

<p>The Impression of Peach Blossom</p> <p>时间:2020年3月20日</p><p>地点:黄河故道</p><p>摄影:百合bonjour</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>《桃花》唐代:周扑</p><p>桃花春色暖先开,</p><p>明媚谁人不看来。</p><p>可惜狂风吹落后,</p><p>殷红片片点莓苔。</p> <p>三月春盛,烟烟霞霞,灼灼桃花虽有十里,但有一朵放在心里,足矣!</p> <p>In the lush spring of March, the radiant peach blossoms bloom, like rosy mists and blushing clouds. However many blossom s there are, it is enough to have just one, to be cherished in one's heart.</p> <p>freedom</p> <p>Life After Life,Blossoms Over Blossoms</p><p>三生三世,十里桃花</p> <p>Against the sky,it looks more and more beautiful!</p> <p>《桃花溪》唐代:张旭</p><p>桃花尽日随流水,</p><p>洞在清溪何处边。</p> <p>《题城南庄》崔护</p><p>去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。</p><p>人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。</p> <p>Charm blossom</p> <p>这正是桃花盛开的季节,十里桃林,十里桃花,漫山遍野的灼灼芳华。</p> <p>《桃花》苏轼</p><p>争花不待叶,</p><p>密缀欲无条。</p><p>傍沼人窥鉴,</p><p>惊鱼水溅桥。</p> <p>whenever I see the blue colour. sea. sky will appear in my mind. The blue flower indicates elegance and charm.</p> <p>竹外桃花三两枝,</p><p>春江水暖鸭先知。</p><p> ~ 苏轼</p> <p>《大林寺桃花》唐代:白居易</p><p>人间四月芳菲尽,</p><p>山寺桃花始盛开。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>plnk ~ love warm summer</p> <p>光晕一层一层,打出斑驳的印记。桃林十里,娇烂漫红,千朵浓芳,一枝枝缀乱云霞。</p> <p>Halos of light rippled and splashed.In the acres of peach trees, pink blossoms bloomed, breathing out sweet perfume.</p> <p>累世情缘,谁检起,谁抛下,谁忘前尘,谁总牵挂。</p> <p>This fated love of forever and a day~</p><p>Who has picked it up?</p><p>Who has thrown it away?</p><p>Who has forgotten it all?</p><p>Who years for it to stay? </p> <p>桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。</p><p> ~佚名《桃夭》</p> <p>enthusiasm honesty belief</p> <p>忆当时年华,谁点相思,谁种桃花。</p><p>Those days bygone and labyrine~</p><p>Who was the one that made the other sign and pink?</p><p>Who was in the peach orchard,raising flowers divine?</p> <p>谢谢观赏!</p><p>Thank you all!</p>