planting oyster mushroom(平菇)<br>【淘宝买了一包菌菇,冰箱里放了两天了,今儿得拿出来了】] <div style="text-align: center;">水培种植法</div><b>第一步</b><br>放进冰箱冷藏室12h<br>或放进冷冻室3-5h<br>(建议放进冷藏室10-12h)<br><b>第二步</b><br>将菌包包装拆开放置在容器内,倒入适量的水,用湿毛巾盖在菌包上<br><b>第三步</b><br>日常保持容器内有高1cm的水量,毛巾需一直保持湿润静待菌菇生长<br><br>①种植环境:需放置在阴暗、潮湿、避风处;<br>②种植气温:15-28℃,建议气温高的地区可在放置区放冰袋;)<br>③种植湿度:需在85%以上<br>④种植器具:桶、盆、盒等容器均可;<br>⑤种植方式:将菌包放置在容器中,用湿毛巾放在菌包上遮挡,毛巾需一直保持湿润,毛巾和菌包尽量保持一定距离,以利于菌菇生长。<div><br></div> M: Eason,come to mommy. I have another suprise for you. Mommy brought a mushroom growing package.We can plant oyster mushroom.<br>到妈妈这里来。我有另一个惊喜给你。妈妈带来了一个蘑菇种植包。我们可以种平菇。<br>M: Let's take it out from the fridge. Mommy received several days before. And it was supposed to be cooled off in the fridge. Now we can take it out.<br>我们把它从冰箱里拿出来吧。妈妈几天前就收到了。它应该在冰箱里冷却。现在我们可以把它拿出来。<br>M: First, we need a container to hold the package. Second, we pour some water in the container. Plants need water to grow. Third, we need to put a towel on the top to keep the package wet. Towels need to be kept moist at all times. Weather in Beijing is dry, so to keep it moist means you need to spray water on it often. You can use our sprinkling bottle to do this.<br>首先,我们需要一个容器来装包裹。第二,我们倒一些水在容器里。植物生长需要水。第三,我们需要在上面放一条毛巾来保持包裹湿润。毛巾应该是湿的。北京的天气很干燥,所以要保持湿润就需要经常浇水。你可以用我们的喷壶来做这件事。<br>M: Unlike plants, mushrooms do not use sunlight to make energy for themselves. We'd better keep it cool and moist.<br>和植物不同,蘑菇不利用阳光为自己制造能量。我们最好让它保持凉爽和潮湿。<br>M: In the end, all we have to do is wait. It will take a few days for the oyster mushrooms to grow.<br>最后,我们所要做的就是等待。平菇要过几天才能长出来。 <br><div><br></div> 切水果和蔬菜的形状拓展 Babyall 《Funny face food》<br>red cabbage 紫甘蓝<br>marrow 西葫芦<br>daikon 白萝卜<br>cucumber 黄瓜<br>Chop the vegetable into pieces. <div>学习音素第22天</div>今天直接换到字母竟然适应良好,先前观察几天之后发现Eason挺喜欢小老师里面那个换字母的部分,我们就学了一下。晚上看小老师的字母T也是,Eason问Where is letter C. 用跟字母做朋友的心态比较好