<p>年龄:4岁</p><p>清华英文:1a unit 1little bee</p><p>清华汉语:滚动听音频</p><p>动画:peppa pig 第一季 11-15集</p><p>分级阅读:海尼曼和牛津树合计12本书</p><p>英文绘本: to the rescue </p><p>中文绘本:小鸡卡梅拉</p><p>音频:0a和0b,1a滚动听,小猪佩奇音频1_10集</p><p>学习状态:对于全新的游戏,小孩在看完视频后都不愿意玩其游戏,我只能随性发挥,按照孩子的想法采取机动式的学习方式,不刻意学习,游戏,按照孩子的想法配合她,将需要学习的知识贯穿其中。老母亲表示很😓</p> <p>play little bee game </p><p>game2</p><p>when baby and i readed the book:in my </p><p>room,then ,we played the game</p><p>at table,baby played the game with </p><p>English。</p><p>m:i like books,i have books in my room,it is your turn</p><p>l:i like toys,i have toys in my room</p><p>m:it is my turn,i like flowers,i have flowers in my room,now,it is your turn</p><p>l:i like bee,i have a bee in my room</p><p>box pen bed bear bunny car </p>