

<p>①listening :1a循环听,polar bear, brown bear</p><p>牛听听熏陶2半小时SSS</p><p>②Reading :</p> <p>③video :没看</p><p>④FT:Being a guest</p><p>M:Today we are going to your sister's home.</p><p>Max:My big sister</p><p>M: Yes, Chun chun is your big sister.</p><p>Do you remember the book? A visit from?</p><p>Max:Aunt bee.</p><p>M:Aunt bee is coming. Mom said.</p><p>Aunt bee is coming. We.</p><p>Max:Make a cake.</p><p>M:Aunt bee is coming. We.</p><p>Max:Make a card.</p><p>M:Aunt bee is coming. We set</p><p>Max:The table. Aunt bee is here.</p><p>M:Yes. And this is a visit from Max.</p><p>And now we are.</p><p>Max:Driving in my car.</p><p>M:Yes, driving in our car.</p><p>Oh, that's the <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">traffic light.</span> When the light is <span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Red.</span></p><p>Max:<span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">We should stop</span>.</p><p>M:When the light is <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">yellow.</span></p><p>Max:<span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">We should wait.</span></p><p>M:When the light is <span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">green.</span></p><p>Max:<span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">We can go. </span>Go, go! Go.</p><p>现在为什么不走啊</p><p>M:Oh, because we need to <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">turn left</span> and light is red. Wait for a moment.</p><p>Don't put your head out of the . It's very dangerous.</p> <p>M:Put your safety belt on.</p> <p>Remember this: Follow the rules and be safe.</p> <p>M:what's this ?this is fire equipment. Look,the </p><p>extinguisher </p><p>Max:I am a fireman. </p><p>M:where is your helmet?</p><p>Max:oh.😂</p> <p>M:ok,now we are going to take the lift,hold my hand. Don't jump in the lift.</p> <p>M:go and play with your sister. Don't fight. Be gentle with the toys,and the girl.</p> <p>⑤总结:今天得外出行程由于太热,去了姐姐家里,路上顺带复习一下交通规则,driving in my car,认识路上看到的各种汽车,认识新的交通标识等,跟课本没有什么关系😂我真的是不太会玩游戏,学啊!</p>