<p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Unit11 Johnny Hammers-4</b></p><p><br></p><p><b>视频:清华英语,粉猪</b></p><p><b>音频:清华英语,牙牙学语《灰毛驴要盖房》,婷婷唱古诗(复习)</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">小猪佩奇《Hospital》</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">自制医生用具包</b></p><p>跟小黄说你看我替你至少省了50大洋,快发红包给我!😜😜</p><p><br></p> <p><b>打预防针</b></p><p>M:Here we are ,we are in the vaccination [væksəˈneɪʃən] 注射疫苗 clinic</p><p>M:And this is the kiosk /ticket machine,people need to get the number from the kiosk /ticket machine,</p><p>M:Baby,we need to keep an eye on the screen to make sure we do not miss the number,we need to line up again</p><p>M:I am waiting in line to make the registration [ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃn] with the booklet</p><p>M:Are you scared , you want to go down? </p><p>M:It is your turn to get inoculated[ɪˈnɑːkjuleɪtɪd] 打预防针,are you ready?</p><p>M:Hold Your dad hand.do not look.</p><p>M:Did it hurt</p><p>B:Only a teeny -tiny bit</p><p>M:You did so well brave girl.</p><p>M: Do you know why the kids need to Get Vaccinated ,because getting Vaccinated can help you to get away from the diseases.</p><p>It is one of the best ways to protect you is to make sure you have all of their vaccinations? Do you know why?</p><p><b>1.Vaccine-preventable diseases haven’t gone away</b></p><p>The viruses and bacteria that cause illness and death still exist and can be passed on to those who are not protected by vaccines. In a time when people can travel across the globe in just one day, it’s not hard to see just how easily diseases can travel too. </p><p><b>2.Vaccines will help keep you healthy</b></p><p><b>3.Vaccines are as important to your overall health as diet and exercise</b></p><p>Like eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting regular check-ups, vaccines play a vital role in keeping you healthy. Vaccines are one of the most convenient and safest preventive care measures available. </p><p><b>4.Vaccination can mean the difference between life and death</b></p><p>接种疫苗意味着生与死的区别 </p><p><b>5.Vaccines are safe</b></p><p>Vaccines won’t give you the disease they are designed to prevent</p><p>You cannot “catch” the disease from the vaccine. Some vaccines contain “killed” virus, and it is impossible to get the disease from them. Others have live, but weakened, viruses designed to ensure that you cannot catch the disease. </p><p><b>6.Young and healthy people can get very sick, too</b></p><p>Infants and the elderly are at a greater risk for serious infections and complications in many cases, but vaccine-preventable diseases can strike anyone. If you’re young and healthy, getting vaccinated can help you stay that way</p><p><br></p> <p>周六带娃去打预防针,回来给她拓展下。还没到医院就说,妈妈很痛很痛,我会哭,跟她说没事你哭吧妈妈陪着你,后面打完跟我说我哭了,我有坚持,最近经常跟她说有的事我们要坚持,哭没关系,但我们要坚持,记得很牢!</p> <b><font color="#ed2308">Play doctor game</font></b> <p>let's play doctor game.(让我们一起玩医生游戏吧)</p><p>you can be a doctor,I will be a patient.</p><p>(你当医生,我当病人)</p><p>D(doctor):How can I help you ?</p><p> (有什么可以帮你的)</p><p>P(patient):my head hurts. (我头疼)(head可换成其他器官,身体部位)My stomach hurts.我/肚子痛。My ears/ eyes/ legs hurt.我耳朵/眼睛/腿痛。I have a fever and a stomachache.</p><p>我发烧了,也胃痛。</p><p>D:open your mouth ,say ah.now I am going to take your temperature.</p><p> (张开嘴巴,说啊,现在我要量体温了)</p><p>D: let me feel your forehead,your forehead is very hot ,you have a fever.</p><p>(让我来摸一摸你的额头,你的额头好烫呀,你发烧了)</p><p>D:let me use stethoscope to check your heart,check your lung[<b>lʌŋ</b>].</p><p> (现在我用听诊器来检查你的心脏,检查你的肺)</p><p>D:you need to take some medicine/tablet/capsule<b>[ˈkæpsl]</b>.</p><p>(你需要吃药/药片/胶囊)</p><p>D: I'm going to give you a shot.</p><p>我来帮你打针。</p><p>P:Can you give me a shot that won't hurt?</p><p>你能让我打针时不感觉痛吗?</p><p>D:It will sting a little bit.</p><p>会有一点点刺痛。</p><p>D: Good job.(好样的)</p><p>D:next patient,come in please.(下一位,请进)</p><p>P: doctor, my baby is really sick. </p><p>(医生,我的宝宝不舒服了)</p><p>D: lie on the bed,please.</p><p>(请躺床上)</p><p>Where exactly do you feel pain?</p><p>确切地说,是哪一个部位痛呢?</p><p>P:I feel itchy because of the rash[<b>ræʃ</b>].</p><p>(我觉得很痒,我长疹子了)</p><p>D: I will put on some ointment<b>[ˈɔɪntmənt]</b>.you need to stay in the hospital. </p><p>(我给你涂点药膏,你需要住院啊。)</p><p>D: Nurse, can you take this patient to the treatment room?</p><p>护士,你能带这位患者到诊疗室吗?</p><p>P:It hurts a lot, doesn't it?</p><p>很疼,不是吗?</p><p>D: Don't worry. You will be fine soon.</p><p>不用担心,你很快就会好起来。</p><p>D:I will write you a preion. go to the pharmacy[ˈfɑːrməsi].</p><p>(我开点药给你,去药房拿药吧)</p><p>D:Was I a good doctor?</p><p>我是个好医生吧?</p><p>Did I do a good job?</p><p>我做得好吗? </p><p><br></p> <p>这个医生游戏太适合小黄这个懒虫了,躺在沙发那边当病人,打针的时候嗷嗷叫几声,哈哈哈明天继续!</p> <p><b>①常用词汇</b></p><p> checkup 检查</p><p>heart 心</p><p>lung 肺</p><p>get a shot 打针</p><p>see a doctor 看医生</p><p>get hurt 受伤</p><p>fall down 摔倒</p><p>trip over 绊倒</p><p>bleed 流血</p><p>dizzy 晕</p><p>throw up 呕吐</p><p>get a cut 割伤了</p><p>medicine 药</p><p>antibiotic 抗生素</p><p>stethoscope<b> [ˈsteθəskoʊp] </b> 听诊器</p><p>syringe<b>[sɪˈrɪndʒ]注射器</b></p><p>tweezers<b>[ˈtwiːzərz]</b>镊子; 小夹钳</p><p>bandage<b>[ˈbændɪdʒ]</b>绑带</p><p>reflex hammer反射锤</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Circle the things doctor need</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">玩了游戏再来做这个,就很简单了!</span></p> <div><b><font color="#ed2308">海边半日游</font></b></div><div><b><font color="#003750">小姑的拍照技术比我高太多,立马把自己拍的删除。</font></b><b><font color="#003750"><br></font></b></div> moon的小猫 <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">阅读时光</b></p> <p>Moon说更喜欢丫丫读书,老母亲我是要提前退休吗?😁</p>