万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1909期110李沁瑶Elsa 打卡 Day4


<b>20200523Saturday</b><br><b>主题:</b>Field trip—trees<div><b>教材阶段:</b>0b Unit9 Turtle and snail 复习<br><b>Listening:</b>0a、0b,小毛人、海尼曼对应讲解绘本听力(中、难)<br><b>Videos:</b>0b Unit9、Unit8 ;FROZEN2<br><b>Games:</b></div> <b>GAME1:morning game</b><div>M:Rise and shine,baby.Time to wake up.</div><div>K:I want a big hug,mum.</div><div>M:ok,come here.Want a drink?</div><div>K:ok.</div><div>M:Baby,look ,you look like a turtle in my arms.mommy looks like your shell, I am turtle shell.(唱起来),this is turtle hide in shell,be-bop,be-bop,be-bop,be-bop,hide the head well,this is turtle hide in shell,be-bop,be-bop hide the head well(一起唱)</div><div>M:(爸爸走过来,要摸她头),oh ,my turtle,here comes a little boy,what a naughty boy,he want to touch your head, hurry up ,hide in the shell.Don't let him to touch your head.</div><div>K:(giggle,do as what I say and chant)</div><div>玩儿了几次清醒了</div> <b>Field Trip</b><div><b>M:</b>Hey,Elsa,what are you doing?</div><div>K:look,mum,I feed the caterpillar.</div><div>M:Wow, you're feeding the silkworms.don't feed too much .</div><div>K:why? They are hungry。</div><div>M: Yes,but our Mulberry leaves are not enough for them.Mommy used to buy them online,and we need to wait several days for the delivery.</div><div>K:We can pick leaves.</div><div>M:I think there are no Mulberry trees here.</div><div>(但是抱着试试看的想法,在群里询问,居然有,高兴极了,不然就要断粮了,确认地点,备课,准备出发)</div><div>M:Wow,there are several Mulberry trees near to the Rubber Dam.Let's go and pick some leaves.</div><div>在朋友的指引下,终于找到了</div><div><br></div> Mulberry Facts:<br>1.Mulberry trees like to live in the warm and temperate parts of the world. Mulberry grows in the moist forests and near the streams. <br>2.Mulberry has oval leaves with toothed edges. Bright green color of the leaves changes into yellow during the autumn. Leaves are alternately arranged on the branches.Leaves of white mulberry are important source of food for the silkworms (caterpillars of silk moth). <br>3.Mulberry can produce male and female flowers on the same plant (monoecious plant) or on the separate trees (dioecious plant). Flowers are greenish or creamy-colored, arranged in short catkins designed for the pollination by wind. Some types of mulberry are able to produce fruit without pollination.(太复杂,没有拓展)<br>4.Mulberry tree starts to produce fruit 10 years after planting. Color of the fruit depends on the variety. It can be black, purple, pink, red or white.<br>mulberries have tons of nutrients that support our bodies, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and calcium.<br>5.Lightweight wood of mulberry is used in the manufacture of fence posts and barrels. Branches of mulberry are used in the manufacture of baskets.<br>Red mulberry can survive up to 75 years, while black mulberry can live and produce fruit for hundreds of years.<br>Just like other berries, <br> M:Look,Elsa,this is a Mulberry tree.<div>K:A big tree.但是叶子好小</div><div>M:Yes,the leaves are small,because,It's cold in the north.</div><div>let's pick leaves.</div><div>K:I want to climb the tree.</div><div>M:It's a little tall, I'm afraid that you'll fall down.</div><div>K:No, I want to climb the tree.</div><div>M:(这颗树的枝杈和适合攀爬)Ok,Mum will have a try,then ,you can climb the tree.</div><div>K:Ok.</div><div>M:(费了半天力气,终于生平第一次爬上了树,心情很愉悦)</div><div>Look,mama is on the tree!</div> K:(暖暖有点儿傻眼了,不知道她会说什么结果连说三句)<br>Be careful mum!Be careful mum!Be careful mum!<br>M:(感动的不行)Ok,I'll be careful .Don't worry.Now ,do you wanna climb the tree?<br>K:Yes!Yes!Yes!<br>于是前拉后托,终于上了树,上树后,激动地不行。。。<br><br> K:Look,dad,I'm on the tree.I'm up in the air.<br>M:Baby,you should hold on to the branches tightly,or you will fall off the tree.<br>K: OK, I hold tightly. I'm help. I'm picking leave.(高兴了就来一串,碎碎念)<br>M:Welldone,you are helping mum picking leaves.<br>K:It's fun.<br>(趁机站在树上简单介绍树的组成)<br><br> M:baby,you are sitting on the part of the tree,The parts of a tree are the roots, trunk(s),branches(limb,twigs) and leaves.<br>K:简单介绍组成部分后,暖暖给分别起了名,daddy branch(limb),mommy branch (branch),baby branch (twig).<br>M:Welldone.<br>阴天要下雨,在树上玩了一会儿,不爱下来<br>M:Are you a bird? can you fly here and there? Can you fly to the ground?<br>K:Yes,catch me ,dad(成功哄下树)<div>M:Baby,Tree climbing is an activity where one moves around in the crown of trees.Use of a rope, helmet.Climbing trees are for many purposes, including tree care, animal rescue, race, and so on.</div><div>K:I </div> 回家途中,又停下来研究了蚂蚁,喊着,Ant,so many ant(分不清单复数),Ant go up up up.为了饼干碎,It's for you. Parts of a Tree:<br><b>Roots: </b><br>The roots are the part of the tree that grows underground. Trees have a lot of roots. This is necessary to keep it stable ,and provide it with water and important nutrients from the soil, and to store them for times when there isn't as much available. !<br><br><b>Crown: </b><br>The crown is made up of the leaves and branches at the top of a tree. The crown shades the roots, collects energy from the sun (photosynthesis(光合作用)) and allows the tree to remove extra water to keep it cool (transpiration -- similar to (出汗) in animals). The crowns of trees come in many shapes and sizes! <br><br><b>Leaves: </b><br>Leaves are the part of the crown of a tree. They are the part of the tree that converts energy into food (sugar). Leaves are the food factories of a tree. They contain a very special substance called chlorophyll(叶绿素) -- it is chlorophyll that gives leaves their green colour. <br><br><b>Branches: </b><br>The branches provide the support to distribute the leaves like water and nutrients and as storage for extra sugar.<br><br><b>Trunk: </b><br>The trunk of the tree provides its shape and support and holds up the crown. The trunk transports water and nutrients from the soil and sugar from the leaves.<br><b>Parts of the Trunk:</b><br>Inside the trunk of a tree are a number of rings. Each year of the tree's life a new ring is added so many people refer to them as the annual rings. they can even be used to determine the age of a tree.<div><b>trunkBark:</b><br>The outside layer of the trunk, branches and twigs of trees. The trunk of a tree is protected by an outside layer of bark.<br><br></div><div>Trees produce oxygen and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Water and nutrients travel up the tree trunk, through the branches and all the way out to the leaves.<br><br>Planting trees can help prevent erosion.<br>Wood from trees can be used in a number of different ways including as a building material and energy source (such as a campfire).<br></div> <b>GAME2 </b>睡前游戏<div>沉浸在第一次爬树的喜悦中,听牙牙学语,要求玩儿打夯</div><div>打夯喽,嘿哟;打夯喽,嘿呦;谁家的小宝宝呀,黑呀伊黝黑,真呀么真是沉呀,黑呀伊黝黑,夯一下屁股蛋呀,黑呀伊黝黑,月亮就滚下山喽,黑呀伊黝黑,。。。。</div><div><br></div> <b>Reading:</b> 第一次和孩子爬树,感觉很有趣,关于树的知识拓展,部分对暖暖来说有些超过认知,只简单拓展了组成。