<p>进度:2a unit 2 ring around the roses</p><p>理解性阅读:牛津树8本 day1</p><p>视频:Maisy,2a unit2</p><p>音频:ring around the roses</p><p><br></p> <p>游戏1: 小帅说拿他的帽子(很多个彩色的帽子)做玫瑰花。</p><p>另外拿了一个玫瑰造花放地板上,我们每个人拿一顶帽子,围着玫瑰花转,唱到ashes,ashes时就扔帽子😂。然后各种倒地动作。</p><p>(视频没按好,玩完发现没按on)</p><p><br></p><p>Takeru, today we have a new game. Come and play with me. Look, what’s that? That is roses. Let’s play ring around the roses game . Now let m show you How to play.</p><p>First, we should put the roses on the carpet. Then we walk around the roses. When we sing “ashes, ashes” ,小帅问mommy, what is the ashes?我跟他说撒花瓣的意思。然后小帅立马拿出很多他的校园运动帽.他用英语说,mommy, I have a good idea.可以用我的帽子做花瓣呀。</p><p> </p><p><br></p><p>游戏2: 小帅要玩奥特曼游戏。我跟妹妹当怪兽,围着奥特曼转,唱到ashes,ashes时,奥特曼才可以开始打怪兽,怪兽被奥特曼打的 all fall down. 玩的不亦乐乎。</p> <p>小帅吵着要做一个奥特曼头盔😂</p>