<p>春天的FT内容真的很多,有一些东西还是没有时间全部多做起齐,所以参考了其他妈妈之前做的一些内容整合到一起,先备着,等到真正做的时候再结合实际情况补充或删减。本着滚动复习螺旋上升的原则每年都做一遍。</p><p>1、植物生命周期</p><p>2、卵生动物的生命周期</p><p>3、青蛙的生命周期</p><p>4、野餐搭帐篷</p><p>5、放风筝</p><p>6、赏花</p><p>加入双语工程第一季,听了姜老师的课才知道原来春天要做的事情有这么多,北方的春天比较短,除了花草树木的一些变化,对于小动物城市里的小朋友接触的就比较少了。虽然非常想给孩子一个有乐趣有回忆的童年,但是心里对于养蚕、孵蛋还是非常的纠结。所以还是先从简单的做起吧,先把能做的先做好。</p><p>关于花的单词</p><p>Jasmine/ ˈdʒæsmɪn / 茉莉花, </p><p>orchid/ ˈɔːkɪd / 兰花, </p><p>pomegranate / ˈpɒmɪˌɡrænɪt / 石榴花,</p><p>purple jasmine紫茉莉,</p><p>yellow orchid 黄角兰,</p><p>jonquil / ˈdʒɒŋkwɪl /长寿花,</p><p>wintersweet 腊梅,</p><p>cabbage seedlings小白菜幼苗...</p> <p>All about seeds</p><p>1.Everything on earth has a life cycle. Life begins, it grows,it reproduces, it dies. But what is a plants life cycle?Plants start their lives as tiny seeds.</p><p>2.Seeds can be as tiny as a grain or as big as a fingernail.Some are round while others are flat or tear-shaped.</p><p>3.Inside is an embryo, which is a tiny plant and the endosperm, which are small leaves which supply it with food from the food store. The outside of the seed has a seed coat which protects the plant</p><p>4.Some plants, like ferns, dont produce seeds. They make spores. They drop off the plant and eventually make new plants.Animals often eat seeds as do we.</p><p>5.Some seeds are carried to new places by the wind.</p><p>6.Seeds cannot grow underneath other plants and need a clear space to grow where sunlight can reach them easily.</p><p><br></p><p>FT 1</p><p>Sow the seeds</p><p>播种</p><p>1.We got some cabbage seeds,tomato seed and strawberry seeds on line in advance.</p><p>2.We need some flower pots,seeds,dirt,compost and tools.</p><p>3.Put the dirt in the pots .Mix some compost evenly.</p><p>4.Dig some holes with the spade.</p><p>5.Put some seeds in the holes and cover them with dirt.</p><p>6.Spray some water on the dirt.</p><p>7.Paste some labels on the pots.</p><p>8.Lay the pots in a place that sunshine can arrive.</p><p>9.Water once or twice a day to keep the dirt moist.</p><p>10.New sprouts发芽 come up.</p><p>11.Now they are seedlings幼苗.</p><p>12.Then they will grow into mature vegetables and we can enjoy the fresh vegetables.</p><p>Life cycle of a tree</p><p>树的生命周期</p><p>1.The process from a seed to fruit contains seed,germination萌芽(sprouting seed发芽的种子sprout芽),seedling/sapling幼树,small tree,mature成熟的 tree with flowers,mature tree with fruits and fruit with seed.</p><p>2.First,we plant/grow/sow a seed in the soil/dirt.Or fruits with seeds fall dowm on the ground.</p><p>3.Then,the seed draws sunlight,water and nutrients营养素(compost and minerals )and sprout comes up/burst open发芽.</p><p>4.Roots grow underground/push down.Roots of a plant are present under the ground.The roots give support to the plant.</p><p>5.Stem of a plant is present above the ground.It gives support to the plant,too.It also bears branches,leaves,flowers and fruits.It carries food and water to all parts of the plant.Stem is known as the back-bone of the plant.</p><p>6.Leaf prepares food for the plant.</p><p>7.The sprout grows into a sapling幼树.It is getting bigger and taller.Now it is a small tree.</p><p>8.Next,many buds花苞 on the mature tree come/open up.Flowers blossom/bloom/open开放 successively先后地.Some flowers are very beautiful and fragrant.Most of the plants bear flowers.Flowers are the most beautiful part of the plant.They have different shapes,sizes and colors.Some flowers smell good .Some of the good smelling flowers are rose,jasmine,lotus,sunflowers,apple flower,etc.9.They may change into fruit.Little bees come to sip nectar and get pollen from flower to flower.They pollenate授粉 the flowers and the flowers will bear fruits结果实.Fruits are juicy and tasty.What fruit do you like best?Watermelon/Strawberry/cheery/apple/orange,mango,peach......Fruits are very useful for us.They protect us from various diseases.We should eat plenty of fruits daily.</p><p>10.Last,seeds are in the fruits.Some of the fruits which contain seeds are mango,apple,orange,watermelon,papaya,etc.Seeds have different shapes and sizes.Plants grow from seeds.A baby plant is hidden inside a seed.Seeds also contain food for the baby plant.If we want have a new tree,we can plant the seeds in the dirt/soil.</p><p>Process of Photosynthesis</p><p>光合作用</p><p>1.The plant draws up/absorb water and nutrients(plant food/compost肥料 and minerals矿物质 )through its roots.</p><p>2.The leaves trap energy from sunlight.</p><p><br></p><p>3.The leaves take in Carbon Dioxide/CO2二氧化碳 from the air.</p><p>4.The plants use the energy of sunlight to turn water and Carbon Dioxide二氧化碳 into glucose葡萄糖/sugars and oxygen.They take Carbon Dioxide二氧化碳 from the air and release oxygen back into the environment.Plants need glucose to grow.We humans and other animals need oxygen to breathe and glucose to eat.</p><p><br></p><p> 5.Plants is the term used for one of the two lmain groups that everything falls into, the other group is animals. They are distinguished by the fact that plants can t move,whereas animals can.There are around 300,000-315, 000 types of plants in the world, most of them are seed plants.Some types of plants we know are, trees shrubs, grass, vines,ferns and mosses.Green plants are very important to the environment.They are the only known thing in the world to change harmful carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen by the process of photosynthesis.The plants can clean our air and are good for our environment.</p><p>6.We can also use some plants to produce paper,furniture and so on. We should protect plants.</p><p>7.Every year,March 12 is the tree planting day in China.</p><p><br></p><p>Parts of a tree</p><p>1.A tree has roots,truck,branches and leaves.</p><p>2.The branches and leaves form组成 a crown树冠.</p><p>3.The tree skin is called bark.</p><p>4.The roots grow underground/in the soil/in the dirt.</p> <p>Flowers and pollination授粉</p><p>部分内容摘自小西妈公号</p><p>1.A flower/blossom includes stem/stalk柄,sepals花萼/calyx/ˈkeɪlɪks, ˈkælɪks/花萼,receptacle花托,petals花瓣,stamens雄蕊(male,daddy,can produce yellow powder,pollen) and pistils雌蕊(female,mummy,can produce nectar).</p><p>2.A bud花蕾 comes up.Sepals花萼 form a cup to protect the flower.The bud begins to blossom.The sepals open ,too.</p><p>Pistils雌蕊 are in the center of the flower/blossom and stamens雄蕊 are around the pistils sticking out in the circle.Pollen花粉 falls on pistils雌蕊 and the pistils are fertilized受精/pollenated.The process is called fertilization受精/pollination授粉.</p><p>3.Who can help carry pollen to pistils?Bees,butterflies,wind ,etc.The beautiful petals or sweet nectar attracts bees.Bees fly from flower to flower to get pollen and sip nectar for preparing honey.The pollen sticks on bees and is carried to pistils.The pistils are fertilized受精/pollenated and will grow into seeds.And the ovary /ˈəʊvərɪ/子房 even receptacle花托 together will grow into fruits with seeds in it.</p><p>4.If the flower is not fertilized受精/pollenated,the receptacle will wither凋谢.</p><p>5.Summary概述:After the flower is fertilized/pollenated, the ovule /ˈɒvjuːl/胚珠 develops into seed, the ovary /ˈəʊvərɪ/子房 wall develops into pericarp /ˈpɛrɪˌkɑːp/ 果皮 and the pericarp encloses the seed to form fruit. Fruit developed from ovary is called true fruit, such as peach, cherry blossom, etc. In addition to the ovary, there are also receptacle花托, sepal /ˈsɛpəl/ 萼片/calyx/ˈkeɪlɪks, ˈkælɪks/花萼 and even the whole inflorescence that are involved in the formation of fruit, which is called false fruit, such as apple, Begonia verticillata, etc.花受精/授粉后,胚珠发育成种子,子房壁发育成果皮,果皮包裹着种子就形成了果实。单纯由子房发育成的果实称为真果,如桃、樱花等。除子房外还有花托、花萼甚至整个花序都参与形成果实的称为假果,如苹果、垂丝海棠等。</p> <p>FT 1+ </p><p>Mushroom cultivation 培育蘑菇 </p><p>摘自公号Rany's Garden</p><p>Preparation </p><p>1.Mushroom is a delicious and nutritious vegetable.</p><p>2.The most common mushrooms are oyster mushroom平菇,white mushroom白玉菇,b utton mushroom双孢菇,needle mushroom金针菇,etc.</p><p>3.What kind of mushroom do you like best?Let’s get some mushroom bags菌菇包 on line.We would better pick some mushrooms that are easy to cultivate/plant from our favourite mushrooms. </p><p>Cultivation conditions of mushroom蘑菇的培育条件 </p><p>1.Mushrooms grow well in dark,damp/moist environment. </p><p>2.Mushrooms need ventilation空气流通 to grow quickly , or carbon dioxide build-up逐步增长 will prevent fruiting.And they can’t grow under direct sunlight. </p><p>3.So the light level and moisture/humidity湿度 level are very important .We should check once or twice a day.</p><p>4.Mushrooms start as tiny "pins," then grow rapidly over the next few days if conditions are right. </p><p>5.How to cultivate培育 mushrooms? </p><p>Oyster(平菇不需要土培) </p><p>1.The substrate /ˈsʌbstreɪt/ 基质 with mycelium /maɪˈsiːlɪəm/ 菌丝is inside the mushroom bag菌菇包.</p><p>2.Open the outer package of the mushroom bag. Open the lid. Remove the small circle. The bag mouth袋口 is all open. Cut off the extra bag mouth(Leave 2-3 centimeters公分). Lay the mushroom bag in dark,damp/moist environment.</p><p>3.Cover the bag with a wet towel(The bag mouth only needs to be covered in half to ventilate/ˈvɛntɪˌleɪt/ the area with a light cross breeze微风.).Because the fungus真菌 needs fresh air to clear out carbon dioxide, which prevents fruiting or leads to small mushrooms. 这种真菌需要新鲜空气来清除二氧化碳,而二氧化碳会阻碍它结出果实或产生小蘑菇. </p><p>4.Tips: When the towel is a little dry,spray some water on it to keep it moist.(基本上保持毛巾湿润就可以了,不用浇其它地方)Do not spray water directly on the mushroom surface before mushroom comes up没有出菇之前不要喷水在菌菇表面.We can lightly spray the inner walls of the mushroom bag.</p><p>5.Then the white, feathery /ˈfɛðərɪ/ 软而轻的 "roots" called mycelium is spreading throughout the substrate.</p><p>Now the mycelium has formed a thick mat inside the bag, it is ready to fruit (produce mushrooms).</p><p>6.The mycelium is growing into a mushroom. When mushrooms come up,We can lightly spray on /mist the mushroom surface.Just a little water drop.Mushrooms will rot if we spray too much water. </p><p>How to pick up mushrooms?如何摘取蘑菇? </p><p>1.Once they have reached full size(about 7-10 centimeters公分), press down on the substrate with one hand, then use the other hand to twist the stalk/stem off at the base连根摘取.You may eat them immediately or put them in fridge or dry them for later use. </p><p>2.If you're not sure what a fully developed oyster mushroom looks like, wait until the edges of the first mushroom go wavy卷曲的. This is slightly past optimal /ˈɒptɪməl/ 最佳的harvesting point, but still edible. Pick the other mushrooms just before they reach the size of the first. </p><p>3.Tiny, aborted/əˈbɔːt/ 流产的 mushrooms are common in some strains在某些菌株中,微小的流产蘑菇很常见. Get rid of them清除它们 together when you pick up other normal mushrooms. </p><p>4.Cover a wet towel on the mushroom bag.Continue harvesting mushrooms. Most spawn is good for at least two fruitings, and some will continue growing for three or four months. Keep the substrate lightly moist and continue picking mushrooms until they stop appearing.</p> <p>FT 2</p><p>Life cycle of a duck</p><p>鸭子的生命周期</p><p>Mother duck lays eggs and then sits on the eggs to incubate孵化.</p><p>3 weeks later,crack,crack,crack,ducklings hanch from the eggs.(A baby duck is calked duckling.)</p><p>Mother duck will take care of little ducklings.</p><p>6 weeks later,the duckling will grow up to be a duck.</p> <p>FT 3</p><p>The lifecycle of a frog</p><p>青蛙的生命周期</p><p>结合海尼曼《How frogs grow》</p><p>A frog egg</p><p>A baby tadpole(a big head 、a long tail、black body)</p><p>A tadpole with 2 hind legs后腿(the tail is getting shorter)</p><p>A tadpole with 4 legs (the tail is getting shorter)</p><p>A little green frog.</p><p>Adult(the tail disappeared)</p><p>The process of the transformation is called metamorphosis.变态反应</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>All about frogs</p><p>关于青蛙</p><p>I am a tiny frog egg hiding under the lily pad in the pond.</p><p>Pop!I come out of the egg.I am a cute baby tadpole with a long tail and big head.I'm black.</p><p>I swim around to look for my mummy.Where is my mummy?Do you know?</p><p>I grow 2 hind legs后腿 and my tail is getting shorter .</p><p>I grow 2 forelegs前腿.I have 4 legs in total now. My tail is getting shorter.</p><p>Now I am a little green frog.I say “croak,croak”</p><p>My tail disappeared.I'm an adult frog now.The process过程 of the transformation转变is called metamorphosis变态反应.I have 2 big eyes on the top of my head,a wide mouth,4 legs ,white tummy and green clothes.I am good at swimming and jumping.I don't have teeth.So I will not get cavities蛀牙.I like to catch bad bugs with my long tongue舌头.</p><p>The pond is a home for me.Now I am a mummy frog.I lay eggs in the water.Then I will miss my babies and look for my babies.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>A Traditional Story </p><p>Baby tadpoles look for their mother.</p><p>小蝌蚪找妈妈</p><p><br></p><p>A group of tadpoles swam around the pond happily.They had big heads,black bodies and long tails.</p><p>They swam and swam.A few days later,each tadpole grew 2 hind legs后腿.</p><p>They saw mother carp鲤鱼 teach baby carp how to get food.</p><p>They asked mother carp:“Ant carp,where is our mother?”</p><p>“Your mother has 4 legs and 1 wide mouth.You can look for your mother over there,”mother carp said.</p><p>They swam and swam.A few days later,each tadpole grew 2 forelegs前腿.</p><p>They saw a turtle swim with 4 legs in the water.They rushed up and called:“Mother,mother!”</p><p>“I'm not your mother.Your mother has 2 big eyes on top of her head and she is dressed in green.You can look for your mother over there,”the turtle smiled and said.</p><p>They swam and swam.A few days later,their tails were getting shorter and shorter.</p><p>They swam to the lily pad and saw a big frog squat on the lily pad with a white tummy and 2 big eyes and green clothes.</p><p>Baby tadpoles swam over and called:“Mother,mother!”</p><p>Mother frog looked down and smiled:“Good children,you are all grown-up frogs.Jump on!”</p><p>They kicked back,jumped foreword and jumped on the lily pads.</p><p>I don't know when their tails have disappeared.The process of the transformation is called metamorphosis.变态反应They follow their mother to catch big bugs everyday.</p><p>“Mm,ah!”went the little green frog one day.</p><p>“Mm,ah!”went the little green frog.</p><p>“Mm,ah!”went the little green frog one day.</p><p>And the little green frog went,“Mm,ah,mm,ah,mm,ah ah!”</p> <p>FT 4</p><p>A list of camping and picnic</p><p>露营和野餐清单摘自公号Rany' s Garden</p><p>We will go camping and have a picnic in the Tieshanping Park.Let's prepare according the list.</p><p>Camping goods:a tent,a hammock吊床,a blanket,2 thermoses保温杯,a big bottle of water(for washing hands),a blanket,napkins,wipes,garbage bags,a fruit knife,back scarf孩子的隔背巾,portable battery充电宝 ,a sun hat,sunscreen防晒霜 and a sun umbrella.</p><p>Picnic:a preservation bag保温包,porridge稀饭, stewed chicken claws(卤鸡爪,没有很合适的翻译,简单这样称呼吧),cakes,nuts,candies(lollipops,jelly beans and chocolates),haw flakes山楂片,haw pieces果丹皮,fruits(blue berries蓝莓,grapes,peaches and pears),milk,a bowl,some spoons.</p><p>Learning and playing:a ball,a kite,a telescope望远镜,a magnifying glass放大镜🔍,a drawing图纸,a jar,a net,some books,cards,a guitar,and listeneer倾听者M2.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>In the tent</p><p>We get up early and set off early for our camping and picnic.</p><p>The sun is shining brightly.Good weather,good mood.好天气好心情.The sun can burn us,so put sunscreen防晒霜 on our skin that it can protect us from the sunshine.We also need to put on sun hats or take a sun umbrella.</p><p>We choose a flat lawn草坪 under some trees for our tent.Check to see if there are some tiny stones and sharp sticks and so on.Throw them away. We set up our tent here.The tent is done.</p><p>We have a picnic in the tent.Yummy!Yummy!</p><p>We play cards in the tent.</p><p>We read books in the tent.</p><p>We play games in the tent.</p><p>We play guitar in the tent.</p><p>We have a rest in the tent.</p><p>We take a nap in the tent.</p><p>It's cool and dry in the tent.</p><p>It's lots of fun in the tent.</p><p>Do you want to go camping next time?</p><p>Yes!Yes!</p> <p>FT 5</p><p>Flying a kite</p><p>部分内容摘自公号“忆乐时光”</p><p>Different types/kinds of kites</p><p>Oltraman kite奥特曼风筝,dog kite,fish kite,dragon kite,etc.</p><p>How to make a kite?</p><p>1.Join the sticks together.</p><p>2.Glue the paper on the sticks.</p><p>3.Paint and decorate.</p><p>4.Tie the string/line to the sticks.</p><p>Where can we fly a kite?</p><p>Find a large and open area.</p><p>More room,more fun.</p><p>Where can't we fly a kite?</p><p>1.Don't fly your kite near the wires.Because electricity goes through the wires.If your kite gets tangled with the wires,you may get shocked/an electric shock触电.It's dangerous.</p><p>2.Don't fly your kite near trees.Your kite may get stuck/caught in a tree.</p><p>Keep off the grass.No littering.We should take care of the environment.</p><p>When can we fly a kite?</p><p>1.The good weather for flying a kite is a bright ,sunny day.The wind blows gently in spring.It's not raining.</p><p>2.The kite won't fly if there isn't any wind,no matter how fast you run.</p><p>3.We just need to wait,until the wind picks up a bit.Look,it's getting windy.Now that it's windy,the kite can fly.The wind is quite strong now.The wind is very strong now.</p><p>How to fly a kite?</p><p>Are you a bit of an expert at these things?</p><p>When the wind blows,lift the kite and push it up into the air.Pull the kite line/hold the ball of string and run as fast as you can with the wind.Once the wind speed reaches a certain point,the kite will soar翱翔 upright.From then on,you don't need to run any more.Just stand/sit there to let the string out slowly/release the string slowly/tug the string towards yourself repetitively重复地.When the kite falls,pull the string or run.From beginning to end,don't let the spool 线轴🧵 out of control.</p><p>How to take your kite back from the sky?</p><p>Pull the string to lower the kite and wind缠绕 the string around the spool线轴🧵 slowly.</p><p>How to do when your kite is in trouble?</p><p>1.If your kite gets tangled with the wires,leave it there.You might get shocked/an electricity shock 触电.Safety comes first.</p><p>2.If your kite gets stuck/caught in a tree,ask your parents to rescue/get/save it down.</p><p>Other things to do</p><p>1.Admiring spring flowers.</p><p>2.Going hiking.</p><p>3.Camping and picnic.</p><p>4.Picking up strawberries,etc.</p>