
Bertha's Journal

<p>1️⃣Listening</p><p>英文:教材0b♻️+1a播放</p><p>中文:汉语一,巧虎古诗</p><p>2️⃣Reading</p><p>英文:海尼曼C-I混合5本,牛津树1+ 5本</p><p>中文:无</p><p>3️⃣Video</p><p>无</p><p><br></p> <p>4⃣️Field Trip</p><p>M: Rainbow, what transportation can we go for a trip?</p><p>R: I don’t know.</p><p>M: just think about it. You can to go by plane ✈️/ by train 🚞/ by ship 🛳/ by car 🚘.</p><p>R: Oh, yeah, I like to go by plane and by train.</p><p>M: yes when we go out for a long way we can consider by plane or by train. But now we go by car, it's called road trip or self-driving trip.</p><p>R: ok.</p> <p>出门时候天气比较好,润润心情好主动输出:I can see the cloud/ sky/ sunshine/ tree/bridge. 还说sunshine is my little brothers(英文名)</p> <p>食零食时间跟弟弟玩handy dandy,被弟弟猜中了😆被拿了之后也不会反悔🙃</p> <p>我们来到了一个亲子民宿地方,属于生态旅游文化区,这里有很多亲子活动例如做陶土,蜡染,裁缝,磨豆浆,绘画等等),天气好还可以烧烤......可是来到后发现下雨了,马上换对雨靴出来玩水,还有很多小燕子飞来飞去~</p> <p>M:Rainbow,this is a big drum, you can use a wood stick to play, see mummy how to do. bome~ aha, you can try it.</p><p>R: 我来我来~</p><p>M: wow you make it more loudly than mummy. Look at there are some bronzer drums in different size. Maybe with different voice. Let’s try them.</p><p>R: ok.</p><p>M: Daddy will help you hold it up, now you can play it.</p><p>R: haha~ 我觉得很好玩</p> <p>🎨Painting</p><p>Rainbow choose the picture she like and colors on it.</p><p>What colors to paint on hair/ wings/ dress/ magic wand?</p> <p>Pottery clay</p><p>🧰Tools: a piece of clay, a drawing machine, a bucket of water. </p><p>💡How to do: Drop the clay into some water, put it in the center of the casting machine, and control the rotation speed with your feet while manually making it. You can make the shape of the clay you want. It can air dry or bake dry after finished.</p><p>工具:一块陶土,一台拉坯机,一桶清水。 制作步骤:把陶土沾上水,放在拉坯机的中心,一边脚踩控制转速一边手动制作,可以做出自己想要的陶土形状。制作完成后等待自然风干或者烤干。</p><p>🌟这个做陶土很容易失败,一开始娃不是很耐烦,润爸要给足耐心来引导完成,最后是爸爸做了大概形状出来,娃也在帮忙一起完成作品✅ 最后我加了一些竹叶形状在瓶身,我们做了一个茶杯🍵还算是满意的😄</p> <p>Batik</p><p>Batik is an ancient Chinese folk textile printing and dyeing handicraft.</p><p>How to do: first select the pattern to describe the shape, while burning wax to melt wax water, while using a copper pen to fill the pattern with wax water, then put it into the paint pot to soak, and after complete coloring, rinse with water and air dry.</p><p>蜡染是中国古老的民间传统纺织印染手工艺</p><p>制作方法:先选择图案来描绘外形,一边燃烧蜡融化蜡水,一边用铜笔粘蜡水来填充图案,完成后放入颜料罐里面浸泡,等完全上色后用水冲洗并自然风干即可。</p><p>👉tips:粘蜡过程要小心高温烫伤,制作过程也是很考验耐性的,不能太满也不能太快😅,谢谢润爸耐心教娃并最后完成作品👍(可惜第二天我们走的时候竟然忘记带作品了!只能叫民宿负责人寄给我们😢)</p><p><br></p> <p>第二天等天气稍微好点的时候和几个娃一起去沙池区玩:</p><p>Play seesaw/swing/ slide/ sands </p><p>Let’s play the seesaw with your little brother and cousin.<br>🎵🎵<br>Up and down, up and down, up and down.<br>Seesaw, teeter totter tilt. <br>Some goes up, some goes down.<br></p><p><br></p><p>玩荡秋千的时候说:</p><p>👧Mummy I want higher,你要推大力一点。</p><p>👩ok hold on the two side ropes, you are so high now.are you scary?</p><p>👧no</p><p>👩wow, you are so brave.</p><p><br></p> <p>玩完休息的时候还学会泡茶了:</p><p>👩I want to have a cup of tea please.</p><p>👧ok here you are.</p><p>👩Thank you.看我喝了一杯后问</p><p>👧Do you want some tea?</p><p>👩yes please</p><p>👧You're welcome.</p><p>😄😄</p> <p>这里农村多数自给自足,看到有鸡舍,种的蔬果(娃第一次见种植的chili,egglant),还看到一只蜗牛爬在竹竿上,可以近距离观察蜗牛🐌</p> <p>在罗浮山拍照留念,我家弟弟会say hi摆pose了🤣🤣</p> <p>🔚</p><p>这次外出发现润润社交能力越来越好了,虽然还是有点害羞,但表达能力和想象力还是有很大进步😊比如吃个粉条都可以说这是消防员用的hose,筷子垫来玩seesaw,还有吃东西喜欢吃出不同形状就说这个像什么等等😆😆</p><p>自驾游虽然有点累,但带两娃多出外感受不同的风土人情还是很有趣的呢~❤️</p>









