小西妈双语工程2003期210号Daniel 打卡 Day5


<p><b style="font-size: 20px;">0A unit 6 Driving in my car</b></p><p>Listening:0a unit1-12</p><p> 牙牙一1-7单元</p><p> Brown bear,brown bear,what do you see?</p><p>Reading:</p> <p>Vedio:The bath song</p><p> Twinkle twinkle little star</p><p> The rainbow song</p><p> If you are happy song</p><p> 牙牙一《小豆芽》《打夯》</p> <p>Game:</p><p>🌸<b style="font-size: 20px;">Have a race</b></p><p>👩See, honey,so many cars. Today we will play with these cars. Now, first, let's count how many cars we have?You try. </p><p>👦One two three four five six seven eight nine ten. </p><p>👩Oh, we have 10 cars.Well,how many blue cars do we have? Blue car. Blue. Blue. (重点多强调几次)</p><p>👦One two three four five. (其中有两辆蓝色车不是很明显,在我的提示下数出来了)</p><p>👩Yeah,we have 5 cars. And how many white cars do we have? White cars,white,white. </p><p>👦One two three. </p><p>👩Good job.We have 3 white cars.OK. Choose one car you like best. I like this red car.</p><p>(选了一辆蓝色车)</p><p>👩See,I can play my car this way(绕S形). Driving in my car,bumptiy bump.Driving in my car ,bumptiy bump. (左右摇晃车)</p><p>👦妈妈不要这样。</p><p>(拿着小车往地上上下敲,可能是受前天游戏影响,他理解的bumpity bump是上下颠簸,也没毛病)</p><p>👩Now this time, let's have a race. Choose one car you like.I will choose the police car. OK, ready? Go!WOW, your car runs faster. You win.You are the first.</p> <p>Learning center</p><p>🌸<b style="font-size: 20px;">Parking the car</b></p><p>👩See, honey. So many cars. Can you count how many cars we have?Count.</p><p>👦One two three four five six seven eight nine ten.</p><p>👩Yeah,we have 10 cars.Now let's park them.Here is a red parking lot. Can you find out the red car? </p><p>👦妈妈不要说</p><p>👩OK😂😂😂</p><p>(经过一番解释后,才同意我说他贴)</p><p>👩This is pink. </p><p> This is orange. </p><p> This is purple. </p><p> This is black. </p><p> This is white. </p><p> This is brown. </p> <p>🌸Looking for wheels</p><p>👩Honey,see, so many wheels. Wheels</p><p>are an important part of transportation. Without wheels, these cars must be sad,because they can't move on the ground. So let's help these cars to find their wheels,OK? </p><p>👦不说话。但是看图他已经知道怎么操作,所以非常迫不及待。</p><p>👩OK,do it!</p> <p>总结:</p><p>1.从实施双语工程以来,对英文动画片就是不太感兴趣,更愿意看其他儿歌视频。最近主动点看牙牙视频,自己没事还念叨着,玩着玩着就把牙牙儿歌给联系上了。</p><p>2.目前颜色、小动物、数字点数、身体部分、动作相关词汇都了解了一部分,已经掌握了。</p><p>3.妈妈的备课进度还是有点慢(班妈伤不起),所以整体学习进度也就比较慢,慢中出细活,每天这么安慰自己,不以快慢为重点,娃的兴趣及掌握程度才是重点,当然进度能快点会更好。班妈加油!!</p>









