<p>We will go to the zoo and see the animals.We can see so many animals in the zoo.要去动物园看动物,提前把可能会看到的动物都熟悉一下</p> <p>Mom: Look, we are at the zoo! I am so excited!We get to see the elephants and giraffes.</p> <p>Now we go to see a big lion go roar!</p><p>They are in the lion and tiger enclosure.</p><p>Look, this lion is taking a nap.</p><p>Oh wow, look at that female up there on that bi</p><p>She just yawned and showed off all of her big teeth!</p><p>She is very big and very dangerous.</p><p>What sound does a lion make?</p><p>A lion goes roar.</p> <p>I can see the giraffes!</p><p>They are so tall!</p><p>You can not climb on the fence.Look, there is a sign that says,"Please do not climb on the fence".</p><p> It is dangerous.They are still wild animals,and they could hurt you.</p><p>They live in these enclosures that are specially designed to look like their natural habitats.</p><p>For example, giraffes live in the grasslands in Africa so that is why they are in a grassy field here.</p><p><br></p> <p>在动物园的松树上面发现了一个pine cone,但是并没有看到squrrel,有点小遗憾</p> <p>The monkeys live in the monkey enclosure and have trees to climb and ropes to swing on!</p><p>They are so cute!</p><p>What are they eating? I know they like to eat bananas.</p><p><br></p> <p>Look at their long trunks and big ears! </p><p>Can I feed them?</p><p>No, we can only look at them.They need special food.The zookeepers give them their food.</p><p>Here comes the elephant.Wave to it!</p> <p>It's time to go home now.</p><p>Have you had fun looking at the animals today?</p><p>Do you want to come back next time and see the panda?</p><p><br></p> <p>回家以后对照卡片,把今天看到的动物有重新回忆了一下,找了两本书,读了一下,今天玩的很开心,Jimmy第一次去动物园,也算是他三周岁生日前送他的生日旅行,希望能给他留下一个美好的回忆。</p>