<p>主题:<span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">养蜂场FT</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Video:蜜蜂相关视频,1a little bee,</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">listening:little bee,here's a beehive</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">reading:</span></p><p>相关蜜蜂主题书籍,复习海尼曼《All about bees》</p><p><br></p> <p>计划周日去养蜂场,提前几天复习1a little bee,相关绘本,动画,再游乐场拿小积木块和孩子玩一玩。</p> <p><b>(1) 出发</b></p><p>Daniel, today is Sunday, a bright sunny day, we will go to a apiary /ˈeɪpieri/, where the beekeeper feed lots of honeybees, are you excited?</p><p>Let’s pack things that you need during this visit, </p><p>The apiary is at San Yuan, countryside about 60km far away from here, so we will drive there. </p><p>Are you ready, let’s go. </p><p>We are finally arrived, here it is, the apiary, so many honeybees and beehives. Be careful, do not get too close to watch, bees are generally harmless, but they can sting you if disturbed. Like other bees, their stingers have venom /ˈvenəm/(毒液)</p> <p><b>(2)认识蜜蜂</b></p><p>How bees see a dandelion (left) compared to how we see a dandelion (right).Bees are insects. they have three parts of body, head, thorax, abdomen. Six legs, a pair of wings and two antennae. What else does a bee have? can you guess? A stinger. Many people are scared of them because the stinger.In fact, they are very nice, they do not sting people unless they are disturbed.</p> <p><b>(3) Where do bees live---Beehive</b></p><p>Honey bees are highly social insects. Many bees live in a beehive. Natural beehives (or "nests") are made by honey bee colonies, while domesticated honey bees are kept in man-made beehives. The beehives made by people are usually the things referred to by the word "beehive." Natural beehives V.S. man-made beehivesA beehive is a large box with a row of s inside. The bees build honeycombs on the s. Honeycombs have hexagonal cells, where bees lay eggs, raise their young and store pollen and honey. Each hexagonal cell tessellates /'tɛsɪlɪt/ 完全嵌合 with the rest.</p> <p>(4) Who lives in the beehive?</p><p>—Types of bees</p><p>There are queens, drones and workers. </p><p>The queens and workers are female, the drones are male. </p><p>All the bees in the hive come from eggs laid by the queen.</p><p><b>the queen</b>(who lays eggs). The queen’s one and only job is to lay eggs. In fact, she spends most of her life inside the hive, lying around. In the springtime, she lays 1500 to 2000 eggs a day. </p><p><b>workers-females</b> who gather food, make honey, build the six-sided honeycomb, tend eggs, and guard the hive. The workers probably have the best, but hardest, job. They work together to build cells for the baby bees. They take care of the babies and keep the hive clean and tidy. Worker bees also gather pollen and turn it into honey. The honey feeds the baby bees and also feeds the bees over the winter. Both the workers and the queen are female.</p><p><b>drones-males</b> whose main duty is to find and mate with a queen.</p><p>(昨天老蜂农专门让我对比观察了新蜂王和老蜂王,之前一直以为一个箱是一家,老蜂农告诉我们一个箱子是两家有隔板隔开,各自为家,每家的工蜂找到花朵也只会通知自己的家人,动物的世界真是很有趣)</p> <p>这是新蜂王,个体还不是很大</p> <p><b>(5) About Beekeepers</b></p><p>1)<u> What kind of equipment do beekeepers need?</u></p><p>A bee suit to keep clothes clean, also wear a veil over the head to protect my eyes and head from stings.</p><p>2)<u> How to collect the honey?</u></p><p>They use a smoker to calm the bees, when they blow smoke on bees, they think it is a forest fire. They fill their stomachs with honey in case they have to leave their tree. That is why smoke seems to calm them, because it keeps them busy.</p><p>(3) <u>How much honey do beekeepers get from one beehive?</u></p><p>Between 60 and 350 pounds(25-179kg) of honey a year, depending on the location and how hardworking the bees are. </p><br> <p>(4) <u>How do beekeepers get the honey out of the comb?</u>摇蜜机(离心机)</p><p>A wax cap seals the honeycomb.</p><p>they have to cut off the capping and then put the into a machine that spins around. This makes the honey fly out of the cells. Then they give the comb back to the bees, and bees fill it up again. After the honey comes out, keepers heat it to thin it. Then filter out the wax and put the honey in jars.</p> <p>Daniel第一次见到Eric哥哥就超级喜欢,前后跟着,就是不太会表达自己,不停的欺负哥哥。</p><p><br></p> <p>总结: </p><p>周日和同班的悦悦,JUDY,1907Eric ,一起去养蜂场FT。第一次组织亲子活动还有些小紧张,我们西安小分队的第一次面基,开心又快乐!很喜欢这样的氛围,大家出发前一起备课分享资料,给孩子讲解,虽然场面有些混乱,但是这样让Daniel接触不同的人说英语,这样对他有很好的帮助。同时也吸收其他家庭的优秀经验和方法:悦悦爸爸的认真,Eric妈妈的博学豁达,Judy妈妈活泼开朗的性格,这些对自己来说也是个很好的经验。期待小分队下一次见面!</p>