宅家学习,抗“疫”不停 师生同心,战“疫”必胜 - -太原市第四实验小学英语项目学习活动纪实

Alice Yan

<h1><font color="#191919">This year has been different for most of us. Facing a terrible disease, we fight together. Many brave doctors and nurses are helping sick people. Scientists are working on new medicine. Factory workers are working day and night to make masks... . We stay and study at home,at this special time,let's use our way to cheer for our country. we're sure we will defeat this disease soon.</font></h1> <h1>  2020年,是与众不同的一年。</h1><h1> 2020年的春季新学期,被疫情悄然按下了pause键。</h1><h1> 在全民坚持抗疫的重要时期,“停课不停学”方案为我们教学的正常开展提供了有力的保障。在认真组织网络教学的同时,我校英语组老师们组织各年级学生开展了以“师生同心,战疫必胜”为主题的多元化抗击疫情主题活动,师生共同上了一堂别样的“抗疫课”。</h1> <p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"></h3><h1> 活动开展过程中,不同年级的孩子们结合自身能力,通过趣配音、录制小视频、手绘小报、手工制作等多种形式向大家宣传防疫抗疫的知识和英雄事迹。居家学习,以学抗疫做贡献;老师们则及时通过网络进行指导与帮助,师生以网络为主阵地,开始了我们的“共同战疫”。</h1> The vioce of love <h1><b> 为爱发声</b></h1> <h1>When the whole nation stands together to fight the novel coronavirus,many people work on the frontline. They fight with the virus, save patients and protect us. They are very brave. We want to cheer for them,cheer for our country,cheer for the world.&nbsp;</h1> <h1><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"></h3></h1><h1>这是属于我们每个人的战斗,不管你来自何方,让我们团结一心,共同战“疫”!</h1><h3><br></h3> <h1>This is the heroic city,her people did a lot for the whole country,we are expecting her full recovery. Come on,Wu Han!</h1><h1>武汉,一座英雄的城市。这里的人们为我们抗击疫情付出了太多,让我们共同期待这座城市重回美好的那一天。加油,武汉!</h1><h3><br></h3> <h1>Everyone is working hard to fight the epidemic, let's go out less, do not gather, wash hands frequently, wear masks. Our safety is our contribution to the fight against the epidemic. </h1> <h1>We don't know how long this will take,what cost we have to pay. But there's one thing we're sure,that is:we will win in the end. </h1><h1>虽然,我们历经了很多困难,但始终有种信念在我们心中回荡,那就是:胜利终将属于我们!</h1> <h1><span style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961);">Let's fight together hand in hand! And the bright is near to us ahead soon!</span></h1><h1>让我们并肩作战,携手努力,光明与美好就在不远处等着我们!</h1> <h1>Although the virus pressed the pause , but love and hope spread faster than the virus.&nbsp;</h1><h1>尽管疫情为我们的正常生活按下了暂停键,但是爱与希望远比病毒传播得更快!</h1> <h1>Although I stay at home, I still hope to wear my red scarf and the school uniform. I want to cheer for my country with love.&nbsp;</h1><h1></h1><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"><span style="font-size: 20px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: PingFangSC-light;">虽然宅在家中,我依然要仔细穿好校服,戴好红领巾。今天,祖国呵护我长大,明天,我让祖国更强大!</span><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h1>They are the angels in white,they are always with us when we need help. But they also amember of us,bacause of their sacrifice,this winter is no longer cold. </h1><h1>她们是天使,当我们需要的时候,她们总陪在我们身边。然而,她们更是如你我一样的普通人,更是父母、子女… …正是她们无私地奉献与付出,这个冬天不再寒冷。致敬,最可爱的人们!</h1> <h1>This is a war without smoke,and we are all fighters. Let's work together for our great nation,also for ourself. Come on,China!</h1><h1>这,是一场没有硝烟的战争,我们都是“战疫者”。让我们一起努力,为我们的祖国,更是为我们自己。加油,中国!</h1> Spread love by painting <h1><b> 以画传情 </b></h1> <h1>I use my pen,to draw out the angel's mark on your face, to carve out your most beautiful appearance. Thank you for making this winter warm. Thank you for making this special day full of warmth and love.</h1> Pray for the world <h1> 折纸祈福</h1> <h1>With a grateful heart, I personally fold love and blessing into the shape of love. With a grateful heart, I pray for our motherland. I hope the mountains and rivers are safe and all of the world is safe.</h1> <h1>The epidemic is scary. But it’s not all bad. In fact, we can learn the lessons from it.&nbsp;</h1><h1>We know the importance of unity.</h1><h1>We know the importance of healthy.</h1><h1>We know the importance of knowledge and technology.</h1><h1>And we also know when we face difficulties,our motherland will always with us.&nbsp;</h1> <h1><b>积力之所举,则无不胜也。</b></h1> <h1>Unity and cooperation are the most powerful weapons in the fight against epidemics that affect the safety and security of all the people. &nbsp;We will surely win the final victory and have a better future for human development.</h1> <h1>所有沉寂中积蓄的能量,必将会迎来最绚烂的绽放!</h1> <h1>编辑:太原市四实小 英语组</h1>









