<p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>亲爱的家长:</p><p>Dear parents and students</p><p> 您好!</p><p> Greetings!</p><p> 2020年的注定不平凡,因为新冠肺炎疫情的原因,我们很多生活的模式都被改变,孩子们居家学习与生活,但是您却在各行各业忙碌着,为了生活,为了家庭,承担着孩子们还不太能理解的压力和辛酸,您辛苦了!</p><p>The year 2020 is deemed to be extraordinary because of the pandemic outbreak. Many of our life patterns have been changed, and the children have not been able to go to school yet. We would like to extend our gratitude for all your hard working and support.</p> <p> 孩子们陆续临近复学,面对居家学习到返校复学的转变,在期盼已久的兴奋之中难免会有一些焦虑和担忧。在这段特殊的复学过渡期中,作为家长,我们该如何调适自身心理,帮助孩子以积极的姿态回归校园。</p><p>With the recommencing of classes, we will inevitably have some anxiety and worry over this long-awaited end, to the vacation. At this special time, as parents, how should we adjust our own psychology to help our children return to the campus with a positive attitude.</p> 亲子沟通与家校沟通 <p>Good communication between parents and their children</p><p> 新学期,学生易发生开学适应性心理问题。需要家长帮助孩子平衡学习与玩乐之间的冲突,必要时请家长与班主任多沟通,了解孩子在校动态,并就学校的生活学习,与孩子进行至少每周一次的分享、勉励和适度关怀。</p><p>In the new term, students will be subject to the psychological issues of returning to school and adapting. Parents need to help their children find the balance point between learning and relaxing. You can ask your head teacher for help if necessary.</p> 对孩子的评价以鼓励为主 <p>The uation of children basedon encouragement</p><p> </p><p> 当孩子犯错误或者遇到挫折时,他们心里也会难过和担心,很需要家长的洞察和鼓励。家长要善于发现孩子哪怕是很小很小的成绩和进步,及时地给予不同形式的表扬与肯定,这样会让孩子感受到自己身后有父母的支持,特别温暖。</p><p>If or when children make mistakes or encounter setbacks, they will be sad and or worried, they will also need their parents' encouragement. Parents should be good at finding their child’s smallest achievements and progress. As parents, it is important to give different forms of praise and affirmation in a timely manner, so that children will feel the support of their parents.</p> 陪伴是最好的教育 <p>Companionship is the best education</p><p> 一是尽量陪伴。家长可以一起接送孩子,一起做饭用餐等等,寻找和孩子建立温馨家庭交流时光。二是提高陪伴质量。在周末,家长应放下手机,尽量抽时间陪伴孩子,让孩子感受到天伦之乐,感受到父母亲人间的亲密感。</p><p>Parents should try to spend time with your children. Parents can pick up their children together, cook and eat together, and so on, finding a warm family communication time with their children. Also, parents can improve the quality of time spent together. On weekends, parents should put down their mobile phones, try to take the time to spend with their children, let the children feel the joy and intimacy of their family life.</p><p><br></p> 及时发现孩子的异常行为 <p>Parents should endeavor to be timely in the detection of abnormal behavior</p><p> 本着早期发现、及时介入、有效干预、防止特殊突发事件发生的原则,密切关注孩子异常心理、行为特征,配合学校做好排查工作。如发现异常情况的,请家长及时、如实与班主任沟通,以便家校合力、尽早介入,保障学生心理健康。</p><p>In line with the principle of early detection, timely and effective intervention and the prevention of special emergencies, pay close attention to the abnormal psychological and behavioral characteristics of your children. Please cooperate with the school to do a thorough investigation. If it is found, a student’s parent’s timely and truthful communication with the head teacher is vital, so that home and school may work together, to protect the mental health of students</p> 返校复学家长六要六不要 <p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Parents; The Six Dos and Don'ts, after the continuation of school.</p><p>1.要多关心孩子,不要不闻不问;</p><p>Do be more attentive to your children, don’t ignore them.</p><p>2.要多联系老师,不要甩手不管:</p><p>Do communicate with the teachers, don’t neglect their advice.</p><p>3.要多鼓励表扬,不要批评指责;</p><p>Do encourage your children more, don’t criticize them.</p><p>4.要多注意动态,不要唯分数论;</p><p>Do on mental health don’t care only about their score.</p><p>5.要多聆听心声,不要全是说教;</p><p>Do listen to your children’s ideas, don't be condescending.</p><p>6.要多拥抱孩子,不要冷言冷语;</p><p>Do embrace your children often, don't be distant.</p>