<p>上周发烧以后出诊,这周来到外婆家,又闲散了一天,没有好好计划真的会拖后腿</p><p><b><u>Listening.0a</u></b></p><p><b><u>reading</u></b>:海尼曼12+大书hello</p><p> 👩: Look this big book.This is a cover page.Look, there is an elephant and a mouse, they are blowing bubbles.So many bubbles.Okay,let's turn the page 1. There is a Bear,He says hello to the flowers.And the flowers say hello to the bear.How many flowers can you see? Let's count okay?(非要自己指着)</p><p>👶:然后故意指草地……</p><p>👩:Oh no, it's grass 。(折腾了几次,我就自己指了)123, yes, there are 3 Flowers.Can you say hello to the flowers?(不要)。</p><p>👩:Okay, mommy say hello to the flowers,:“Hello flowers” 。Let's Look at the page 2.The bear meet the bunny.And the bearSays hello to the bunny .and the bunny also says hello to the bear.</p><p>Okay, now mommy can be a bear。Hello zoe. Can you say hello to me? (压低声音)</p><p>👶:Hello bunny.😂</p><p>👩:Okay, now mummy can be a bunny, can you say hello to the bunny?(把声音变细,变可爱)</p><p>👶:Hello bear.😂</p><p>👩:Okay, hello bear, hello bunny.</p><p><br></p><p><b><u>video</u></b>:0a unit 1:hello</p><p><br></p><p><b><u>game1</u></b></p><p><b><u>实战</u></b></p><p>👩:let's, let's play a game, okay.</p><p>👶:好</p><p>👩:Mommy knocks the door, then you open the door. Ok.(本来拿了块板当门,结果她拿起来丢地上弄出啪啪响,乐此不疲,就换了个地方)</p><p>👶:好</p><p>👩:Knock, knock, knock, it's mummy, may I come in.</p><p>👶:Come in/(感觉像说coming)</p><p>👩:Thank you.</p><p>👶:你出去……</p><p>👩:Knock, knock, knock may I come in.</p><p>👶:不要…(突然不按牌理出牌)</p><p> boots.</p><p>👩:Oh, you want to put on your boots?</p><p>Can you say hello to your boots?</p><p>👶:hello.boots 。妈妈出去……</p><p>(出门路上看各种东西)</p><p>👩: zoe this is a van.This is a car.</p><p> Wow, There is a big truck .(树,花,鸟,房子)</p><p>👶:妈妈鸟……</p><p>👩:Yes, can you say hello to the birds?</p><p>👶:(挥挥手)Bye bye鸟…😂</p><p>👩:Look There is a people playing football.He is on the Playground,and he is Kicking.Do you want to play football?(很专注的看,路过一只猫)Look, zoe. there is a cat.Say hello to the cat.</p><p><br></p><p><b><u>game2:看图游戏</u></b></p><p>👶:Wow.(指指墙上的猫咪)</p><p>👩:Oh it's a cat. can you say hello to the giraffe?</p><p>👶:不说话,就指指长颈鹿。</p><p>👩:Look, this is a baby Giraffe.This is a baby elephant.</p><p>👶:Elephant。然后指指小象旁边的大象</p><p>👩:Oh, this is a mummy elephant.</p><p>👶:daddy elephant.(指了指另外一张图片上的大象)</p><p>👩:Yes you are right.(然后就要找爸爸了)</p><p><br></p><p>(昨晚床上放了很多玩偶,有熊,章鱼,兔子,大象等,让她说hello,就不说,就说:哇好多啊!要么就挥挥手…😂)</p><p><br></p><p><b><u>game3:镜子游戏</u></b></p><p>这是临时加的,在阳台上玩的时候看到了窗户上倒影的自己。</p><p>👩:Sorry, look, can you say hello to the zoe? Can you say hello to the mummy?</p><p>👶:Hello.Hello mummy.</p><p>(一摆上手机就不行了,就变成拍照了,其实可以拿小玩偶照镜子打招呼也可以!)</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><b><u>反思:</u></b></p><p><b><u></u></b>备课做的不好,没有找到点,没有玩开,所以也不想进行下一步,感觉自己一直在跑偏。</p><p><br></p><p>宝贝虽然认识的比较多,很多也会说一些,但是明显感觉到现在的状态没有之前好。越大了越有自己的想法,hello,byebye虽然很熟练,但是没有扩展到更多的方面,自己就更加不想继续下一节,上周其实玩了一下第二单元bubble(宝贝也很熟悉,但是也没有做到足够的拓展),结果中途玩的不高兴,打卡都忘记了…</p><p><br></p><p>总想做的更好一点一点,发现会拖慢进度,破坏执行力,完成比完美更重要!一定要加油,坚持!</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>