<p>🌸Video:复习2A1-3</p><p>🌸Audio:2a ♻️ 汉语第二册 ♻️</p><p>🌸Game:</p><p>🍀 Places</p><p>🌸Hand Crafts:</p><p>🍀All about plants</p><p>🍀Finger snapper </p><p>🌸One poem a week: 五绝 小满</p><p>🌸Letter :</p><p>🌸Science experiment:</p><p>🌸中文游戏:木头人</p><p>🌸蒙氏工作:</p><p>🌸关键词:</p> <p>🍀Places</p><p>👩 We will play a game. I have some cards about the places. First Let's review What are these places?</p><p>👧OK.</p><p>👩 Hospital, zoo, supermarket, ...</p><p>Now please remember these places. I will give you ten seconds. Then I will say something about the places. And you turn this card over. OK?</p><p>👧OK.</p><p>👩 remember these places now.OK, time is up. Listen to me carefully.</p><p><br></p><p>Restaurant :</p><p>A place where you can buy and eat a meal.</p><p><br></p><p> Bakery.</p><p> A place where bread and cakes are made and sold.</p><p><br></p><p> School.</p><p>A place where children are taught</p><p>A place where children go to educated.</p><p><br></p><p>Supermarket.</p><p>a very large shop that sells food, drinks, and things that people need regularly /regjələli/经常 in their homes</p><p><br></p><p> Hospital.</p><p>a large building where sick or injured/indʒəd/受伤的 people receive medical treatment治疗</p><p><br></p><p>Zoo</p><p>A place where kinds of wild animals kept for the public to see.</p><p>Where can you see a lot of animals?</p><p>Zoo is a place where you can see lots of animals.</p><p><br></p> <p>🎀Hand Crafts</p> <p>🍀Lapbook :All about plants</p> <p>okra /əʊkrə/秋葵</p><p>asparagus 芦笋</p> <p>🍀Finger snapper (小西妈双语工程公号)</p><p>1.Fold the right edge over to the left edge.</p><p>将右边向左边对折。</p><p>2.Unfold the paper.</p><p>把(对折的)纸展开。</p><p>3.Fold the bottom edge up to the top edge.</p><p>将底部边缘向上对折。</p><p>4.Unfold the paper.</p><p>(然后又)把(对折的)纸展开。</p><p>5.Fold the bottom right corner up to the very center of the paper.</p><p>将右下角向中心点对折。</p><p>6.Fold the other three corners of the paper to the middle.</p><p>把纸的另外三个角对折到中间。</p><p>7.Flip the paper over to the other side.</p><p>把纸翻到另一面。</p><p>8.Again, fold the bottom right corner to the very center of the paper.</p><p>再次,将右下角向纸的中心点折叠。</p><p>9.Fold the rest of the corners to the middle as well.</p><p>把其余的角也向中心折叠。</p><p>10.Rotate the paper.</p><p>把纸转过来。(摆成一个水平的正方形)</p><p>11.Fold the paper in half and unfold, fold it in half the other way as well.</p><p>把纸对折并展开,然后另一个方向再对折,再展开。</p><p>12.Your model should look like this.</p><p>形状应该是这样子的。</p><p>13.Flip the model over to there other side.</p><p>把模型翻个个儿,翻到另一边。</p><p>14.Open out one of the flaps.</p><p>把其中一个襟翼打开。</p><p>15.Open out all of the other flaps.</p><p>(同样)把其他所有的襟翼都打开。</p><p>16.You can shape the fortune teller by holding it with both of your thumbs and index fingers.</p><p>可以用拇指和食指握住“东南西北张大嘴”来调整一下。</p><p><br></p> <h3>🎀Learning center</h3> <h3>🎀中文游戏:</h3><h3> </h3> <p>早读,为了出去玩,早上效率特别高👍</p> <h3>🎀Read</h3> <h3>🎀Daily</h3> <p>stone skipping打水漂</p><p>Stone skipping is the pastime娱乐of throwing a flat stone across water in such a way that it bounces off the surface, preferably many times. the object of the game is to see how many times a stone can bounce before sinking.</p><p>偶遇小水坑,就忙去群里查聊天记录,记得群里面前几天说过。</p><p>只用中文描述了,下次再来英文的吧。</p><p><br></p> <p>友谊万岁!</p> <p>自娱自乐 火车 吊车</p> <p>乐高课:翻斗车</p> <p>Look at the leaves in the box have many holes.</p><p>mulberry leaves are the favorite food for slikworms. They'll eat lots of mulberry leaves.</p><p>Wow, this is a giant mulberry leaf. This one even bigger than your face.</p> <p>🎀 Supplement </p> <p>一日流程最近执行的非常不好……</p><p>又需要调整了,最近有点儿犯懒,复习一周,把之前准备的拓展内容都学了,继续开始新单元学习,再慢也不要停,加油💪</p>