<p>理解阅读:树屋第一张</p><p>指读:牛7 3本</p><p>复诉 粉猪1集 复诉2集</p><p>动画:校车 粉猪</p><p>中文:复习第五册第9单元,古诗两首</p><p>听力:读啥听啥</p><p>绘本:母亲节相关4本</p> <p>网课一节,说话再连贯一些就好了</p> <p>Farmer and Seed </p><p>I’m a farmer. You are a seed.</p><p>“The farmer plants the seeds, the farmer plants the seeds.</p><p>Hi-ho, the derry-o. The farmer plants the seeds.” Please lie in bed.</p><p>The bed is the field/ground.</p><p>A seed needs many things to grow.</p><p>It needs soil.</p><p>What else does a seed need?</p><p>Water.</p><p>“The rain begins to fall, the rain begins to fall. Hi-ho, the derry-o.</p><p>The rain begins to fall.”</p><p>A seed needs soil, water and sunlight.</p><p>“The sun begins to shine, the sun begins to shine.</p><p>Hi-ho, the derry-o. The sun begins to shine.”</p><p>Little seed, will you come sprout?</p><p>The plants begin to grow, the plants begin to grow. Hi-ho, the derry-o.</p><p>The plants begin to grow.”</p><p>Where is the bud?</p><p>“The buds all open up, the buds all open up. Hi-ho, the derry-o. The buds all open up. The flowers smile at me, the flowers smile at me.</p><p>Hi-ho, the derry-o. The flowers smile at me.”</p><p>I don’t want to be planted.</p><p>If you want to plant the seed, try to catch me.</p><p>I won’t sprout.</p><p>I need more water and sunlight.</p> <p>利用这个单元把植物,种子,叶子,花的组成部分及作用都重新串一遍,配合神奇下校车11集和3集。重点是花的组成部分及授粉</p> <p>Seeds can be as tiny as a grain or as big as a fingernail. Do you remember that the seeds of redwood tree are as small as the watermelon seeds?</p><p>Let's look at the seed. How many parts are there in a seed?</p><p>Three parts.</p><p>Inside is the embryo, which is a tiny plant and the endosperm , which are small leaves which supply it with food from the food store. The outside of the seat has a seed coat which protects the plant.</p><p>Some plants like ferns(蕨类植物), Don't produce seeds. They make spores(孢子). They drop off the plant and eventually make new plants. Animals often eats seeds as do we.</p><p>When the wind is blowing, some seeds are carried to the new places. Seeds cannot grow underneath other plants and need a clear space to grow where sunlight can reach them easi</p> <p>这本书帮助理解特别棒</p> <p>How plants grow.</p><p>A plant is a living thing.</p><p>Plants need light, air and water to germinate /grow.</p><p>Plants need plenty of sunlight. Plants use sunlight to make their own food. The sun use their lives to trap light.</p><p>Plants need plenty of water their roots to absorb water from the soil after it rains.</p><p>Plants need air. They take carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen back into the environment.</p><p>Do you know what the carbon dioxide is? It is a kind of harmful gas. It comes from the animals and human. What is the oxygen? Oxygen is a kind of gas which is present in air and water, and is necessary for animals and humans to breathe.</p><p>Look at this pictures. The sun produces the sunlight. The plants absorb the sunlight. The plants absorb the carbon dioxide from the air and absorb water using their roots. And then they made oxygen and Release oxygen back into the environment. The process is called photosynthesis.</p><p>Everything in the whole world falls into two main groups. One is the plant group. Another is the animal group. The plants can't move, whereas animals can move.</p><p>Do you think which group we can be divided into? We belongs to the animal group.</p><p>There are around 300000 types of plants in the world. Most of them are seed plants. Some types of plants we know are trees, shrubs, grass, vines, ferns and mosses.</p><p>Everything on earth has a life circle. Life begins, it grows, it reproduces, It dies. But what is the plants that circle . plants start their lives as tiny seeds.</p> <p>The main parts of most plants are roots, stem, leaf and flower.</p><p>Roots of a plant are present under the ground. These roots give support to the plant. These carry water, minerals and nutrients from the soil for the plants. Roots grow underground.</p><p>Stem of a plant is present above the ground. It also gives support to the plant. It also bears branches, leaves, fruits and flowers. It carries food and water to all parts of the plant. Stem is known as the back-bone of the plant.</p><p>Leaf prepares food for the plant.</p><p>Flower is the most beautiful part of a plant. It changes into fruit.</p><p>Most of the plants bear flowers. Flowers are of different shapes, sizes and colors. Some flowers smell good. Some of the good smelling flowers are rose, jasmine, lotus, sunflower, apple flower.</p><p>Flowers change into fruits. Fruits are juicy and tasty. Some fruits are apple, orange, mango, watermelon and peach.</p><p><br></p><p>N-COUNT 矿物;矿物质;矿产</p><p>A mineral is a substance such as tin, salt, or sulphur that is formed naturally in rocks and in the earth. Minerals are also found in small quantities in food and drink.</p><p><br></p><p>Nutrients are substances that help plants and animals to grow.</p><p>...the role of vegetable fibres, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.</p> <p>Parts of Plants</p><p>Plants have different parts to them,</p><p>just like you. </p><p>We have different body parts.</p><p>such as arms, legs, eyes, mouth and so on.</p><p>A plant has different parts too, and they all have different jobs to do.</p><p>A plant is made up of many different parts.</p><p>The three main parts are :</p><p>t<b>he roots, the leaves and the stem.</b></p><p>Each part has a set of job to do to keep the plant healthy.</p><p><b>The roots</b> absorb water and minerals from the soil and anchor the plant in the ground, </p><p>and carries the water and minerals to the leaves. The leaves collect energy from the sun and make food for the plant.</p><p><br></p><p>🤝 A plant is a living thing. Plants need light, air and water space to germinate.</p><p><b>Roots</b></p><p>The roots of a plant anchors the plant in the ground, without roots plant would just fall over. Roots are also used to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.</p><p><b>Stems</b></p><p>Stems help to support the plant and keep it upright.</p><p>Water and nutrients that are taken up from the root are transported through the stem.</p><p><b>Leaves</b></p><p>Leaves are very important as they make food for the plant.</p><p>Leaves are made to catch the sunlight as plants need sunlight to make food.</p><p>The process of plants making food is called photosynthesis.(光合作用)</p><p>Plants take carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) from the air and release oxygen back into the environment.</p><p>Photosynthesis [,fəʊtə(ʊ)'sɪnθɪsɪs] 光合作用</p><p>Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳</p><p>Glucose ['ɡlukos]葡萄糖</p><p><b>Flowers</b> are not only pretty and very colorful, they can also smell lovely. These colours and smells are very important because they attract bees birds and butterflies to pollinate (授粉) the plants. </p><p>Pollination is needed to fertilize the plant The plant will then produce seeds and/or fruits.</p> <p>Parts of a Flower and their Functions</p><p>Many flowers have male parts and female parts.</p><p><br></p><p>单词注解:</p><p>1. pistil /'pɪstɪl/雌蕊;</p><p>2. stigma /'stɪgmə/柱头;</p><p>3. style /staɪl/花柱;</p><p>4. ovary /'əʊv(ə)rɪ/ 子房;</p><p>5. stamen /'steɪmən/雄蕊;</p><p>6. anther /'ænθə/花药;</p><p>7. filament /'fɪləm(ə)nt/ 花丝;</p><p>8. petal 花瓣;</p><p>9. ovule with Embryo Sac 胚珠与胚囊;</p><p>10. sepal萼片;</p><p>11. pollen 花粉;</p><p>12. receptacle 花托</p> <p>flower parts</p><p>Lily blossom is a good choice to learn about the parts of a flower.So we learn about a flower.</p><p>Lily has a flowery fragrant smell.It has both the male and female parts ,so it is called a perfect flower.We could see different parts of the flower clearly.</p><p>Anther and filament are the male parts of a flower .Jointly ,they are called stamen.</p><p>Stigma ,style,ovary and ovules are the female parts.And together they are called the pistil.</p><p>The filament is a long tube that supports the anther.</p><p>these tiny little particles on the anther are pollen grains.</p><p>The pollen grains help these flowers reproduce and give birth to baby plants .</p><p>Many a times,insects sit on these flowers and carry this pollen grains to the stigma。Stigma is the sticky surface at the Top of the pistil, which helps in trapping and holding the pollen grains .The pollen grains land on the stigma .fertilizes the blossoms.This is called pollination.After pollination, the ovary of the flower becomes a fruit.</p> <p>手工加深印象</p> <p>If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.</p> <p>出去运动,家里百合还么有开,出去认识花的部分,把授粉过程叨叨叨</p> <p>这样理解起来更容易呦</p> <p>这个叫蔓菁也叫诸葛草,摸到了花粉</p> <p>马兰花呀马兰花</p>