<p>1⃣.Listening:</p><p>🔸清华幼儿英语0b1-12♻️</p><p>2⃣.Reading:</p><p>海尼曼</p><p>3⃣.Video:</p><p>🔸清华幼儿英语0b U1-U6</p><p>🔸教材CD-0b</p><p>🔸ABC歌</p><p>🔸巧虎</p><p>🔸清华幼儿汉语第一册</p><p>4⃣.Game&Hand Crafts&Field trip:</p> <p>Game1 Easter egg Hunting</p><p>1.let's play thr Easter egg hunting game.</p><p>2.let's count how many eggs in the basket.</p><p>3. I wil hide the all eggs in our house.</p><p>4. Now you should close your eyes,I am going to hide them,no peeking.</p><p>5.I am done,open your eyes.</p><p>6.Try to find the easter eggs.</p><p>7. There are only two eggs left</p> <p>Before making a clipper,we watched.the clipper video.After that,Will choosed a pepbox and then we made the clipper,</p> <p>Steps:</p><p>1. Draw three hand shapes on the cardboard.</p><p>2. Cut them out.</p><p>3. Stick each hand onto a strip of cardboard.</p><p>4. Stick the strips together so the hands are side by side.</p><p>clipper</p> <p>最近几天也都有在英语,但是每次都不记得要拍图片,今天看到朋友圈打卡,画手,就带她玩了下,painting,我画她涂色</p> <p>明天开始要换海尼曼绘本了,是不是要加入牛津树了呢,可是我总想是不是还需要再次把0级别的再重新学习巩固一下呢</p> <p>两个娃,只有一个妈妈,实在没有太多精力和时间只花费在她一个人身上,姑娘,只能慢慢来了,只希望妈妈可以坚持住……</p>