【3AU5-part3】万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程 1807期223号samy 2020.5.18打卡


<p>主题:3au5 Mulberry bush </p><p>单元的歌曲改编。</p><p>Here we go round the Mulberry bush,the Mulberry bush,the Mulberry bush</p><p>Here we go round the Mulberry bush,So early in the morning</p><p>This is the way I wash my clothes,So early Monday morning.</p><p>This is the way I iron my clothes,So early thusday morning.</p><p>This is the way I scrub the floor,So early Wednesday morning.</p><p>This is the way I mend our clothes,So early Thursday morning.</p><p>This is the way I sweep the hpixe,So early Friday morning.</p><p>This is the way I bake my cake,So early saturday morning.</p><p>This is the way I we smile and sing ,So early sunday morning.</p> <b>Game 2 :Talk about the Time</b> unit of time<br>时间之前在hickory dickory dock拓展的很深入了,samy对时间的精确分钟理解还不错。这次复习拓展下吧!<br>A day is made up pf 24hours <br>A week is made up of 7days<br>A month is made up of 4 weeks<br>A year is made up of 12months AM and PM <br>Am :noon to midning <br>pm: midnight to noon. AM<br>The time before noon. Common activities that happen in the A.M. are breakfast, getting dressed, etc.<br>PM<br>The time after noon, Common activities that happen in the P.M. are lunch, dinner. Go to sleep, etc. <b>How to read a clock</b><br><br>嘟嘟数学的时间认读模块 Reading a clock is a skill that's easy to master with a little time and effort. <br><br>Clocks are divided around a circle and reading the minute and hour hand individually helps you tell time. <br><br>With a digital clock, you simply read the hour and minutes.<br>1. Learn how a clock is divided. <br>A clock is divided into 12 sections. <br>On top of the clock, you will see a "12."<br>To the right of the "12," you will see a "1."<br>If you follow the numbers, going right or "clockwise顺时针," they will move from "1" to "12."<br>The numbers marking each sections are the hours.<br>The sections between numbers are divided into 5-minute segments. <br><br>Sometimes, there are tiny lines running along the clock dividing these segments.又细小的线<br>2. Use the little hand to read the hour.<br>Clocks have 2 hands: a little hand and a big hand. <br>The little hand marks the hour. <br>Whichever number it's pointing to is the hour of the day.<br><br>For example, if the little hand is pointing to "1," it's in the 1 o'clock hour.<br><br>3. Use the big hand to read the minutes.<br>Explain the double meaning of the numbers. <br><br>Explaining that the number 1 also means 5 minutes and that the number 2 also means 10 minutes can be quite confusing.<br>Make sure to point out that you are counting by 5s. <br><br>For example, point the minute hand at 2 and say, “It is 10 minutes now.” Then point the minute hand at 3 and say, “It is 15 minutes now.”<br><br>4. Put these together to get the time .<br>Once you have the concept观念 of the minute hand down, we can read the hour and minute hands together.<br><br>Start with simple times such as 1:30, 2:15, 5:45, and so on. <br>Point the hour hand at a number, then point the minute hand at a number. Then say what time it is. <b>Game 3 :Talk about the daily routine</b><br><br>1. What part of your day do you like best?<br>2. What’s your daily routine?<br>3. What is the busiest part of the day for you?<br>4. What’s the difference of routine between you and mommy ?<br><br>1.What part of your day do you like best?<br>I prefer the evening. After a busy day I can share a meal with you .I like playing and reading with you. It my happiest time in the day.<br>2. What’s your daily routine?<br>I usually wake up early so I get out of bed by 7:00, <br>wash and dress before having breakfast. <br>Then off to work till about 5:30pm.<br>If I do not have to work overtime I will often eat dinner with you at home.<br>3. What is the busiest part of the day for you? <b>Game 4 :Fire Safey</b> <div>Remember 3 steps: stop, drop and roll. </div><div>They could save your life. </div><div><br></div><div>Fire needs air(oxygen)to burn. </div><div><br></div><div>Running and jumping lets more air get to the fire so it spreads very quickly. </div><div><br></div><div>Rolling on the ground cuts off the supply of air and smothers the flames.</div> Remember to follow your family's fire escape plan. the rest of your family by yelling "FIRE!" in a very loud voice, then get out as fast as you can and immediately go to your pre-planned meeting place.<br><br>Call the fire alarm line 119. <br>Stay outside no matter what.<br>Do not go back inside for anything!<br><br>Many fire related injuries result from inhaling smoke. Smoke rises during a fire making it dark and difficult to see and hard to breathe. Stay low to the floor. The air is safest near the floor and visibility is clearer. <br><br>If you find a book of matches or a lighter lying around your house, what should you do with it?<br>You should never, ever play with matches or lighters! <br>You could burn yourself or set your house on fire. <p>阅读</p><p>❤️指读 MTH#2 chapter 2,3</p><p>牛津9 两本</p><p>Nate 听1本</p><p>I can read 2</p><p>小毛人</p><p>❤️中文指读</p><p>四五快读,日有所,米小圈,古诗,法布尔</p><p>❤️数学</p><p>口算题100</p><p>豌豆思维</p><p>天天练</p><p>❤️复述</p><p>粉猪2集 Bubbles /Teddy‘s day out </p><p><br></p>









