<b><font color="#b06fbb">主题:Jack be nimble -part3</font></b><br><div><font color="#b06fbb">继续这个单元的主题</font><br></div> <font color="#b06fbb">❤️Experiment :爱课的实验 让蜡烛熄灭的实验 <br>之前我们做过相关的实验。</font> <font color="#b06fbb"><b>Drinking Candle</b><br>蜡烛燃烧的秘密 <br>Drinking Candle is a fun science experiment to do at home. It is an awesome science experiment which shows how a burning candle drinks up all the water, but is the candle actually drinking the water? </font> <font color="#b06fbb"><b>Materials and tools required</b><br>Water<br>Food Color<br>Candles<br>Lighter<br>White Plate<br>Mixing Spoons<br>Tall glass<br>Measuring cup<br><br>Pour 100 ml of water on a white plate and add few drops of green food color.</font> <h3>之前做的实验。</h3> <font color="#b06fbb">Take a candle and place it at the center of the plate.<br>Light the candle using a lighter and cover it with a transparent glass.<br>You can see as the flame goes off, the candle drinks up the water.<br>拿一支蜡烛放在盘子中央。<br>用打火机点燃蜡烛,用透明的玻璃覆盖。<br>你可以看到当火焰熄灭时,蜡烛吸干了水。</font> <font color="#b06fbb">Now, try it out with two similar candles.<br>This time you can see even more water gets inside the glass, and water level rose higher.<br><br>What happens? The water goes up into the bottle. Why does this happen? Because the candle used all of the air in the bottle. <br><br>The drinking candle experiment also visually shows us that atmospheric pressure exists and air exerts pressure from a high pressure area to a low pressure area.<br><br>This low pressure area is responsible for pulling in water inside the glass. This happens as air exerts pressure from a high pressure area to a low pressure area.<br>现在,用两根类似的蜡烛试一下。<br>这一次你可以看到更多的水进入玻璃,水位上升更高。<br>会发生什么呢?水升到瓶子里去了。为什么会这样?因为蜡烛用光了瓶子里所有的空气。<br>饮水蜡烛实验也直观地向我们展示了大气压力的存在,空气从高压区向低压区施加压力。<br>这个低压区负责将水吸入玻璃内。当空气从高压区向低压区施加压力时,就会发生这种情况。</font><br> <font color="#b06fbb">Fire needs oxygen to sustain itself. A lit candle needs to draw oxygen from the air in order to continue burning. The glass prevents the fire from consuming any more oxygen.<br><br>Once the fire in the glass has consumed (used up) all the oxygen inside the glass, the fire (candle’s flame) goes out.<br><br>火需要氧气来维持自身。点燃的蜡烛需要从空气中吸取氧气才能继续燃烧。这种玻璃可以防止火焰消耗更多的氧气。<br>一旦杯子里的火耗尽了杯子里的所有氧气,火焰(蜡烛的火焰)就熄灭了。</font><br> <b><font color="#b06fbb">❤️FT:Changlong safari park </font></b> <b><font color="#b06fbb">map</font></b> <div><font color="#b06fbb">Samy,today,we are going to the Changlong safari park .</font><br></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">Are you excited?<br>-Yes,Mommy,I am so excited.<br>We get to see the elephant and giraffees.<br>Let's look at this map and see where they are.<br><br>We are here at the main entrance.</font><br></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">So we need to follow this pathway and follow the signs.<br>- Samy,Let's take the safari train.</font><br><br></div> <font color="#b06fbb">乘着小火车浏览,20分钟,一路听着讲解员介绍着。</font> <div><font color="#b06fbb">What do you think the first animal will be ?</font></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">Wow,The black swan.</font></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">Then We can see so many animals.</font></div><div><font color="#b06fbb"><br> Mommy, I can see the giraffes!<br>They are so tall!<br>They are wild animals,and they could hurt you.<br>They live in these enclosures that are specially designed<br>to look like their natural habitats.<br><br>For example, giraffes live in the grasslands in Africa<br>so that is why they are in a grassy field here.</font><br></div> <div><b><font color="#b06fbb">At the Eelephant House</font></b><br></div><font color="#b06fbb">-Can we see the elephants now?<br>- Yes. Let's look at the map again<br>and find where the elephant house is.<br>-Look at their long trunks and big ears!<br>Can I feed them?<br>No, we can only look at them.<br>Pay attention to the signs that say<br>"Do Not Feed".<br>They need special food.<br>The zookeepers give them their food.<br>Here comes the elephant.<br>Wave to it!<br><br><b>At the Monkey Enclosure</b><br>Mom: Shall we go see the monkeys now?<br>They live in the monkey enclosureand have trees to climb<br>and ropes to swing on!<br>Mommy, I can't see them.<br>Mom: Look up into that tree,<br>there is one up there!<br>Child: I see him!</font><br><br> <div><b><font color="#b06fbb">The beautifu, leopard.</font></b></div><div><br></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">The pattern of the rosettes is unique to each individual.</font></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">Males are large</font> <font color="#b06fbb">than females.</font></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">Each has its own different charcateristics.</font><br></div> <font color="#b06fbb">Leopards are known for their ability to climb, dragging their kills up trees and hanging them there,and descending from trees headfirst.<br>They are prowerful swimmers, although are not as disposed to swimming as some other big cats, such<br>as the tiger. They are very agile, and can run at over 58 kilometres per hour, leap over 6 metres horizontally, and jump up to 3 metres vertically.<br><br></font><div><font color="#b06fbb"><b>where to find them ?</b></font></div><div><font color="#b06fbb"><b></b><br></font></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">Some like to take a nap on the bush.</font></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">some like to hang itself up on the brush.</font></div><div><font color="#b06fbb">Some like to study you from behind the rock.</font></div> <h3>发现了一只可爱的Panda在吃竹子。</h3> <h3>热晕,头发全湿了,赶紧回去啦!</h3> <div>阅读:</div><div>独立阅读:牛津8两本,提问讨论,娃可以用自己的话总结答案。</div><div>Nate--2个 </div><div>I can read 2 --2个</div><div>小毛人 --N本 </div><div>MTH </div><div>RAz</div><div>书写高频词:进入level c </div><div>哈考特练习册---reading</div><div><br></div><div>中文:</div><div>指读:米小圈,日有所诵,四五快读</div><div>阅读:米小圈 国家地理 法布尔昆虫记 清汉5</div><div>小家伙的拼音学的还错,见到不认识的词拼音基本没问题。</div><div>口头作文--神奇的海洋动物</div><div>古诗2首 </div><div><br></div><div>数学:天天练app每天打卡数学思维和口算题</div><div>口算题1年级下快完结。</div><div>书本上的口算题:开启一年级下 </div><h3>豌豆思维</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>复述:</h3><h3>粉猪pirate island /The long grass</h3><h3>牛津8 Save floppy</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>网课:趣趣</h3><h3>爱课自拼,百科</h3>