<p>1.Listening:英语0b 1-12 ,</p><p> 中文 婷婷诗教 </p> <p>2.Reading:跟读—海尼曼黄色类别2本+牛津树8本</p> <p>中文书4本,数学练习thinkmath1-1205,20以内的减法,汉字学习580字</p> <p>3.Video:0b turtle and snail ,How sardines been eaten in the sea?</p> <p>4.过六一</p><p>Today is international children's day. their dad and I both need to work,so I asked their grandma take their to the miland to play. </p><p>and when I go back home after day work,I read English story books with them,I play with them,then I tell them what day is taday,and I love them,I wish them happy everyday. </p>