<p>主题课0a unit9 three little ducks</p><p>1.video:0A unit 9</p><p>2.reading:英文:海尼曼易7本,牛津树易9本,累计海易22本,牛易14本</p><p>中文:第三册Unit6</p><p>3.listening: 儿歌0a unit9 粉猪第一季2-4集</p><p>复习字母歌及发音:可以熟练唱歌和认识字母,以及字母的发音</p> <p>M:ok,baby,let me show you some pictures,and look, what is it</p><p>D:duck</p><p>M:yes,look, A duck has a flat bill. Two eyes are set on each side of its height. A duck has two wings, but a duck can't fly high like a bird can. Do you remember the bird fly? The kangaroos that I am not a bird. I can fly. I'm a little kangaroo.haha, A duck feet are called webbed feet. They help a duck swim. A duck has a tall breast and a flexible tail. A duck likes to eat fish,loach,corn,cabbage and grass,so what are they?</p><p>D:bill,breast,feet,tail,wings,eye</p><p>M:Good, Look at the dark web feet. You can see they are not only no Nerves in a duck's feet, but also no blood vessels. Therefore, dogs can walk on ice. They can also swim in ice water. A ducks back. Feathers are waterproof.</p> <p>4.retell the story</p><p>M:Let's see the cartoon.</p><p>ok,the cartoon end,let us retell this story</p><p>Look at the first picture. What can you see?</p><p>D:A duck</p><p>M: Yes, you are right. And what the duck said</p><p>D: I'm a little duck.</p><p>M: Yes, You see the duck wearing glasses. And another little duck trips over a stone. What happened</p><p>D:? He is angry</p><p>M:well done, He falls down and gets angry. He goes back and kicks the rock away.What is the second duck said?</p><p>D: I'm a little duck. Quack, quack, quack.</p><p>M:ok,good, And look at the 3rd duck. She has some dry fish. She sees a beautiful flower in front of her. And you can see she picks up the flour and put it on her head. What she said.</p><p>D:I'm a little duck.</p><p>M:yes, She spreads out a tablecloth and put the tools in place. She put three plants on the table. You can guess what they will eat for lunch</p><p>D:fish</p><p>M:yes, They love fish very much. You can see one duck is drooling, They eat lunch together. They said, we are little ducks. And then look at this picture. The little duck is wearing a flower on her head, but it falls off. What happened</p><p>D:掉盘子里让鸭子吃了</p><p>M:yes, You are right. The girl duck is sight because the flower drops on to the other dish. A little duck eat it by mistake, And it is very funny. The duck spat it out and give back to her. Can she wears a flower again</p><p>D:?no,she can not</p><p>M: Yes, I think so. And next the dark who wear the glasses slide? Look, there is a poll. Let's go swimming. And she tells the others. Ok, one by one. And then the three ducks make a good line and walk and walk. And what happened?</p><p>D: Flower.</p><p>M: Yes, the female duck found a flower and she stops and picks one and wearing it on her head. wibble wobble wibble wobble, And who jump into the pool first</p><p>D:the duck wearing glasses</p><p>M:yes, The second duck hates the first one, and he falls into the pool. And for this time, Who is the leader</p><p>D:girl duck</p><p>M: Yes, she said line up one by one. And they are so happy. And the girl ducked jump into the pool first. Then flop, flop, flop. They flap their wings. They are chasing fish in the water. Then and the girl duck fans a plank. She point it to the others. And then They ashore, They line up again and jump off the plank one by one. Can you sing the song?</p><p>D:yes, Three little ducks, one by one, Three little ducks,One by one,wibble wobble wibble wobble One by one.</p><p>M:good, And look, they do some special processes in the air. They are jumping into the pool one by one, flapping their wings as they go. And what they want to do.</p><p>D: Flop flop flop</p><p>M: Yes, they are having a really nice time together.</p> <p>5.Game time</p><p>1)Act it out</p><p>M: Baby! Look! Here is a hula hop. It is a poll. And now you are a little dark. And I am a mummy duck here, yes, a toy duck. We can walk and chant</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M: Three little ducks, one by one,three little ducks, one by one, wibble wobble wibble wobble one by one.Three little ducks on one by one, one by one.</p><p> Good. Now let's jump into the pool and chat. Three little ducks, one by one, jump into the pool, one by one flap, flap flap, one by 11 by one.</p> <p>2) Pretend to be a duck.</p><p>M: Baby!Let's pretend to be a duck. We can walk and chat together, okay? I'm a big duck. Quack, quack, quack.</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M: Three little ducks, one by one,three little ducks, one by one, wibble wobble wibble wobble one by one.Three little ducks on one by one, one by one.Three little ducks, one by one, jump into the pool, one by one flap, flap flap, one by 11 by one.</p> <p>3) waddle to be bedroom.</p><p>M: Demi, you and me. And this toy duck will be three little ducks. The action of duck is called a waddle, Let's waddle to be bedroom one by one. You first.</p><p>D:okThree little ducks, one by one,three little ducks, one by one, wibble wobble wibble wobble one by one.Three little ducks on one by one, one by one.</p><p>Good. Now let's jump into the pool and chat. Three little ducks, one by one, jump into the pool, one by one flap, flap flap, one by one.</p><p>M: OK, good. We can waddle to living room.</p> <p>4)Catching the fish</p><p>M: Demi, Look, there's some fish in the hula hoops as a pool. we can catch the fish and chant,ok?</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M: Three little ducks, one by one,three little ducks, one by one, wibble wobble wibble wobble one by one.Three little ducks on one by one, one by one.</p><p>M:good, How many fishes do you catch?</p><p>D: twelve</p><p>M:ok,you are a capable duck</p> <p>5) Flop, flop, flop</p><p>M: Demi, Look,There is a basin. I will put some water into the basin. And this basin is the pole. Now here are little ducks. They can jump into the pool. Can you help them?</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M: Okay. So do you know how to flop? Look at me. I will show you. Clap the water with your fingers lightly.</p><p>D:ok,Three little ducks, one by one,three little ducks, one by one, wibble wobble wibble wobble one by one.Three little ducks on one by one, one by one.</p><p>M:good, Do you want to play again?</p><p>D:yes</p> <p>6) Get on the bus</p><p>M: Dear, now I am driving a bus. Do you want to get on my bus? You and your toy should get on my bus one by one, and you need to ask me that Can I get in your bus?</p><p>D:ok, Can I get in your bus</p><p>M: Of course. Come on. Driving in my bus, Bumpity, bump.now you are driver,there are three ducks here who want to get in your car.so i will show you how to do</p><p>D:ok,ducks,can you get on my car?</p><p>M:yes,ok</p><p>D:one by one</p><p>M:ok</p> <p>7) Where are my baby ducks</p><p>M: Demi, I am a mummy duck! I lost my baby ducks! Can you help me to find them? Are they under the bed? I think, behind the sofa. Are they behind the curtains?</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M: Okay. Thank you for your help. Please find.</p><p>D:ok,Three little ducks, one by one,three little ducks, one by one, wibble wobble wibble wobble one by one.Three little ducks on one by one, one by one.</p><p>M:good, Do you find all?</p><p>D:yes</p><p>M:well done,please line up one by one.</p><p>now hou are mommy duck, You can find your babies and call me help.</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M:ok,if you are ready,you can call me</p><p>D:ok,i am mommuy duck,I…</p><p>M:lost?</p><p>D:i lost my babies,can you</p><p>M:help</p><p>D:can you help me?</p><p>M: Yes, of course.</p> <p>8) Three little penguins.</p><p>M: Demi, Let's play another way this time we will change the chant with penguin</p><p>D:ok,Three little Penguins,one by one,three little Penguins, one by one, wibble wobble wibble wobble one by one.Three little Penguins on one by one, one by one.</p><p>M:good, Do you want to play again?</p><p><br></p> <p>6.拓展:</p><p>M:Demi, Do you recognize the farm animals?who is this?</p><p>D:cow,chick,cat,hen,pig,sheep</p><p>M:yes,good,this is rooster,and this is turkey,and Look, there are many egg laying animals. They are different from mammal, They are born by eggs.so what do you think it is egg laying animals?</p><p>D: Dinosaur snake chick duck</p><p>M:yes,look this</p><p><br></p> <p>M:let us play a game, Can you help me to Implement the one by one? Two by two and three by three with your toys.</p><p>D:ok</p> <p>也拓展了这本duck don't get wet,认识了很多种鸭子,主要是妈妈😂原来鸳鸯是wood duck</p> <p>7.Field trip</p><p>今天去陕师大喂鸭子,疫情关系不让进门,鸭子没有喂成,留下次一起复习时进行吧</p> <p>2)</p><p>M:Demi,i think you can draw a picture to Practice. What is egg laying animals</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M:you can draw some eggs,some are cometely and Some are ready to hatch. And you can think what animal to draw? And then you can draw different color eggs</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M:oh,well done,what is it?</p><p>D:snake and Dinosaur.</p><p>M:very good</p><p>D:妈妈写上面</p><p>M:ok</p><p><br></p> <p>8.手工</p><p><br></p> <p>9.learning centre</p><p>大书,小书</p> <p>本章小节:</p><p>本章主要是拓展,对胎生和卵生动物,哺乳动物等做了区分,娃已经可以完全区分出来,还能画出来哪些是孵蛋出来的,画作点赞👍</p>