<p>Listening:清华幼儿英语0a.牙牙学语第一册,古诗,小鸡球球的故事,情绪管理故事。</p><p>Reading.:海尼曼12本。 </p><p>video:sss英语儿歌动画</p><p><br></p><p>FT:今天临时决定去的动物园。</p><p>👩:zoe. we are going to the zoo.</p><p>👶:动物园</p><p>👩:Yes, we are going to the zoo.</p><p>我们先下的车,宝贝着急随着人流上去。</p><p>👶:上去上去。</p><p>👩:Waiting for your dad 。(爸爸在网络上订票)Daddy is pay money.(临时决定在网络订票,所以直接蒙圈不知道怎么说。<span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">daddy is using the Internet to book tickets</span>)</p><p>👩:Wow, we are at the zoo.</p><p>👶:大象</p><p>👩:Yes, there are elephants.(应该是大象雕塑<span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">This is an elephant sculpture 美:[ˈskʌlptʃər]</span>)</p><p>👩:Wow, look!There are crocodiles!They are sleeping. Wow, look, this crocodile is moving .and that crocodile is keep his mouth wide open. Can you say hello to the crocodile?</p><p>👶:鳄鱼。hello.crocodile.</p><p>👩:Yes .it's crocodile.</p><p>👩:Let's go to see the snakes, okay?</p><p>👶:蛇🐍</p><p>👩:Look at this snake ,he is Moving(<span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">wiggle</span>) Can you say hello to the snake(挥挥手)。Look at the fish, he is swimming.(太多专业名称用英文不会说,都用中文说)</p><p>👩Now let's go this way and see the lion ,tiger . leopard and bear.</p><p>👶:宝贝和爸爸先到的看棕熊,就激动的直叫:妈妈,熊!熊!</p><p>👩:Wow, zoe, it's a brown bear.The bear is eating.Wow, look at that bear ,he is standing up.it is so funny, this bear is rolling over.</p><p>(接着看到的狮子,老虎都在睡觉,就匆匆过去了)</p><p>👩: there are ostriches,Hello ,ostriches.Can you say hello to the ostriches ?How many ostriches are there? are 5 ostriches。</p><p>👶:ostrich</p><p>👩:yes.ostrich.There are monkeys, can you say hello to the monkeys?</p><p>👩:Wow, It's a peacock. The peacock is walking. </p><p>👨:你看,孔雀站在那个亭上面。孔雀叫了…孔雀开屏了…(妈妈已经词穷了…)</p><p>👶:Peacock.(娃听到孔雀叫声,就一直学着孔雀叫…)</p><p>👩:What does the peacock say?</p><p>👩:Look, there are kangaroos, mommy, kangaroo and baby kangaroo.(走近一看,原来是Daddy kangaroo😂)</p><p>👩:merry-go-round…(动物园扩建很多,上次看到的东西很少,这次多了很多,连游乐场都开放了,瞬间更加词穷了…)</p><p><br></p><p>后面的也就简单的说说名称… rino.hippo.elephant .Giraffe .fox.seal. toucan.</p><p>👶:Mummy elephant, daddy elephant, baby elephant.(其实只有一头大象,她自己在那里自言自语…)</p><p>👩:Look There are giraffes. He is very tall, he has a long neck.…</p><p><br></p><p>zoe, look, the baby monkey is on his Mommy's back.</p><p>(最后就慢慢回家了)</p><p>It's time to go home.…</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>这次没怎么拍照片,就拍了介绍牌,想要下次去的时候做更充分的准备,不备课,真的一直词穷…动物园开放的比之前多多了…</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>看到了就一直叫大象</p> <p>认识鳄鱼,看到还很高兴</p> <p>睡着了,还张着嘴</p> <p>等吃的</p> <p>先是在喝水,然后再趴在那玩,后来就开始打滚</p> <p>正好拍到展翅飞的瞬间,孔雀到处飞,都飞出栅栏了,见人都不怕</p> <p>和爸爸坐了一次,和妈妈再坐了一次,</p><p>会说Giddy up.</p> <p>从遮阳棚上飞下来</p> <p>孔雀开屏</p>