

<p>七、指读</p> <p class="ql-block">八、Make breakfast</p><p class="ql-block">B:Daddy,today I will make breakfast for you.</p><p class="ql-block">I can fry eggs,fry sausages. </p><p class="ql-block">D:That's good. Let's do it. </p><p class="ql-block">重复煎蛋的对话</p> <p>九、Learning center</p><p>B:Mom,look at this page,what can you see? </p><p>M: This is Mama Bear,oh what is she doing?</p><p>B: She is frying a sausage in the pan.</p><p>M: Yes. </p><p>B:But look at the fire,why it is white? </p><p>M:The Mommy bear says:“If there is no fire,I couldn't fry sausages”.Then how could we do?</p><p>B:I will color the fire. </p><p>M:Ok. For the prize,Mommy bear will fry a sausage for you. </p><p>B:Thank you. </p><p>M: Let's sing a song.</p><p>One little sausage frying in the pan. The pan got hot and one went-"Wait, wait, put me on your plate and eat me</p><p>M: Now, the sausage is ready</p> <p>十、Fire</p><p>M:Do you know which part of the fire has the highest temperature? Is it the top, the middle, or the bottom of the fire?</p><p>B:The bottom of the fire. </p><p>M:No,The top of the fire has the highest temperature. So if we want to heat something, we should put it on top of the fire</p><p><br></p> <p>十一、Game: Something is on fire</p><p>M: Let's play a cooking game.</p><p>B: Ok, I want to be the customer,you will be the chef. </p><p>M: No problem.I will put on this hat. </p><p>B:But it's not fit.</p><p>M:Yes.It's ok.Hey kid,what do you want? </p><p>B:I want to have some sausages.</p><p>M: I will fry some sausages for you. </p><p><br></p><p>(Pretend the frying pan is on fire)</p><p>M: Oh, do you smell something?</p><p>B: Oh no! The frying pan is on fire</p><p>M:I'll call the fireman. Fireman fireman the pan is on fire,help help,come here quickly. </p><p>B:Ok. Where is your address? </p><p>M:At the corner of the street. </p><p>B:Ok. I will come as quickly as I can. </p><p>M:What's in it? </p><p>B:Foam. </p><p>M:Why you don't put out the fire with water? </p><p>B:It will make the fire bigger. </p><p>M:So what should you do? </p><p>B:I'll put out the fire with foam. </p><p>M:Ok. Thank you fireman. </p><p><br></p><p>B: Mom, look at the mess you made. Maybe I should fry some potatoes for you to eat</p><p>M: Thank you!</p><p>B: Mum, how many do you want to eat? </p><p>M: Five potatoes</p><p>Five little potatoesfrying in the pan. The pan got hot and one went BAM! ……</p> <p>十二、How to start a fire?</p><p>1、Start a fire with a lighter</p> <p>2、Start a fire with matches. </p><p>Step 1</p><p>Hold the match-stick with the thumb and middle finger of one hand. Make sure it's held tightly.</p><p>Step 2</p><p>Hold the match box between the thumb and middle finger of your other hand. </p><p>Step 3</p><p>Pull the match through the fingers while holding it on the stick side, and it should light.</p> <p>3、Start a fire with Flint</p><p>Take the scraper, or pocket knife, and scrape down the flint towards the paper.(But it's better to have dry grass,then you can make a little "bed" for the flint shavings to go in later). Then you should see sparks, if they don't catch right away, keep scraping.</p> <p>4、Creating fire with a magnifying glass</p><p>Steps:</p><p>1、Use a few sheets of newspaper as tinder if you have some nearby. Newspaper burns easily, and makes a great fire starter. </p><p>2、Hold the magnifying glass between the sun and the tinder.In order to create enough heat to start a flame, the circle must be as small as possible.</p><p>3、 the dot in one place for 20-30 seconds. Hold the magnifying glass still until the tinder begins smoking. Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass takes much more time than using a lighter or a match. </p> <p>5、In ancient times, people would drill wood for fire</p> <p>十三、Why the fire is man’s greatest invention and aid.</p><p>1. It provides you with heat/warmth</p><p>2. It leads the animal intruders away from your area</p><p>3. It repels annoying insects</p><p>4. It provides comfort</p><p>5. It’s helpful when cooking</p><p>6. It’s helpful in the water purification process</p><p>7. It burns unnecessary materials. </p> <p>Here are 10 fire safety tips for kids that will help you prevent a fire in your home, and stay calm and safe in an emergency:</p><p>1. Don't play with matches. </p><p>2. Check your house for smoke detectors. </p><p>3. Check your house for fire hazards. </p><p>4. Make a family fire safety plan. What should you do if you hear the smoke alarm in the middle of the night? Talk to your family about where you should go and what you should all do in the event of a fire. There should be two ways to escape from every room (in case one way is blocked by fire.) And you should pick a location outside — a neighbor's house, a big tree, a nearby park — where everyone can meet.</p><p>5. Practice your fire safety plan. </p><p>6. If there is a fire in your home, remember this important fire safety tip: Don't hide, go outside! You may be scared, but never hide during a fire. Get outside and wait for your parents or caregivers at your assigned spot.</p><p>7. The best way to escape in the event of a fire is to fall and crawl. </p><p>8. If your clothes are on fire, don't panic. Remember to stop, drop and roll. Keep rolling until the fire is out. Don't run — it will make the fire spread faster. </p><p>9. Never go back inside a burning building.</p><p>10. Know your emergency phone numbers.</p> <p>在打卡200篇的这一天,迎来了姜老师给的礼物——杜丫丫,太高兴了,借助这个礼物,给了个颁奖仪式,连爸爸都觉得沾了光呢!宝贝,继续加油💪</p>









