<p><b><u>复述神树一个章节</u></b></p> <p><b><u>复述牛九《Dutch Adventure》</u></b></p> <p><b>《The knight at Dawn》相关quiz</b></p><p><b><span class="ql-cursor"></span></b></p> <p>顺便就翻到百科上,然后就他喜欢的章节自己叨一叨。主要关于武器得部分,以及自己设计的多功能的武器。老母亲跟着是又欣慰又心累。听着听着就走神听不进去了🙄</p> <p>自己画的各种武器和城堡</p> <p><b><u>Echo 回声</u></b></p><p>Sound travels in waves, similar to light. If you shine a light onto a mirror the light bounces off the mirror so that the light shines in a different direction.</p><p>The same is true for sound. Sound waves can reflect off of surfaces, redirecting 改道 the waves creating an echo.</p><p>Echoes are fun.</p><p><b>了解了“回声” Echo这个词的来源。</b></p><p>希腊神话中,Echo是一个山林女神。希腊神话中,有一次宙斯与神女们在山林游玩,宙斯的夫人赫拉非常嫉妒生气,赶来寻找。Echo便缠住赫拉与她不停地说话,让神女们有了逃跑的时间。为此,赫拉惩罚她失去了正常的说话能力,只能重复别人说的最后几个字。(这也就是Echo后来成为“回声”的由来)</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>回声实验</p><p><b>ECHO EXPERIMENT – SOUND ABSORPTION AND REFLECTION</b></p><p>Let’s try to figure things out, I decided to start by understanding echoes better.</p><p><br></p><p><b>What you need</b></p><p>1. Your voice 2. Plastic cup 3. Cotton balls</p><p><b>Step</b> </p><ol><li>Hold the empty plastic cup up to your mouth and start talking into it. You can do this for a while if you want, and pretend you have a microphone.</li><li> Fill the cup up with cotton balls (if you couldn't find any, you can use tissues instead). Now try your microphone trick again.</li><li> Now walk around your house or school and try shouting out "Echo!" in different rooms. Try big rooms, small rooms, empty rooms and full rooms.</li></ol><p><br></p><p><b>What's going on?</b></p><p>Echoes happen when sound bounces off of something and come back to your ear. Different surfaces will allow the sound to bounce more or less--and therefore create stronger or weaker echoes--depending on how solid and hard they are.</p><p>When you spoke into the empty cup, your voice bounced off the plastic and back to you. When you filled the cup up with cotton balls and spoke into it, your voice got absorbed into the cotton balls and didn't bounce back.</p> <p><b><u>实验:Grow crystals</u></b></p><p><br></p><p>People spend a lot of time and money looking for tiny crystals that formed deep underground, such as diamonds, but with a little bit of knowledge, you can grow your own crystals at home.</p><p><br></p><p>Steps:</p><ol><li>Put a few spoons of <b>epsom salt硫酸镁 </b>into a glass. Pour in hot tap water and begin stirring. Keep adding salt and stirring until the salt doesn't mix into the water anymore. </li><li>Some of the salt may turn solid again as the water cools.Pour the saltwater into a clean glass, leaving any dissolved salt behind. Tie some string to a pencil.place the pencil on Top of the glass, letting the string hang down into the water. </li><li>Let them grow .After a day you should see some crystals. The crystals will keep growing for two or three days. Salt particles stick to the string in a tiny crystal arrangement. </li></ol><p><br></p><p><b>Why do the crystals form?</b></p><p>Lots of salt particles will dissolve in the warm water. </p><p>Fewer salt particles will dissolve in the cold water. </p><p>You can dissolve a lot more Epsom salt into warm water than cold water. In other words, the warm water can hold more salt.As the water cools down,Some of the salt turns back into solid crystals on the string.</p> <p><b><u>编程:热闹的池塘</u></b></p><p>必须理清图形的先后顺序,才能解决拼凑动物时的图形叠放问题。</p><p>又给自己➕了石头里蹦出怪兽的场景,好玩的是结果被青蛙撞死了。尸体还飘到水面上,散发着臭气</p> <p><b><u>网课一节</u></b></p> <p><b><u>体操打卡</u></b></p>