<p>林肯国际学校小学部</p><p>《龙和鼓》墙上有只鼓,鼓上有条龙。有一天,龙从鼓上跑下来了...</p> <p>Dragon and Drum 龙和鼓</p> <p>On the wall there is a drum.</p><p>墙上有一个鼓。</p> <p>On the drum there is a dragon.</p><p>鼓上有一条龙。</p> <p>The drum wants to ride the dragon.</p><p>鼓想骑龙。</p><p>And the dragon wants to play the drum.</p><p>龙想敲鼓。</p> <p>The dragon lets the drum ride.</p><p>But the drum doesn't let the dragon play.</p><p>龙让鼓骑在它身上,但是鼓不让龙敲鼓。</p> <p>The dragon is very angry.</p><p>He drops the drum.</p><p>龙非常生气,他把鼓甩了下来。</p><p><br></p> <p>Now there is no drum, and there is no dragon.现在没有鼓了,也没有龙了。</p>