【Field trip】 Let's go to the zoo D112


M: First,We go to visit the pandas. They are eating the bamboos. Maybe that's for breakfast.<div>M: That panda is biting the bamboo and chewing. It has sharp teeth. Even though it eats bamboos, it is a kind of carnivore.</div><div><br></div><div>PS: </div><div>其实,在动物分类上,大熊猫可不属于食草动物,而是属于哺乳纲食肉目,是食肉动物家族中名副其实的一员。那么,为什么将奉行素食主义的大熊猫归入食肉动物呢?<br>大熊猫是由肉食动物进化而来。</div><div>据出土的大熊猫化石可以推断,大熊猫的在地球上已经生活了800万年,它们的祖先是始熊猫,生活在中国云南的禄丰和元谋两地,是由一种拟熊类演变而成的最早的熊猫,它们以食肉为主,但经过长期的严酷生存竞争与自然选择,基于生存的需要,它们逐渐“改行”吃素食,才成为它们同时代众多动物中处于优势地位的强者而幸存至今,是地质年代中新世晚期的“活化石”。就拿禄丰始熊猫来说,800多万年前,它们是一种形体大小类似于狐狸的食肉动物。冰川时代的到来,地球气候严寒,始熊猫与其他很多食肉动物一起,被寒冷驱赶到一片非常狭小的地域,可食的食物随之减少,“同行”之间的竞争更加激烈。面对激烈的竞争,为了生存,始熊猫便被迫选择了一条生存之计,那就是“改行”吃素。<br></div><div>【来源: 科普中国】</div><div><br></div> M: There is a peacock in the cage alone. This is a male peacock. I think it will not fan its tail today. It has a beautiful long tail and a crest on its head.<div>E: Fan its tail.</div><div>M: You want it to fan its tail?</div><div>E: Yes.</div><div>M: Hey, peacock. Can you fan your beautiful tail, please? Sorry, I think he just finished his breakfast and wants to have a rest. Actually, peacocks fan their tails to attract other peacocks. But this peacock is alone here.</div> (以下带汉语的部分有一些摘自Emma妈妈)<div><br><div>Zoo is a place where many different species (types) of animals are kept so people can see and watch them.<br>动物园是一个有许多不同物种(类型)的动物的地方,以便人们观看。<br><div>Many zoos are centers where rare animals are preserved when they are in danger of dying out. These modern zoos also want to give the animals a natural life, so that they are healthy and behave normal. This is done for the animals, but also that people can see the animals as if they were in nature, and not in a zoo.<br>许多动物园是保护濒临灭绝的珍稀动物的中心。这些现代动物园也想给动物一个自然的生活环境,使他们健康和行为正常。这样做不仅是为了动物,而且人们就好像是在大自然中看到动物一样,而不是在动物园里。<br></div></div></div><div><br></div><div>——The entrance</div><div>M: Here is the entrance of the zoo. Mommy already bought the tickets. So we can scan our ID cards to get into the zoo.</div><div>M: Because of the corona-virus, the number of people who can get into the zoo is limited. So we can see that there are not too many people.</div> <div>孔雀(英文名称:Peafowls、maurya):仅2属3种。头顶翠绿,羽冠蓝绿而呈尖形;尾上覆羽特别长,形成尾屏,鲜艳美丽;真正的尾羽很短,呈黑褐色。雌鸟无尾屏,羽色暗褐而多杂斑。<br>栖息于森林的开阔地带。杂食性。1雄配数雌。蓝孔雀分布于印度和斯里兰卡;绿孔雀分布于东南亚,中国仅见于云南西部和南部,野生数量稀少,为中国国家一级保护动物。人工养殖的孔雀可食用。白化品种称白孔雀,全身雪白。<br></div>A peafowl is a bird of the Phasianide family. It is a relative of the pheasant.<br>孔雀是一种属于法西亚尼德家族的鸟。它是野鸡的近亲。<br>The male peafowl can have up to 150 brightly colored feathers on its tail coverts.<br>雄孔雀的尾羽最多可达150根色彩鲜艳的羽毛。<br>For centuries peafowl have been admired for their beauty and hunted for their meat. Recently peacocks have become more popular in parks and gardens.<br>几个世纪以来,人们欣赏孔雀的美丽,猎取它们的肉。最近,孔雀在公园和花园中越来越受青睐。<br>The Indian peacock has iridescent blue and green plumage, mostly metallic blue and green. <br>印度孔雀有彩色的蓝色和绿色的羽毛,大部分是金属蓝色和绿色。<br>The peacock "tail" has many feathers, these feathers are marked with eyespots, best seen when a peacock fans his tail. Both sexes of all species have a crest at the top of the head.<br>孔雀的“尾巴”有很多羽毛,这些羽毛上有眼斑,最明显的是孔雀开屏的时候。所有物种的两性头上都有一个顶冠。<div><br></div> <div style="text-align: center;">Racoon</div>The raccoon is a mammal. They are curious, clever, and solitary. Orginally from North America, they have spread through Central America, and live in various habitats. They are omnivorous.<br>浣熊是一种哺乳动物。他们好奇、聪明、孤僻。它们原产于北美,后来传播到中美洲,生活在各种各样的栖息地。它们是杂食的。<br>The raccoon's most distinctive features are its multi-purpose front paws, its facial 'mask', and its striped tail. Raccoons are noted for their intelligence. Studies show they are able to remember the solution to tasks for up to three years. Raccoons are usually nocturnal. Their food is about 40% invertebrates, 33% plant foods, and 27% vertebrates.<br>浣熊最独特的特征是它的多用途前爪,它的面部“面具”和它的条纹尾巴。浣熊以聪明著称。研究表明,他们能够记住任务的解决方案长达三年之久。浣熊通常在夜间活动。它们的食物大约40%是无脊椎动物,33%是植物性食物,27%是脊椎动物。<br>Most raccoons live in the wild. Being around humans does not bother them. They often nest in empty buildings, garages, sheds, and even the attics of houses. Raccoons do not hibernate in the winter. Those that live farther north, where it is colder, grow thick coats to keep them warm and spend long periods sleeping. Raccoons in captivity can live up to 20 years. In the wild, they usually live only 1-3 years.<br>大多数浣熊生活在野外。和人类在一起不会让他们感到困扰。它们经常在空的建筑物、车库、棚子甚至房子的阁楼上筑巢。浣熊在冬天不冬眠。那些生活在更靠北的地方,那里更冷,长出厚厚的皮毛来保暖和长时间的睡眠。圈养的浣熊可以活到20岁。在野外,它们通常只能活1-3年。<br>While its diet in spring and early summer consists mostly of insects, worms, and other animals already available early in the year, it prefers fruits and nuts, such as acorns and walnuts, which emerge in late summer and autumn, and represent a rich calorie source for building up fat needed for winter. <br>虽然它在春天和初夏的饮食主要由昆虫、蠕虫、和其他动物。在夏末和秋季它喜欢水果和坚果,如橡子和核桃,代表丰富的卡路里来源储备过冬所需的脂肪。 <div style="text-align: center;"></div> <div style="text-align: center;">Lemur</div><div style="text-align: left;">(Raz b 《what has these spots》里面有Lemur)</div><div style="text-align: left;">M: Eason. These are lemurs. Can you see that mommy lemur? She is carrying two babies. One on the back and the other one on her belly. It's so sweet.</div><div style="text-align: left;">M: Lemur has a long tail with black stripes.</div><div style="text-align: left;">E: Just like the raccoon.</div><div style="text-align: left;">M: Ha, you're right. Racoons have tails with stripes too.</div><div style="text-align: left;"><br></div><div style="text-align: left;">Lemurs are white and black with a ring tail. They are about 1.5 meters tall and weigh about 2 to 3.5 kilograms. They move quietly, usually at night, sometimes letting out eerie wailing cries, which some people think is the reason why they got their names.<br></div><div>狐猴有白尾和黑尾,有环形的尾巴。它们高约1.5米,重约2至3.5公斤。它们静静地移动,通常是在晚上,有时发出可怕的哀号,一些人认为这就是它们得名的原因。<br></div><div>Lemurs mostly eat fruit, leaves, and other plant parts. They live in family groups of 5 to 42 members which is called a troop. Females are dominant and remain in the same troop for life. Males move between troops. The female's gestation period lasts four to five months, and they usually have between one and two babies. Lemur mothers nurse their babies until they are about four months old. Then they begin to feed the babies solid food such as fruit. Lemurs spend most of their time in the trees. Some are fantastic leapers, flinging themselves from tree to tree. Lemurs live for about 27 years.<br></div><div>狐猴主要吃水果、树叶和其他植物的部分。他们以5到42人的家庭为单位生活,这就是所谓的“军队”。雌性占主导地位,并终生生活在同一个群体中。雄性在军队之间移动。雌性的怀孕期为4到5个月,她们通常有一到两个孩子。狐猴妈妈会照顾它们的宝宝直到它们四个月大。然后他们开始给婴儿喂固体食物,如水果。狐猴大部分时间都在树上度过。有些是奇妙的跳跃者,从一棵树跳到另一棵树。狐猴的寿命约为27年。<br></div>