万思乐学V-Learn小西妈双语工程2004期81Demi Day9 2020.05.16

<p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">主题课0a unit7 lollipop</h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">1.video:0A unit 7 lollipop-unit9</h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">2.reading:英文:海尼曼易6本,牛津树易2本,GK完成第一遍理解性阅读</h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">中文:第三册Unit5&nbsp;</h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">3.listening: 儿歌0a unit7</h3> <h3>M:Look,demi,what is this?</h3><h3>D:it is lollipop</h3><h3>M:yes, Lollipop is Top of candy and comes in lots of different shapes and colors. All of the paths have a stake, and you hold it to eat the Lollipop</h3> <p>4.复述:动画lollipop,角色互换演绎,演绎见视频,演绎之后对着动画进行讲解</p> <p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">M: Honey, now we can retell this story.</h3> <p>5.Game time:</p><p>1)Act it out</p><p>M: Look, demi, Here is my hand. It's a Lollipop, and we can sing like this,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,yum,show me your hand,i want to eat your lollipop</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M:Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,yum,now,it is your turn,you can eat my lollipop</p><p>D:ok,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,yum</p><p>M:very good,do you want to try again?</p> <p>2)lollipop yum</p><p>M: Look, baby,It's a Lollipop, Do you like to eat? Touch it.&nbsp;</p><p>D:yes,i like</p><p>M:ok,you can eat now, and chant with me,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,yum</p><p>D:ok,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,yum</p><p>M:ok,what is the Flavor?sweet?sour?bitter?</p><p>D:sweet</p><p>M: OK. Now I am a&nbsp;lollipop and you can eat me. But first you need to sing the song and walk around.</p><p>D:ok,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,yum</p><p>M: Two thumbs up.</p> <p>3)lollipop tree</p><p>M: Look, baby,It's a magic tree,if you can say more and sing more i will Drop some lollipops down for you. Do you want a lollipop?</p><p>D:yes</p><p>M:ok,you can follow my chant,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,yum</p><p>D:ok,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,yum</p><p>M:ok,good, Now I will stake all the lollipops on my body. Try your best to reach all the lollipops</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M: OK. you really did a good job,so give you a lollipop,come on</p><p>D:ok,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,Lollipop,Lollipop,pop,pop,pop,yum</p><p>M: Two thumbs up.here you are,so now yiu have goy all the lollipops,so many colours and shapes,can you tell me what shape and colour?</p> <p>4)guess</p><p>M: Look, baby, There are two boxes. What is in the box? let us guess, One box is heavy, another is light,Can you help me to carry this heavy box?</p><p>D:yes</p><p>M:thx,you can Choose one box, and you can guess what is in it?</p><p>D:i want big</p><p>M:ok,you can chant and guess what in it</p><p>D:cat?</p><p>M:no, the box can not fill a cat</p><p>D:what</p><p>M:you see,it is Marshmallow, it ks for you,and this box is mine,this is lollipop.i like it</p><p><br></p> <p>5)counting lollipops</p><p>M: baby, i have some lollipops in my pocket,you can guess how many are there?</p><p>D:one,two,three,four,five,six,seve ,eight,night,ten,eleven,twelve</p><p>M:good,now,i eat one,how many left</p><p>D:eleven</p><p>M:yes,well done, I will hide them behind my back. And you can guess how many Lollipops in my handone two three,ok,guess</p><p>D:four</p><p>M:yes,you really guess rightly,now,you can hide behind your back,and i will guess</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M:you can ask me how many lollipops in y hand</p><p>D:how many lollipop in my hand</p><p>M:two</p><p>D:no</p><p>M:haha,i can not know</p><p>D:one</p> <p>6)the magic bag</p><p>M: baby, look,i have a magic bag,and I will put some Lollipops into the bag. Do you want to get a lollipop? Let me tell you how to do touch the magic bag with your head. Yes. You can jump up to reach it.</p><p>D:ok</p><p><br></p> <p>7)find your lollipop</p><p>M: demi, I will hide lollipops in this room. You can change with me and try to find them.</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M:lollipop lollipop pop pop pop,lollipop lollipop pop pop pop,yum,how many do you find?</p><p>D:three</p><p>M: Now it's your turn. You can hide the lollipops,We will sing the song and I will try to find them.</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M:oh,i found one lollipops,how many do you find</p><p>D:three</p><p>M:you find more than mommy</p> <p>8)the lollipop shop</p><p>M: demi, Thank you again, I have some money and here is your lollipop shop.Now you can sell the lollipop to me. I want to buy some lollipops. </p><p>D:ok</p><p>M: Hello, I want to buy this red lollipop, How much is it?</p><p>D:one yuan four jiao</p><p>M: OK. I want a yellow more, lemon tasting,How much total? </p><p>D:one yuan five jiao</p><p>M:ok,now i am kangaroo,i will sell lollipop, I have many lollipops in my pouch, Now you are the little duck and you want to buy. So what Do you want </p><p>D:no,i do not want to buy</p><p>M:ok, then you can sell,and i will buy.</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M: i want a dog lollipop,How much is it</p><p>D:one yuan six jiao</p><p>M:ok, Don't forget my change.</p><p>痴迷于卖棒棒糖的世界</p> <p>9) The colorful lollipops.</p><p>M: demi, You can see there are three baskets. One is red, one is yellow and another is blue. Here are some lollipop,red,yellow and blue. Now you can take the red lollipop to the red basket.And the blue lollipop goes to the blue basket, The yellow lollipop goes to the yellow basket.</p><p>D:ok</p><p><br></p> <p>6. Supplementary</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>除了上面的,又找了几款我小时候吃的糖,找了好几家,还是给娃买到了✌</p><p>pop candy:The carbon dioxide in the pop candy is vaporized by heat in the mouth, causing the pop candy particles to bounce around in the mouth.</p><p>跳跳糖中所含的二氧化碳在嘴里遇热汽化后产生了推力才使跳跳糖颗粒在嘴里蹦跳。</p> <p>soda candy:it is colourful and magic,When we put soda candy in a soda, it creates a lot of bubbles, which is very interesting, and the soda becomes very sweet</p> <p>The name “maltose” comes from “malt” and the chemical sugar suffix -ose. One maltose definition (from the Merriam-Webster dictionary) is: “a crystalline dextrorotatory fermentable sugar formed especially from starch by amylase.” In simpler terms, it is a double sugar made of two molecules of glucose, and it is derived from starch. In the human body, the enzyme maltase is responsible for causing the chemical breakdown or hydrolysis of maltose into two glucose molecules.</p><p>What is maltose made of? As you can see from this maltose formula, it is made up of 12 carbon atoms, 22 hydrogen atoms and 11 oxygen atoms.</p><p>The maltose common name is used to describe a disaccharide of two glucose units. A basic disaccharide definition is: sugars formed when two monosaccharides (simple sugars) are joined by glycosidic linkage. Other disaccharide examples include sucrose and lactose.</p> <p>different Flavor</p> <p>7.Field trip</p><p>1) Taste the different flavors.</p><p>M: Baby. Now you have known the flavors. They can try some flavors, Let's play a game. Cover your eyes first. I will put some food into your mouth. Tell me what you taste.ok?</p><p>D:ok</p><p>M: What is the flavor</p><p>D:sour</p><p>M: Yeah, you are right. And what about this one? Is it sour? Is it salty, Is it bitter,or spicy?</p><p>D:salty</p><p>M: OK. It's my turn. You can give me some food. And I will tell you the taste.</p> <p>2)making lollipop-1</p><p>Steps to Make It</p><p>1.Heat the Chocolate in water until it melts.</p> <p>2. Stick the marshmallow into the Chocolate</p> <p>3.Insert the stick into the marshmallow.&nbsp;</p> <p>4.Decorate the marshmallow with the right size candy. </p> <p>3)pop candy test</p><p>跳跳糖娃没吃过不敢吃,但是又想吃,于是做了清水和牛奶液下的跳跳糖的反应和声音,观察化学反应,经过实验,娃最后选择尝试,并爱上了跳跳糖</p><p>M:baby,let us have a test for this candy,and then you can Decide if you eat or not.</p><p>Firstly, I will give you some water and you can join some pop candy. And you can observe what phenomenon will happen, Yes, you can hear there some sounds as zizizi, And the candy is pop, pop, pop. And now I will give you some milk. You can join the candy to see what will happen. Yes, the same phenomenon as the water, but Not as loud as water.</p> <p>4.making lollipop-2,这个家里没有糖浆没有做,后面买了再做</p><p>Steps to Make It</p><p>1.Gather the ingredients.</p><p>Homemade Lollipops ingredients</p><p>Prepare your lollipop molds by spraying them lightly with nonstick cooking spray. Wipe out the inside with a paper towel, so that only the thinnest layer of oil remains.</p><p>Homemade Lollipops</p> <p>2.Insert the lollipop sticks into the molds.</p><p>Combine the sugar, corn syrup, and water in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.</p> <p>3.Stir until the sugar dissolves, then brush down the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush.</p> <p>4.Once boiling, insert a candy thermometer. Allow mixture to boil, without stirring, until candy reaches 300 F (149 C). This is called the hard-crack stage.</p> <p>5.Remove saucepan from heat. Allow it to sit until it stops bubbling completely. Stir in the extract of your choice, and, if desired, food coloring.</p><p>6.Spoon the candy into the mold cavities, making sure to cover the back of the stick.</p> <p>7.Allow to cool completely and remove once hardened.</p> <p>Tips</p><p>Make sure to have all of your equipment on hand before tackling this recipe. In addition to the molds and sticks, you will need a straight-sided saucepan with a heavy bottom, a wooden spoon with a long handle, and a pastry brush.</p><p>Save yourself some hassle (as well as possible skin burns) by using a candy thermometer with a clamp that secures it to the side of the saucepan.</p><p>Since sugar attracts water, the weather can have an effect on candy making. Humidity can ruin an otherwise perfectly good lollipop by making it nearly impossible to reach the hard-crack stage. So, even though a rainy day is perfect for a kitchen project, it is not ideal for this one.</p><p>Recipe Variations</p><p>Vary the flavor of the lollipops by changing out the type of extracts you use. And feel free to try out interesting flavor combinations, but be sure to taste the mixture before you make a whole batch.</p><p>You can also alter the colors, matching them to the flavors so they are easy to decipher from each other. Cinnamon pairs well with red food coloring, vanilla pops can be yellow, and mint pops look good in green.</p><p>If you like the lollipop-making process, try other candy recipes like salted caramels and cinnamon hearts.</p><p>Stages of Candy Making</p><p>If you have never made candy, it is important to understand the stages of candy making before you start. There are six stages: thread, soft ball, firm ball, hard ball, soft crack, and hard crack, and each stage happens at a different temperature. Thus, using a candy thermometer is crucial (and if you have owned the candy thermometer for some time, you should test it to make sure it is still accurate). You can also do a test by dropping a spoonful of the syrup into a bowl of cold water—if it has reached the hard-crack stage it will form brittle threads in the water and crack once you remove and try to bend it.</p> <p>8.hand crafts</p><p>steps:</p><p>1) Take your favorite colors out and twist into a long line.</p><p>2) Taste two colors together.</p><p>3) Ship it into a circle.</p><p>4)Make a lollipop stick with different colors.</p><p>5) Wait for 20 minutes till it is dry. Then you will have a cute, lovely pup. You can try more. You can make many colors and many shapes lollipop</p> <p>9.learning centre </p><p>大书,小书</p><p>M: Look at the picture. Who do you see? I see a monkey and two squirrels. What are they doing?</p><p>D:they are eating lollipops</p><p>M: Where is monkey?</p><p>D:here</p><p>M:yes,he is hanging on the big lollipop</p><p>D:no,she,not he</p><p>M:why?do you think is it a girl?</p><p>D:yes,she like pink lollipop</p><p>M:ok,i agree with you</p> <p>总结:很好玩的一个单元,娃很喜欢,尝试复述动画,明天带去糖果店FT</p>









