北石墨宝 欧华新移民作家协会、《新移民文学》 图片来自网络 夜雨寄北<br>文/李商隐 唐代<br>译/JOHN 赵宜忠<br><br>君问归期未有期,<br>巴山夜雨涨秋池。<br>何当共剪西窗烛,<br>却话巴山夜雨时。<br><br>A Letter To the North in the Raining Night <br>By Li Shangyin<br>Tr.JOHN Yizhong<br><br>You ask me when I'll come back, I don't know.<br>In Ba hills the fall pool the night rain fills.<br>When at th' west we snuff candle slow,<br>Let's talk about the night rain in Ba hills. 图片来自网络 送杜少府之任蜀州<br>文/王勃 唐<br>译/JOHN 赵宜忠<br><br>城阙辅三秦<br>风烟望五津<br>与君离别意<br>同是宦游人<br>海内存知己<br>天涯若比邻<br>无为在歧路<br>儿女共沾巾<br><br><br>Adieu to Prefect Du for His Post in Sichuan<br>By WANG Bo (Tang Dynasty)<br>Tr. JOHN ZHAO Yizhong<br><br>The Capital is guarded by three Qin <br>In sight are five docks in th'windy mist thin<br>I fare thee well here now my mood is down<br>We are both officials far from home town.<br><br>If there's a bosom friend within seas four,<br>At the sky's end he seems to live next door.<br>So we are both at the crossroad today<br>Do not shed tears as children any more! 图片来自网络 短歌行<br>文/曹操 汉<br>译/JOHN 赵宜忠<br><br>A Short-Song Ballad<br>By Cao Cao (Han Dynasty)<br>Tr. JOHN ZHAO Yizhong<br><br>对酒当歌,人生几何!<br>譬如朝露,去日苦多。<br>慨当以慷,忧思难忘。<br>何以解忧?唯有杜康。<br><br>Before the wine I sing a song,<br>None knows his life is short or long.<br>The life is like the morning dew,<br>In past days the woes are a few.<br>The bounty my heart does beget,<br>But the grief I cannot forget.<br>What can dispel these woes of mine?<br>That is nothing but Du Kang Wine.<br><br>青青子衿,悠悠我心。<br>但为君故,沉吟至今。<br>呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹。<br>我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。<br><br>O, the talents in the blue gown!<br>I seek for you from up to down. <br>It is but because of your cause; <br>I'm chanting for you without pause.<br>In the sunshine th' herd of deers bleat,<br>And mugworts in the field they eat.<br>My honored guests to come I salute,<br>And I strike the harp! Play the flute!<br><br>明明如月,何时可掇?<br>忧从中来,不可断绝。<br>越陌度阡,枉用相存。<br>契阔谈讌,心念旧恩。<br><br>O,You are just like the bright moon!<br>When can I obtain you so soon?<br>My worried thought comes from my heart,<br>And won't stop from my mind apart.<br>My friends hike here from far away,<br>And some drive carts to me today.<br>Long parting we talk freely more,<br>And recall the friendship of yore.<br><br>月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。<br>绕树三匝,何枝可依。<br>山不厌高,海不厌深。<br>周公吐哺,天下归心。<br><br>Sparse stars, bright moon are in the sky;<br>Some crows and magpies southward fly.<br>They fly three turns round trees no rest,<br>Seeking on which boughs they can nest. <br>Mountains don't hate the high and steep, <br>The vast sea does not hate the deep.<br>Kind to men like Duke Zhou I'd be,<br>And let heroes submit to me. 照片作者本人授权 赵宜忠,1966年毕业于齐齐哈尔大学英文专业,后又就读黑龙江大学和北京二外英文系。曾任河北省邯郸市人民政府外办副主任,市译协副主席,省译协理事,市旅游局总经理,一直从事翻译工作。曾任美国L&A水处理公司驻大庆化肥厂总代表的首席翻译,也曾出任部委级领导,省市领导的翻译多次出访美国,加拿大,日本,苏联,瑞士,德国等欧洲国家,现居捷克首都布拉格。喜欢翻译古诗词,曾译古诗词近千首,多首莎翁等诗篇,韵译毛泽东诗百首,韵译古诗词150首,已经在美国出版,多篇现代诗歌,如阿紫的《翻阅阳光》《锦绣》闰龙的《我是雪花》,叶舟的《祖国在上》,玉扣子出版的《我住在鼹鼠的故乡》的英文翻译等。 图片来自网络 <h1><font color="#167efb"><b>《欧华新移民文学》简介:</b></font><br><br>《欧华新移民文学》是欧华新移民作家协会旗下的一个文学专栏,已得到荷兰《联合时报》陈光平社长的鼎力支持,并在《联合时报》专刊栏目中与读者见面了。荷兰《联合时报》是一家综合性大报纸,内容丰富,具有一定的思想性、艺术性和可读性。陈光平社长是荷兰侨领、企业家、文化人、办报人,有着很多年的办报经验。同时,陈光平先生还是欧华新移民作家协会文学顾问及《欧华新移民文学》的协办人。<br><br>《欧华新移民文学》旨在与欧洲华人文学人一起,以和为贵,与人为善,以博爱为胸襟,团结欧洲乃至世界各国的优秀作家、诗人、文学评论人及爱好中华文化的人士一道,进行文学交流、交谊的活动;厉行互爱互学互助,崇尚绿色文学,尊重原创,竭尽全力弘扬中华传统文化,努力承担起双向文学/文化交流使者的角色。这是一个大型综合性文学月刊,以不断推出欧洲华人文学新移民的佳作为主要选稿,本着既注重海外华人写作环境的特殊性、多元文化下的思想性和跨民族、跨肤色、跨文化的艺术性,同时也非常注重可读性。<br><br>投稿要求:着重推选展示欧洲特色、欧洲趣闻趣事、内容坚实、风格多样的短篇小说、散文、纪实、随笔、报告文学等优秀作品。欧华新移民作协会员和新移民文学群群员的优秀稿件、热点题材等作品优先刊登。<br><br>投稿方式:ozymzjxh@gmail.com mona0031@126.com<br>联系人:梦娜(李民鸣)微信:mona0031<br></h1> 图片来自网络 出品:欧华新移民作家作协、《新移民文学》美篇<br><br>会长:梦娜(李民鸣)荷兰<br><br>版权信息:本帖发布征稿启事。版权归欧华原作者所有。如未经授权用作他处,作者将保留追究侵权者法律责任的权利。<br>