Mum: Over, the bird flys over the bridge.</p><p>This bird flys under the bridge.</p><p>Over and under.</p><p>Baby: Ok.</p><p>Stop and go.</p><p>Mum: Good!</p> <p>Act it out: Opposites Show</p><p>1. Mum: Now let's cut some pictures and we are going to play a game.</p><p>Baby: What game?</p><p>Mum: Show the opposites. Your brother will come to play with you together.</p><p>Mum: Firstly, pick one card.</p><p>Then tell me what it is.</p><p>Next show me the opposite of the word.</p><p>Now, Let's start.</p><p>Baby: Ok!</p><p>Mum: What is this?</p><p>Baby: Hot!</p><p>Mum: What is the opposite of Hot, show us?</p><p>Baby: Zzzzzzzz, it's very cold.</p><p>Mum: Good! Please note not to say the word, act it out, show your action to us.</p><p>Baby: Ok!</p><p>Mum: Come to pick another card and tell me the word.</p><p>Baby: Slow.</p><p>Mum: Then show me the opposite of slow?</p><p>Baby: Fast.</p><p>Mum: Don't say it, show us. Look at you brother, he is slow.</p><p>Baby: I'm fast. (Run very fast)</p><p>(这个游戏目的是让孩子把反义词演出来,用来加深对反义词的理解)</p> <p>拓展1⃣️:Big, Bigger, Biggest</p><p>(Prepare Big, Bigger, Biggest Word and Picture Cards, Pocket chart, White board or chart paper, Black marker)</p><p>What you do:</p><p>1. Print Big, Bigger, Biggest Word and Picture Cards, laminate, and cut out.</p><p>2. Ask what does it mean to be the biggest?</p><p>(bigger than all others; the most big). </p><p>3. Show children the picture of the turtle. </p><p>Do you think a turtle is a big animal? Ask why?</p><p>4. Place the word cards on the white board in three columns:</p><p>Big, Bigger, Biggest. </p><p>5. Review the meanings of each word. </p><p>6. Explain that the word "big" indicates only that something is large. </p><p>The word "bigger" means that something is larger than something else, and the word "biggest" means that something is the most big--bigger than any other thing. </p><p>7. Explain to children that they will arrange groups of pictures in the columns according to which thing in each picture is big, bigger, and biggest. </p><p>8. Begin with the pictures of the turtle, the giant squid, and the blue whale.</p><p>Then finish all the pictures.</p><p>Change the sequence and place it in different order. Play the game serveral times.</p> <p>拓展2⃣️:Opposites Truck</p><p>Prepare Antonyms pictures/words and trucks with pictures/words game printouts</p><p>Two-pocket folder; Scissors; Glue stick</p><p>What you do:</p><p>1. Print antonyms pictures/words and trucks with pictures/words game printouts on heavy printing paper, laminate for extra strength, and cut it out.</p><p>2. Glue antonyms pictures/words inside folder. Store trucks with pictures/words in a plastic, re-sealable baggie.</p><p>3. Glue game label on the outside of folder.</p><p>Dialogue:</p><p>Mum: Baby, Let's play truck today!</p><p>Look, the truck stoped in the station, would you like to find the opposite of the picture? Then the truck will carry it away.</p><p>Baby: Yeap! I like truck.</p><p>Mum: Now, the first truck is coming.</p><p>What picture is on this truck?</p><p>Baby: Up!</p><p>Mum: Where is the opposite of up? Can you find its friend?</p><p>Baby: Down!</p><p>Mum: Good! Please stick it on the truck. Then the truck goes away....Zoom, Zoom!</p><p>(卡车的游戏玩了好几天,每天都找我说“Mum, I want to play truck!"😃)</p> <p>📚近义词反义词的拓展,玩起来演出来比较有意思;更外一种就是I Spy,小朋友非常喜欢比赛(“妈妈我找到了,我比你快,你喜欢慢,我喜欢快😁)!</p>









