20200517 Sunday<br>主题:0b Unit7 witch in the jar 复习 filed trip<br>Listening:0a、0b,海尼曼G1 G2、<br>Video:0b Unit7 ;FROZEN<br>Games: Field trip<div>Episode 1:prepare</div><div>Mom: what's the weather like today baby?</div><div>Baby: It's sunny .<br></div><div>Mom: Yes,It's a nice sunny and warm day today.Shall we go camping and have a picnic in the Shi Boyuan.</div><div>Baby: Yes, Mommy!</div><div>Mom: First let's make a list of camping and picnic list.</div> Mom:We need to go to the supermarket to prepare them.<div>(in the supermarket) baby ,come and sit in the trolley.<br><div>DAD:Can I sit in the trolley?(joke)</div><div>Baby: You are too big .</div><div>Mom:we need to get things on the list.</div><div>can you help me find them ?Can you see them?</div><div>Baby:I can see the bananas.</div>Mom: We need two bananas.<br>Baby: One, two.<br>Mom: Well done. Put them in the trolley.<br>bananas, that's one thing off the list. (带着宝贝用笔划掉)<br>What's next on the list? Can you remember?<br>Baby: Candies<br>Mom:Right. You can choose the candies.but not too much,it'bad for your teeth.</div><div>Baby:ok,mom.</div><div>......(买完清单所有东西)<br>Mum: Baby, this is the checkout (结账台)Please help me put all the stuff on the checkout.<br>Baby: Ok.<br>Mum: Thank you, baby.Let's put them into our bag.</div> Episode 2 picnic and play <div>Mom:Baby,We arrived .let get out of the car.</div><div>Baby:wow! I'm so happy.</div><div>Mom:First, We should choose a flat lawn(草坪) under some trees for our tent.Check to see if there are some tiny stones and sharp sticks.Throw them away.</div><div>Baby:Mom,I find a bug,shoo ,shoo,shoo,go away.</div><div>Mom:Well done.We set up our tent here.</div><div>The tent is done.</div><div>Baby:Mom,I'm hungry.I want to eat.</div><div>Mom:OK,Let's have our picnic in the tent.</div><div>Yummy!Yummy!</div><div>......<br>We read book(Eggs hunt) in the tent.</div><div>Mom:I'm full,Let's play a game .candies hunt. Mom will go outside and hide the jellybeans,who find the most,will win the game and get a piece of chocolate . ok?</div><div>Baby:I like this game ,I will win.</div><div>把糖豆藏到草里,树坑里,帐篷周围(自己藏完都忘了。。。),全找到以后还要玩儿就暗示爸爸偷偷继续边走扔,也有被发现糖果扔出来,自己说wow,candies can fly,how can that be?自己笑的开心。。。后来加进来walking walking squat down,一边唱,一边找。</div> 遇到了小朋友 养的小兔子,花费了将近2小时看兔子,由开始的躲闪到后来主动追逐,给兔子拔草,自己说hello Bunny,it's for you.给兔子唱little Bunny hop hop hop ,little Bunny hop hop hop...基本自己观察玩儿,偶尔问一下what color are Bunny's eyes ?red. 累了躺吊床休息,爸爸推她 自己唱zoom zoom zoom,I'm going to the sun. Episode 3:<div>Mom:It's time to go home.Let's tidy up our camping goods.</div><div>Baby:Mom,I don't want to go.</div><div>Mom:Let's clean up,and then walk along the pool,maybe,something you like is in the pool.<br></div><div>Baby:ok,Mom.</div><div>收拾好东西沿着池塘回家,突然停下来</div><div>Baby:Mom,look,tadpole.</div><div>Mom:Yes,there are many tadpoles.</div><div>Baby:haha,baby frog,helllo ,baby frog,mom,where is your mom?(就喜欢和动物对话。。。)</div><div>Mom:Let's get some tadpoles in the bottle and take them home.</div><div>Baby:ok,ok,ok.</div><div>高兴地不行,爸爸先给捞了几只,准备回家了,不愿意走,结果自己要试一下,捞到一只,心满意足的走了。</div><div>Mom:How are you today baby?</div><div>Baby:I'm happy.</div> Mom:We must pick another proper container to raise the tadpoles. Tadpoles need clean water or they will not survive.Keep the tadpole tank in an shade area.<br>Feed your tadpoles a healthy diet. <br>we can use lettuce to feed the tadepole.<br>Chop your boiled lettuce or spinach into tiny pieces. 回家已经很晚了,毫无困意,看了视频life cycle of a frog <br>复习了小蝌蚪找妈妈 Reading 这是正式当天打卡的第一次,也是我想进入第三季补打卡的开始,一直有学习但没有打卡,的确费时间,希望能熟练起来,但记录下来真的很好,以后也能复习。第二季课程结束,我却感觉才开始,我的小目标,希望尽快赶上补打卡,完成总结,加姜老师好友,让她来鞭策我,暖暖很喜欢输出,希望自己能给予她更多支持。