

<h3><u><b>Big Cats under Threat</b></u><br></h3><h3>面临威胁的大型猫科动物<br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Today, big cats are facing many threats, which are mostly caused by human activities. Over the last century, the number of big cats in the wild has reduced drastically彻底的/大幅度的.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>What Are Big Cats?</b><br></h3><h3>什么是大型猫科动物?</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>Big cats are large wild cats. These include:</b></h3><h3>大型猫科动物是指大型的野生猫科动物。它们包括:</h3><h3>Tiger 老虎</h3><h3>Lion 狮子</h3><h3>Jaguar 美洲豹</h3><h3>Snow Leopard 雪豹</h3><h3>Leopard 豹</h3><h3>Puma 美洲狮</h3><h3>Cheetah 猎豹</h3><h3><br><ul><li><b>Tiger 老虎</b></li></ul></h3><h3>(Endangered 濒危的)</h3><h3>Of all the big cats, tigers are closest to extinction/ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən/ 灭绝. With fewer than 3,900 tigers remaining in the wild, they exist in only 4% of their historic range.历史范围</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>在所有的大型猫科动物中,老虎是受到威胁最大的动物,最接近与灭绝。目前野生环境中只剩下少于3900只老虎,它们的存在量仅为历史上的的4%。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>Threats to the Tiger 老虎受到的威胁</b></h3><h3>•Wild tigers are hunted for their body parts, which can be sold for a lot of money across Asia.</h3><h3>在亚洲由于野生老虎身体各部位可以卖很多钱,所以遭到人类的狩猎。</h3><h3>•Wild tigers are killed by villagers protecting their livestock/ˈlaɪvˌstɒk/ and communities.</h3><h3>一些村民因为要保护他们的家畜和社区而杀害老虎。</h3><h3>•Tiger habitat is increasingly taken over to make room for farming.</h3><h3>大量的老虎的栖息地被耕作用地所占用。</h3><h3>•Tiger prey animals are overhunted, which means that tigers are attacking livestock and coming into conflict争执分歧 with farmers.</h3><h3>老虎捕食的动物遭受到过量的捕杀,导致老虎攻击家畜,最终导致与农民的冲突。</h3> <h3><ul><li><b>Lion 狮子</b></li></ul></h3><h3>(Vulnerable/ˈvʌlnərəbəl/ 易受伤害的)</h3><h3>Lions have undergone经历 a catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ 灾难性的 decline/dɪˈklaɪn/ 下降 and are almost extinct in all but the largest and best managed protected areas.</h3><h3>狮子的数量正在经历灾难性的下降,并且几乎惨遭灭绝。只有在管理良好的保护区内的狮子才受到了最好的保护。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Threats to the Lion 狮子受到的威胁</h3><h3>•Lions are losing their habitats to farming and have started to hunt livestock, so farmers often kill lions to try to stop this from happening.</h3><h3>狮子的栖息地正在因为耕地的需要而经受着威胁,于是狮子开始捕食家畜,导致农民为了为了阻止家畜被捕猎而杀害狮子。</h3><h3>Lions are killed by humans for bushmeat.野味</h3><h3>狮子由于人类对兽肉需求而被捕杀。</h3><h3>•Lions are also hunted as trophies/ˈtrəʊfɪ/ 战利品奖品(A trophy is something that you keep in order to show that you have done something very difficult. 战利品) and for their body parts, which are mostly sold in Asia.</h3><h3>在亚洲很多人捕杀狮子,贩卖狮子的身体部位。</h3> <h3><ul><li><b>Jaguar 美洲豹</b></li></ul></h3><h3>(Near Threatened 受到威胁的)</h3><h3>Jaguars exist in 18 countries in the Americas. During the 1960s and 1970s, the jaguar was heavily hunted for its fur.</h3><h3>In 1973, this was brought to a near end by an organisation called the Convention/kənˈvɛnʃən/惯例公约 on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).</h3><h3>美洲豹生活在十八世纪的美洲。在60到70年代之间,人们贩卖美洲豹的皮毛而大量的对它们进行狩猎。在1973年,建立了一个称为国际濒危物种贸易公约的组织(CITES)使这种威胁的活动终止。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>Threats to the Jaguar 美洲豹受到的威胁</b></h3><h3>•Jaguars are losing their habitats due to humans taking them over for farming and other uses. 由于人类为耕作和其他用途所需要的土地导致美洲豹失去了它们的栖息地。</h3><h3>•Jaguars are hunted by humans trying to protect their livestock.</h3><h3>美洲豹由于捕食家畜而受到人们的杀害。</h3><h3>•Jaguar prey animals are overhunted, which means that they are attacking livestock and coming into conflict with farmers.</h3><h3>美洲豹捕食的动物遭受到过量的捕杀,导致老虎攻击家畜,最终导致与农民的冲突。</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><ul><li><b>Snow Leopard 雪豹</b><br></li></ul></h3><h3>(Endangered 濒危的)</h3><h3>Snow leopards are often referred to by locals as ‘mountain ghosts’ because they have a secretive /ˈsiːkrɪtɪv/ nature and are rarely seen.</h3><h3>雪豹通常被人们称为“雪山之王”,因为它们的习性非常接近自然远离人迹,很难被看到。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>Threats to the Snow Leopard 雪豹受到的威胁</b></h3><h3>•Snow leopards are captured and killed for their fur, bones and body parts.</h3><h3>雪豹的皮毛,骨头和身体部位成为了人类大量捕杀的主要原因。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>•Snow leopards are often killed by humans trying to protect their livestock. Humans increasingly inhabit /ɪnˈhæbɪt/ 占据 snow leopard habitat.</h3><h3>人类通常由于保护自己的家畜不被雪豹捕猎而杀害。人类日益增长的对土地的需求威胁着雪豹的栖息地。</h3><h3>•Snow leopards are losing their prey (mostly wild mountain sheep and goats) due to hunting of these animals by humans.</h3><h3>雪豹们渐渐失去了它们的猎物(比如大量的野生大角羊和雪山羊),因为人类大洋的捕猎这些动物。</h3> <h3><ul><li><b>Leopard 豹</b><br></li></ul></h3><h3>(Near Threatened 受到威胁的)</h3><h3>Leopards are found in a wide range of habitats, from the Congo/ˈkɒŋɡəʊ/ 刚果 rainforest in Africa to the deserts of the Middle East. They are very adaptable but their numbers are declining across Africa and Asia.</h3><h3>从非洲刚果的热带雨林到中东的沙漠,都广泛分布着豹子的栖息地,它们的习性可以适应很多的生存环境,但是在非洲和亚洲,它们的数量依旧在大量的下降。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>Threats to the Leopard 豹受到的威胁</b></h3><h3>•Leopards are often killed accidentally by getting caught in wire snares and traps set for other animals. A snare is a trap for catching birds or small animals. It consists of a loop of wire or rope which pulls tight around the animal. (捕捉鸟或小动物的) 罗网</h3><h3>豹通常由于意外陷入一些为其他动物设置的金属圈套和陷阱中而被杀害。</h3><h3>•Leopards are often killed by humans trying to protect their livestock. Humans increasingly inhabit leopard habitat.</h3><h3>豹通常由于人类为保护它们的家畜不受到豹的猎杀而杀害。人类的活动逐渐影响着豹子的生活栖息地。</h3><h3>People hunt leopards for trophies in East and Southern Africa. </h3><h3>在东非和南非人们为赢得战利品杀害豹子。</h3><h3>•Leopards are often killed illegally for their skins and other body parts.人类通常非法杀害豹子,只为得到它们的皮毛和它们的身体部位。</h3> <h3><ul><li><b>Puma 美洲狮</b></li></ul></h3><h3>(Least Concern 被担忧的)</h3><h3>Pumas – also known as cougars/ˈkuːɡə/ , mountain lions, panthers and catamounts /ˈkætəˌmaʊnt/ – span 20 countries across the Americas, but the species is considered to be declining overall.</h3><h3>美洲狮-也被人们称为山狮,大型猫科动物-物种分布在非洲的20多个国家,但是他的数量在逐渐下降。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>Threats to the Puma 美洲狮受到的威胁</b></h3><h3>•Pumas are losing their habitats due to humans developing the land for a variety of uses.</h3><h3>由于大量的人类活动对于土地的开发,美洲狮失去了它们的栖息地。</h3><h3>•Pumas are coming into conflict with humans and killed due to fears over pumas harming livestock and people.</h3><h3>美洲狮和人类逐渐形成了冲突和对立,因为美洲狮对于家畜和人类的威胁,人类大量的杀害他们。</h3><h3>•In some areas, pumas’ prey is overhunted, so they are running out of food.</h3><h3>在很多地区,美洲狮的猎物受到了过量的捕杀,导致他们失去了它们的食物。</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><ul><li><b>Cheetah 猎豹</b></li></ul></h3><h3>(Vulnerable 易受伤害的) /ˈvʌlnərəbəl/ Someone who is vulnerable is weak and without protection, with the result that they are easily hurt physically or emotionally. 易受伤害的</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Widely known as the planet’s fastest land animal, the cheetah is also the least dangerous big cat.</h3><h3>众所周知陆地上最快的动物是猎豹,同时他也是最不危险的大型猫科动物。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>Threats to the Cheetah 美洲狮受到的威胁</b></h3><h3>•Cheetahs are frequently killed by farmers to prevent and in response to attacks on livestock.</h3><h3>猎豹由于攻击家畜而常常被农民所杀害。</h3><h3>•Cheetahs are losing their prey due to human hunting.</h3><h3>由于人类的狩猎活动,猎豹正在失去它们的猎物。</h3><h3>•In some parts of Africa, cheetahs are hunted for their skin.</h3><h3>在非洲的部分地区,猎豹的皮被人类大量的需要而被捕杀。</h3><h3>•Some cheetahs are captured and sold illegally and many die during transport.</h3><h3>许多猎豹被人类非法捕杀贩卖,在转运过程中大量的死亡。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3>