<p>Finally, we are going to say goodbye to the online class.</p><p>Let's review what we've done during the past 14 weeks.</p><p><br></p> <p>Online lesson preparation at seven o'clock every night</p> <p>Well-prepared teaching plans</p> <p>Serious correction of the homework</p> <p>Summary and reflection after each class</p> <p>Excellent homework for each class</p> <p>Teacher-student interaction in each class</p> <p>微微从不停歇</p><p>微微就是秋天里每片落叶</p><p>微微就是彩虹里每滴雨点</p><p>微微她很渺小却从不疲倦</p><p>微微就是我们</p><p>多少次跌跌撞撞才学会坚强</p><p>多少次在迷茫之中寻找方向</p><p>多少次跌倒之后再站起来面对</p><p>再勇敢去闯啊</p> <p>As the song says, we all hope you will make progress little by little and day by day.</p>