D120 FT-Visit the apiary1907期+112+Eric20.5.17打卡


<p>今天和1906期的Denial,Jasmine,Judy一起参观养蜂场,小朋友们近距离接触蜜蜂,了解更多有关蜜蜂的秘密,非常棒的FT。</p><p><b>一. 出发</b></p><p>M: Hi, Eric, today is Sunday, a bright sunny day, we will go to a apiary /ˈeɪpieri/养蜂场, where the beekeeper feed lots of honeybees, are you excited?</p><p>E: Yes.</p><p>M: Let's pack things that you need during this visit.</p><p>E: Milk, bread and water bottle.</p><p>M: Also some tissues, and long shirt. The apiary locates at San Yuan, another county about 60km far away from here, so we will drive there. </p><p>M: Are you ready, let's go. Get on your seat and let me buckle you up.</p><p><b>二. 到达</b></p> M: We are finally arrived, here it is, the apiary, woops, so many honeybees and beehives. Be careful, do not get too close to watch, bees are generally harmless, but they can sting you if disturbed. Like other bees, their stingers have venom /ˈvenəm/(毒液)<div><b>三. 参观蜂场</b></div><div>开启参观模式,围着蜂箱开启探索蜜蜂之旅。</div> <b>(1) Know about bee认识蜜蜂</b><br>Bees are insects. they have three parts of body, head, thorax, abdomen. Six legs, a pair of wings and two antennae. What else does a bee have? can you guess? A stinger. Many people are scared of them because the stinger. In fact, they are very nice, they do not sting people unless they are disturbed. Bees have specially designed eyes that allow them to see their surroundings in a very different way than we do – they have both simple and compound eyes, that enable bees to see ultraviolet light, which we human can’t not see. Flowers will use colors to attract bees to the areas that are filled with nectar. How bees see a dandelion (left) compared to how we see a dandelion (right).蜜蜂眼里和我们眼里的蒲公英花。<div><b>(2) Where do bees live---Beehive</b><br><div>Honey bees are highly social insects. Many bees live in a beehive. <br></div></div> Natural beehives (or "nests") are made by honey bee colonies, while domesticated honey bees are kept in man-made beehives. A beehive is a large box with a row of s inside. The bees build honeycombs on the s. Honeycombs have hexagonal cells, where bees lay eggs, raise their young and store pollen and honey. Each hexagonal cell tessellates /'tɛsɪlɪt/ 完全嵌合 with the rest.<div><b>(3) Who lives in the beehive?—Types of bees</b></div><div>In the summertime, there can be 60000to 80000 bees in a beehive.<b><br></b><div>There are queens, drones and workers. The queens and workers are female, the drones are male. All the bees in the hive come from eggs laid by the queen.</div></div>  <b>Queen:</b> The queen's one and only job is to lay eggs. In fact, she spends most of her life inside the hive, lying around. In the springtime, she lays 1500 to 2000 eggs a day. Queens can live two to three years.<br> <b>Workers</b>-females who gather food, make honey, build the six-sided honeycomb, tend eggs, and guard the hive. The workers probably have the best, but hardest, job. They work together to build cells for the baby bees. They take care of the babies and keep the hive clean and tidy. Worker bees also gather pollen and turn it into honey. The honey feeds the baby bees and also feeds the bees over the winter. <br> <b>Drones</b>-males whose main duty is to find and mate with a queen. Only the drones are male. The drones’ one and only job is to mate with the queen, which is the only bee that can lay eggs. Once the drone.s job is done, the drone has nothing to do. If that sounds like a fun job, consider this: after the drone has mated with the queen, the workers don.t give him any food and he starves over the winter. The workers aren.t mean, but they can't afford to feed members of the hive who don.t contribute.<br><br>In the summertime, drones and workers live for only four to six weeks because their wings wear out. In the winter, they live longer because they don't fly. In the wintertime, they eat honey and shiver to generate heat.<br><b>(4) Life cycle of the honeybee</b><br> <b>1) Egg: </b>The queen lays each egg in a different cell of the honeycomb. <b>2) Larva: </b>As soon as the egg is laid, the larva is growing inside it.After three days, the egg hatches and a larva crawls out.As the larva grows, it sheds its skin. It does this five times. Eight days after hatching, the bee larva is fully grown.<br> <p><b>3) Pupa: </b>The larva cannot feed anymore and it starts to change into a pupa. </p> <b>4) Adule bee: </b>After nine days, the pupa changes color. It has turned into an adult. When it's about three to four weeks old, the bee will leave the hive.<div><b><br></b></div><div><b>(5) How do bees make honey?</b><br></div><div><b>1) Fly out and find flowers</b><br>A honeybee visits a flower, drawn in by the bright colours, the patterns on the petals, and the aromatic /ˌærəˈmætɪk/芳香的 promise of sweet nectar. <br>Recent research shows that bumblebees can sense the electric field that surrounds a flower. The bees accumulate a positive charge, while the flowers have a negative charge. The interaction between the fields is detected by antennae or sensitive hairs on the body. The electrical field helps bees to recognize pollen-rich blooms and perhaps even to transfer the pollen.最新研究表明蜜蜂是靠探测花周围的电场来找到花朵。<br></div> <b>2)How do bees find their way back to the hive and communicate with each other</b><br>When they leave the hive, they notice where the sun is in the sky. When they come back, they use the sun to find their way. On cloudy or rainy days, bees don't fly because they can't see the sun. <br> --A bee finds a food source while out exploring.<br>-- It returns to the hive to communicate its location.<br>-- Using the sun's position as a guide, it waggles it's body in the direction of the food source.<br>--The food's distance is communicated by adding extra shuffles. It has been estimated that for every 100 meters from its home, the bee will waggle for an additional 75 milliseconds.<br>--The more plentiful the food source, the longer the dance will last.<br>--After receiving these directions, the rest of the colony can fly off to harvest the newly found supplies.<div><br></div><div><b>3) How do bees make honey?</b></div> <p>Honey is sugar, which mainly constitutes of fructose/ˈfrʌktoʊz/果糖 and glucose/ˈɡluːkoʊz/ 葡萄糖, made by honeybees living in a large group, called a colony. </p><p>1) First, the worker bees, who are also known as forager, visit flowers containing sugar water. </p><p>2) Then with the help of their hollow straw-like tongue, called proboscis, they suck up the nectar from the flower, and stores it into its tummy.</p><p>3) while returning to their beehive, digestive enzymes /'enzaɪmz/消化酶, are already processing to turn that nectar into different part of sugar, like glucose and fructose.</p><p>Once the worker honeybee returns to the hive, they vomit the nectar into a processor honeybees mouth, I know it sounds yucky.</p><p>After breaking the nectar further, the processor honeybee vomit the partially converted nectar into another processor honeybee'mouth. This process goes on until most of the nectar turns into simple sugar. </p><p>4) Then the bee moves this watery honey mix from its tummy into its mouth, and then store it into the honeycomb. But this new nectar mix is still quite watery and gooey, so to get rid of the most of the water, the smart bees flap their wings, which evaporate the water, leaving the thick mixture we know as honey. </p><p>Hence, honey is a precious gift of nature to us, as it is full of vitamins, minerals, and has many medicinal benefits. </p><p><br></p><p><b>(6) About Beekeepers</b></p><p>1) <b>What kind of equipment do beekeepers need?</b></p><p>A bee suit to keep clothes clean, also wear a veil over the head to protect my eyes and head from stings.</p><p>2)<b> How to collect the honey?</b></p><p>Beekeepers use a smoker to calm the bees, when they blow smoke on bees, bees think it is a forest fire. Bees fill their stomachs with honey in case they have to leave their tree. That is why smoke seems to calm bees, because it keeps them busy.</p><p>3)<b> How much honey do beekeepers get from one beehive?</b></p><p>Between 60 and 350 pounds(25-179kg) of honey a year, depending on the location and how hardworking the bees are. </p><p><b>4) How do beekeepers get the honey out of the comb?摇蜜机</b></p> <p>A wax cap seals the honeycomb.</p><p>they have to cut off the capping and then put the into a machine that spins around. This makes the honey fly out of the cells. Then they give the comb back to the bees, and bees fill it up again. After the honey comes out, keepers heat it to thin it. Then filter out the wax and put the honey in jars.</p> <p>遗憾这次没有看到摇蜜机,无法演示割蜜提炼的过程。</p> <p>养蜂人开箱告诉我们如何寻找queen,每个colony都有唯一的一个queen,据说一个colony的worker找到蜜源也不会告诉另一个colony的,就算在一个蜂箱里,神奇。</p><p><br></p> 看到了真正的蜂蜜是结晶的,小朋友最爱这种甜蜜。 可能是唯一比较完整的一段讲解视频了,到了蜂场太high, 只能插空讲解一下,哈哈。<div><br></div><div>PS: 听老蜂农讲解养蜂知识,真是比单纯看视频看书来的生动太多,感谢组织这次活动的Daniel妈妈,还有参与这次活动的所有家庭大家一起搜集整理资料,几乎完美的FT,但也有遗憾的地方,大家居然忘了合影,呜呜。<br></div>