法国🇫🇷阿讷西Annecy~阿尔贝维尔Albertville(孔夫朗Conflans)~芒通城堡Château de Menthon


<p>Nernier is a French village on the southern shore of Lake Geneva, in the department of Haute-Savoie.</p> <p>下榻在普瓦西的酒店。普瓦西(法语:Poisy)是法国上萨瓦省的一个市镇,位于该省西南部,省会阿讷西市区以西,属于阿讷西区。2015年人口为7594人。</p> <p>Faverges is a former commune located in Haute-Savoie department situated in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (south-east of France). On 1 January 2016, it was merged into the new commune of Faverges-Seythenex.</p> <p>窗外风景</p> <h3><span style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">阿讷西(法语:Annecy),又译安纳西、安娜西,法国东部城市,奥弗涅-罗讷-阿尔卑斯大区上萨瓦省的一个市镇,同时也是该省的省会和人口最多的城市,下辖阿讷西区。阿讷西的市镇总面积为66.94平方公里,2016年时的人口为126,419人。</span></h3> <p>阿讷西市政厅Hôtel de Ville Annecy&nbsp;</p> <h3><span style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">Annecy is the largest city of Haute-Savoie department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in southeastern France. It lies on the northern tip of Lake Annecy, 35 kilometers (22 mi) south of Geneva.</span></h3> <p>阿讷西地处阿尔卑斯山脉西北麓,阿讷西湖北岸,位于尚贝里和瑞士日内瓦之间,历史上长期受到这两个城市的影响。1401年起由萨伏依王朝统治。加尔文主义在日内瓦兴起后,这里成为反宗教改革的据点。法国大革命期间,阿讷西被法国吞并,波旁王朝复辟后又归还萨丁尼亚王国。1860年,萨伏依被让与法国,阿讷西成为上萨瓦省的首府。</p> <p>阿讷西的岛宫Palais de l'Isle是阿讷西老城区的一座三角形城堡,位于蒂乌河Thiou的中间,建于1132年,曾作为监狱使用。目前正在翻修。修</p> <p>The Palais de l'Isle is a 12th-century castle on an island in the river Thiou in Annecy's administrative headquarters. It mostly served as a prison and courthouse until the French Revolution. It again was a prison during World War II. The Palais de l'Ile was classified as a Historical Monument in 1900, and today houses a local history museum.</p> <p>蒂乌河Thiou</p> <p>阿讷西现为法国东部的一个区域性中心城市,多条交通干线在此交汇,同时多所大型跨国企业在阿讷西境内设有分支。家乐福最初创办于阿讷西,现已发展成为重要的跨国零售商企业。</p> <p>阿讷西夜景</p> <p>圣克莱尔城门Porte Sainte Claire~Sainte Claire Tor in der alten Stadt von Annecy.</p> <p>墓门Sepulchre Gate in Old Town of Annecy</p> <p><br></p> <p>阿尔贝维尔(法语:Albertville),法国东部城市,奥弗涅-罗讷-阿尔卑斯大区萨瓦省的一个市镇,同时也是该省的一个副省会,下辖阿尔贝维尔区。阿尔贝维尔位于萨瓦省中北部,2017年1月1日的人口为18,899,在法国城市中排名第494位。</p> <p>阿尔贝维尔欧洲广场Place de l'Europe Albertville</p> <p>阿尔贝维尔是1992年冬季奥林匹克运动会的主办城市,是法国重要的冬季旅游目的地,同时也是前往阿尔卑斯山多个滑雪场的必经之路。</p> <p>Albertville (Arpitan: Arbèrtvile) is a commune in the Savoie department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France.</p> <p>阿尔贝维尔教堂</p> <p>阿尔贝维尔主街</p> <p>欧洲广场的尽头是圆顶电影院Le Dôme Cinéma</p> <p>18世纪初修建的圣格拉教堂</p> <p>Sculptures Pierre Margara </p> <p>阿尔贝维尔市政厅Hôtel de Ville Albertville </p> <p>2018年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者热拉尔·穆鲁出生于阿尔贝维尔。</p> <p>阿尔贝维尔位于法国东部,奥弗涅-罗讷-阿尔卑斯大区东部和萨瓦省中部略偏北,距离省会尚贝里Chambéry大约52公里,距离大区首府里昂大约150公里。与阿尔贝维尔接壤的市镇包括:梅尔屈里。</p> <p><br></p> <p>The town is best known for hosting the 1992 Winter Olympics.</p> <p>二战英雄纪念碑War Memorial Albertville</p><p>This memorial (Monument aux Morts) commemorates the residents of Albertville who gave their lives in the First World War and the Second World War and the wars in Indochina (1946-1954) and Algeria (1954-1962).</p> <p>这里是俯瞰阿尔贝维尔的好地方</p> <p>Tour Ramus</p> <p>进入中世纪古城孔夫朗Conflans的萨瓦城门Porte de Savoie</p> <p>孔夫朗Conflans地图。</p> <p>孔夫朗主广场的红屋,现在是艺术历史博物馆Place principale de Conflans, Maison Rouge et musée d'art et d'histoire de Conflans。</p> <p>圣母升天教堂或圣格拉教堂L'église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption ou église Saint-Grat的钟楼。</p> <p>孔夫朗(法语:Conflans (Savoie))”(意为“汇流之地”),因地处伊泽尔河Isère和阿尔利河Arly的交汇处。</p> <p>孔夫朗城堡要塞Château fort de Conflans</p> <p>撒拉森塔和花园Tour Sarrasine Xll et son Jardin </p> <p>1835年,萨丁国王卡洛·阿尔贝托颁布专利特许证,将孔夫朗(法语:Conflans (Savoie))和洛皮塔勒(法语:L'Hôpital (Savoie))两个小镇合并,并以其命名为“阿尔贝之城”(法语:Albertville,阿皮坦语:Arbèrtvela)。</p> <p><br></p> <p>The modern city of Albertville was formed in 1836 by King Charles Albert of Sardinia, who merged the medi town of Conflans, which has buildings dating back to the 14th century, with the town of L'Hôpital. Since then, Albertville has developed trade between France, Italy and Switzerland. Industries such as paper mills and hydroelectricity can be found along its river.</p> <p>The 1992 Winter Olympics were organised in the Savoie region, with Albertville hosting it. Some of the sports venues were later adapted for other uses. Some sports venues still remain such as the ice rink, La halle de glace Olympique, designed by the architect Jacques Kalisz. Despite this, the town remains more industrial than touristic.</p> <p>In 2003, the town was labelled a "Town of art and history".</p> <p>中世纪古城孔夫朗Medi town of Conflans</p> <p>圣母升天教堂或圣格拉教堂L'église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption ou église Saint-Grat建于18世纪初期。</p> <p>塔卢瓦尔-蒙曼(法语:Talloires-Montmin)是法国上萨瓦省的一个市镇,位于该省中部偏东,属于阿讷西区。2015年人口为2023人。</p> <p>阿讷西湖Lac d'Annecy~Lake Annecy是法国第三大湖泊。</p> <p>Lake Annecy (French: Lac d'Annecy) is a perialpine lake in Haute-Savoie in France. It is the third largest lake in France, after the Lac du Bourget and Lac de Grand-Lieu, if the French part of Lake Geneva (which is shared between Switzerland and France) is excluded. It is known as "Europe's cleanest lake" because of strict environmental regulations introduced in the 1960s. It is a popular tourist destination known for its swimming and water sports.</p> <p>芒通圣贝尔纳城堡Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard或芒通城堡Château de Menthon</p> <p>芒通城堡位于芒通圣贝尔纳。芒通圣贝尔纳)法语:Menthon-Saint-Bernard)是法国上萨瓦省的一个市镇,位于该省中部偏东,阿讷西湖东岸,属于阿讷西区。2015年人口1898人。</p> <p>The Château de Menthon is a medi castle located in the commune of Menthon-Saint-Bernard, 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) south of Annecy in the Haute-Savoie department of France.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Standing on a 200 metres (660 ft) tall rock, its stone towers loom over Lake Annecy, the Roc de Chère National Nature Reserve, and Menthon-Saint-Bernard. Since 1989, it has been listed as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture.</p> <p>芒通城堡建在200米高的岩石上,可以俯瞰阿讷西湖。</p> <p>鲜花簇拥的芒通城堡和阿尔卑斯山脉</p> <p>阿讷西湖(法语:Lac d'Annecy)法国上萨瓦省近阿尔卑斯山一个淡水湖,是法国第三大湖泊。因1960年起执行严格的环保条例,法国人称阿讷西湖为“欧洲最干净的湖泊”。</p> <p>又回到阿讷西Annecy </p> <p>阿讷西火车站Gare d'Annecy</p> <p>小水道有点威尼斯的感觉!</p> <h3>2016年7月16日</h3> <p>阿讷西城堡(Château d'Annecy)是一座俯视着法国上萨瓦省古城阿讷西的城堡。被法国文化部列为法国历史古迹。阿讷西城堡建于12世纪到16世纪。它曾是日内瓦伯爵和日内瓦-内穆尔公爵的府邸。在数次毁于火灾之后,于17世纪被废弃,后改建为兵营,直至1947年。1953年阿讷西市购买了这座城堡,修复后改造成“阿讷西城堡博物馆”。王后塔(Tour de la Reine)是城堡最古老的部分,可追溯到12世纪。它的墙壁有4米厚。从城堡的露台上可以眺望老城狭窄的街道和精彩的屋顶。</p><p>The Château d'Annecy is a restored castle which dominates the old French town of Annecy in the Haute-Savoie département. It was bought by the town, restored and transformed into a museum, le musée-château d'Annecy. The castle is listed as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture since 1959.</p> <p>The Palais de l'Isle is a 12th-century castle on an island in the river Thiou in Annecy's administrative headquarters. It mostly served as a prison and courthouse until the French Revolution. It again was a prison during World War II. The Palais de l'Ile was classified as a Historical Monument in 1900, and today houses a local history museum.</p> <p>The Palais de l'Isle and Thiou river</p> <p>阿讷西最古老的教堂圣毛里斯教堂Église Saint-Maurice</p> <p>7月14日法国🇫🇷国庆尼斯恐怖袭击事件刚刚发生,阿讷西市政厅下半旗致哀。</p> <p>法国当地时间2016年7月14日深夜,尼斯市法国国庆日庆祝活动遭袭,一辆大卡车撞向正在观看巴士底日烟花表演的人群。此次袭击已经造成至少84人死亡,202人受伤。已经确认有两名中国公民在此袭击中受伤。2016年7月16日,“伊斯兰国”(IS)通过其媒体渠道发表声明,称对当地时间14日晚发生在尼斯的卡车袭击人群事件负责。</p> <p>Église Saint-Maurice (in English, St. Maurice Church) is a Roman Catholic church in Annecy, France. It is the oldest church in Annecy. It was originally built as a chapel of a Dominican convent in 1422, sponsored by Cardinal Jean-Allarmet de Brogny.</p> <p>阿讷西圣伯多禄主教座堂(法语:Cathédrale Saint-Pierre d'Annecy)是一座罗马天主教的主教座堂,法国国家历史古迹之一,位于阿讷西。</p><p>主教座堂由Jacques Rossel兴建于16世纪初,作为方济各会修道院的小堂。在法国大革命期间,这座教堂被改为至上崇拜的庙宇。1822年从天主教尚贝里教区分出天主教阿讷西教区时升格为主教座堂。</p>