Day158小西妈双语工程1909期No.102 Archie 20200528


<p>Reading</p> <p>Video:1aU2</p><p>peppa pig</p><p>超级飞侠</p><p>squiggling</p> <p>认识左右lefr and right</p><p>重新开始认识小写字母</p><p>认识小写字母a</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>熟悉hide and seek游戏中的句子和方位词“under,behide,beside”</p><p><br></p><p>小猪佩奇hide and seek对话节选</p><p>Now it is Peppa's turn to hide.</p><p>Okay, George, open your eyes!</p><p>George has to find Where Peppa is hiding.</p><p>Oh.</p><p>Peppa isn't hiding under the table.</p><p>George, have you thought of looking upstairs?</p><p>Peppa isn't under the bed.</p><p>What was that strange noise?</p><p>Peppa isn't behind the curtain.</p><p>There is that strange noise again!</p><p>What can it be?</p><p>Whee !</p><p>George has found where Peppa was hiding.</p><p>George found me!</p><p>Close your eyes and start counting.</p><p>George is in the toy basket.</p><p>Oh.</p><p>George is not in the toy basket!</p><p>Where can he be?</p><p>Peppa can not find George anywhere.</p><p>Daddy? I can't find George anywhere.</p><p>Oh, dear, I wonder where he can be.</p><p>Actually, I think there's something about George in this</p><p>newspaper...</p><p>That was a good place to hide!</p><p>George was hiding behind</p><p>Daddy Pig's newspaper all the time!</p>