<p>尊敬的家长朋友,亲爱的孩子们: </p><p> 清风锁不住流云,流云带来了希望。漫长的寒假即将结束……</p><p> 金色五月,栀子飘香!五月阳光明媚,微风不燥,万物生长,朝气蓬勃的校园等待着你们的归来 。</p><p> 在大家热切的期待中,2020年第一学期即将开学。为全力做好疫情防控工作,保障师生复课后的身体健康和生命安全,维护防控期间校园稳定和教学秩序,根据市、区教育局的统一安排部署,结合我园实际情况,现就孩子们复学返校相关事宜告知如下:</p><p>Dear parents and friends, dear children,</p><p>The breeze can not lock the clouds, clouds bring hope. The long winter vacation is coming to an end...</p><p>Golden may, gardenia fragrance! May is sunny, the breeze is not dry, all things grow, vigorous campus waiting for your return.</p><p>The first semester is about to begin in 2020. In order to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, ensure the health and life safety of teachers and students after the resumption of classes, and maintain the campus stability and teaching order during the prevention and control period, according to the unified arrangement and deployment of the municipal and district education bureaus and in combination with the actual situation of our school, we hereby inform you of the following matters concerning children's resumption of school and return to school:</p> <p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size: 20px;">返园前准备</span></p><p><br></p><p> 1.健康准备</p><p><br></p><p>(1)学生本人身体状况良好,连续14天没有发烧(体温未超过37.3度)、咳嗽、乏力等症状。</p><p>(2)幼儿本人及家庭成员14天内均未接触过新冠肺炎确诊、疑似病例和返境人员。如从疫情重点地区或境外返家,已连续居家超过14天并提供社区健康证明。</p><p>(3)幼儿及家庭成员健康码为绿码。</p><p>(4)如幼儿近期有生病且病愈,返校须持医院开具的病愈证明方能复课。 </p><p>(5)如有其它特殊或异常情况出现,请及时如实向班主任报告,自觉暂缓入校。</p><p><br></p><p> 2.知识准备</p><p><br></p><p> 家长引导幼儿正确佩戴口罩,按七步洗手法勤洗手,掌握打喷嚏、咳嗽礼仪,了解公共场合要主动保持一米以上距离,自己的私人物品不要与他人交换。</p><p><br></p><p> 3.资料准备</p><p><br></p><p> 家长们在开学前需要熟悉好以下资料,以方便返园报到时填写。</p><p>(1)《幼儿健康码》(微信交于班主任老师)。</p><p>(2)《新冠防疫健康安全承诺书》(样表将发送至班级群)。</p><p>(3)《一人一档健康登记表》(样表将发送至班级群)。</p><p>(4)社区健康证明(从外省外市返衡人员必须提供)。</p><p> (5)武汉返衡幼儿,需提供核酸检测复印件,并不在隔离期。</p><p><br></p><p> 4.物资准备</p><p><br></p><p>(1)上学途中幼儿请一定佩戴口罩,请为孩子准备临时口罩夹子1个。(建议家长请在淘宝上购买私人印章与名字贴,所有宝贝们的私人用品全部盖章签名)。</p><p>(2)幼儿 床上用品(空调被、竹席、垫被,枕头)。</p><p>(3)汗巾3条,睡衣1套,干净衣服1套。</p><p>(4)返园前请给幼儿剪指甲,不要给幼儿佩戴任何挂件,贵重首饰,携带危险物品入园(小颗粒物、玻璃球、硬币等)。</p><p> (5)开学前14天,请不要让幼儿离开本市,如有特殊情况,请向班主任老师报备,以便园方做好登记。</p><p><br></p><p>Get ready before you return</p><p>1. Healthy preparation</p><p>(1) the student himself is in good physical condition, and has no fever (the temperature is not more than 37.3 degrees), cough, fatigue and other symptoms for 14 consecutive days.</p><p>(2) the child and his/her family members have not been in contact with confirmed or suspected covid-19 cases or returnees within 14 days. If he/she has stayed at home for more than 14 consecutive days and provided a community health certificate when he/she has returned home from a key epidemic area or from abroad.</p><p>(3) the health codes for children and family members are green.</p><p>(4) if the child is sick recently and recovers from the illness, he/she shall hold the certificate of recovery issued by the hospital before returning to school.</p><p>(5) if there are any other special or abnormal circumstances, please report to the teacher in charge truthfully, and consciously suspend the admission.</p><p>2. Knowledge preparation</p><p>Parents guide children to wear masks correctly, wash hands frequently according to the seven-step washing technique, master the etiquette of sneezing and coughing, know that public places should take the initiative to maintain a distance of more than one meter, their personal belongings do not exchange with others.</p><p>3. Material preparation</p><p>Parents should familiarize themselves with the following information before the start of the school year so that they can fill in the information when they report back to the school.</p><p>(1) "child health code" (WeChat should be handed in to the teacher in charge).</p><p>(2) "health and safety commitment letter for covid-19" (the sample form will be sent to the class group).</p><p>(3) "one person, one gear health registration form" (the sample form will be sent to the class group).</p><p>(4) community health certificate (the staff returning from other provinces and cities must provide it).</p><p>(5) wuhan back to balance children, need to provide a copy of nucleic acid test, not in the isolation period.</p><p>4. Material preparation</p><p>(1) on the way to school, children must wear a mask, please prepare a temporary mask clip for the child. (parents are advised to purchase personal seals and name stickers on taobao, and all personal belongings of the babies are sealed and signed.)</p><p>(2) baby bedding (air conditioning quilt, bamboo mat, cushion, pillow).</p><p>(3) 3 pairs of sweat towels, 1 set of pajamas, and 1 set of clean clothes. (4) before returning to the kindergarten, please cut the children's nails. Do not wear any pendant, valuable jewelry or bring dangerous objects (small particles, glass balls, COINS, etc.) to the kindergarten.</p><p>(5) 14 days before the school starts, please do not let children leave the city. In case of special circumstances, please report to the teacher in charge so that the kindergarten can complete the registration.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"> 一日常规</span></p><p><br></p><p> 1.健康上报</p><p><br></p><p> 每天上学前请在家测量好体温,并将数据上报(在班级群扫码打卡)。体温超过37.3℃或有咳嗽、乏力等症状的学生请家长朋友履行请假手续,带孩子到医院就诊。</p><p><br></p><p> 2.出行防护</p><p><br></p><p>(1)入园离园途中全程佩戴口罩。</p><p>(2)尽量乘坐私家车或步行上学。</p><p> 由于道路狭窄,请开车送孩子的家长朋友即停即走,单向通行。本期幼儿园实行封闭式管理,家长不得以任何理由进入幼儿园。</p><p>(3)若乘坐公共交通,请遵照以下要求:</p><p> ①随时保持手卫生,减少接触交通工具的公共物品和部位。</p><p> ②留意周围旅客健康状况,避免与有咳嗽、流涕等症状的乘客近距离接触。</p><p><br></p><p> 3.入园检查</p><p><br></p><p>(1)严格遵守幼儿园规定错峰错时入园。</p><p>(2)进园时,保持一米间距排好队,做好体温检测、手部以及鞋底消毒,园医晨检,体温正常者入园,体温超过37.3℃的幼儿不能进入幼儿园,自行接送的幼儿由家长直接带回家就医,校车接送幼儿由专人护送到隔离室,并启动相关应急预案。</p><p>(3)进入幼儿园后,到班上进行第二次测量体温,并由老师做好相关登记。</p><p><br></p><p> 4.教学活动</p><p><br></p><p>(1)幼儿入座距离保持最大化。</p><p>(2)开展教学活动期间,提倡独立学习,减少面对面的讨论交流。</p><p>(3)若身体感觉不舒服时,请及时告诉老师。</p><p><br></p><p> 5.课间活动</p><p><br></p><p>(1)课间休息、取饮用水、上洗手间请自觉保持一米间距有序排队。入厕前后及时洗手。</p><p>(2)不到其他班级串门。适当、适度以班为单位固定区域分散活动。</p><p>(3)勤洗手、多饮水。</p><p><br></p><p> 6.放学离园</p><p><br></p><p>(1)请在老师的组织下保持间距有序排队离园。</p><p>(2)错时错峰放学,请家长朋友准时到指定地点接送,不要提前、延后或挤在幼儿园门口等待。</p><p><br></p><p> 7.物品转交</p><p><br></p><p>(1)防控期间原则上不接收家长朋友转交的物品,请大家督促孩子自己准备、检查好学习防护用品,养成整理个人物品的好习惯。</p><p>(2)确属孩子急需的物品需经班主任同意,并致电由班主任,直接转交。</p><p><br></p><p>A day of regular</p><p>1. Health report</p><p>Please take your temperature at home before going to school every day and report the data (scan the code and punch in the class group). Students whose body temperature is more than 37.3℃ or who have symptoms such as cough and fatigue should ask their parents and friends to go through the leave formalities and take their children to the hospital.</p><p>2. Travel protection</p><p>(1) wear a mask on the way in and out.</p><p>(2) try to go to school by car or on foot.</p><p>Due to the narrow road, please drive your child's parents and friends to stop and walk, one-way traffic. This kindergarten implements closed management, parents can not enter the kindergarten for any reason.</p><p>(3) if taking public transport, please follow the following requirements:</p><p>Maintain hand hygiene at all times, reduce contact with public goods and parts of the vehicle.</p><p>Pay attention to the health status of passengers around you and avoid close contact with passengers with symptoms such as cough and runny nose.</p><p>3. Entry inspection</p><p>(1) strictly abide by the rules of kindergarten when the peak is wrong.</p><p>(2) when in the park, lined up to keep one meter distance, make body temperature detection, hand and sole disinfection, medical morning check of normal body temperature into the garden, the body temperature of more than 37.3 ℃ could not enter kindergarten, children to pick up children directly by the parents home for medical treatment, busing children shall escort to the isolation room, and start the relevant contingency plans.</p><p>(3) after entering the kindergarten, go to the class for the second time to take the temperature, and the teacher will make the relevant registration.</p><p>4. Teaching activities</p><p>(1) children's seating distance should be maximized.</p><p>(2) during the teaching activities, independent learning should be advocated and face-to-face discussion and communication should be reduced.</p><p>(3) if you don't feel well, please tell the teacher in time.</p><p>5. Recess activities</p><p>(1) during class breaks, get drinking water and go to the bathroom, please keep an orderly queue at a distance of one meter. Wash your hands before and after using the toilet.</p><p>(2) do not visit other classes. Appropriate, appropriate to the class as a unit fixed area scattered activities.</p><p>(3) wash hands frequently and drink plenty of water.</p><p>6. Leave the park after school</p><p>(1) please keep the spacing in order under the teacher's organization.</p><p>(2) after school at wrong times, parents and friends are requested to pick up at the designated place on time. Do not wait in front of the kindergarten.</p><p>7. Transfer of items</p><p>(1) during the prevention and control period, in principle, we will not accept the items handed over by parents or friends. Please urge your children to prepare and check the protective equipment and form a good habit of sorting out their personal belongings.</p><p>(2) items that are really in urgent need of the child should be approved by the teacher in charge and transferred directly by phone from the teacher in charge.</p> <p>错峰入园离园具体安排:</p><p>1.入园</p><p>7:40~8:00 大班 中班</p><p>8:00~8:20 小一 小二</p><p>8:20~8:40 BB班 </p><p>2.离园</p><p>17:00~17:10 BB班</p><p>17:10~17:20 小一 小二</p><p>17:20~17:30 大班 中班</p> <p> 孩子们、家长朋友们,经此大疫,我们都倍感正常生活的来之不易。当前的低风险并不等于零风险,我们只有给予足够的重视,满怀坚定的信念,做好充分的准备,才能带领孩子们朝着未来美好快乐的生活坚实前行。</p><p> 夏季已至,阳光普照,心手相牵,共护成长。让我们一起共同努力,为孩子们营造一个安全、温馨的校园环境!</p><p>Children, parents and friends, after the epidemic, we all feel that normal life has not come easily. The current low risk is not equal to zero risk, we only give enough attention, with a firm belief, ready to fully prepare, can lead children to a better and happier life in the future solid forward.</p><p>Summer has come, the sun shines, palm in hand, together protect the growth. Let us work together to create a safe and warm campus environment for children!</p> <p>香港诺贝尔精博国际幼儿园2020年春季报名火热进行中</p><p>招生对象: 2—6周岁幼儿</p><p>开设班级:大班 中班 小班 托班</p><p>花开热线:</p><p>18665945411(Cherry陆园长)</p><p>17382177771 (Carol 陆主任)</p><p>地址:雁峰区白沙大道89号雁城国际公馆小区内</p>