Brief Introduction <p> 春光渐满,山河无恙,万物复苏,眉目舒朗。往日疫情笼罩下的阴霾和恐慌逐渐褪去,我们迎来了抗击疫情胜利的曙光。在与病毒抗击的期间,我们再次感受到了我们中国的伟大,同时也见证了我们三七南海学子的成长。</p><p> 为进一步丰富学生的精神文化生活,营造自信表达的浓厚氛围,为他们提供一个展现自我、提升自我的舞台,太原市第三十七中学校第二届线上英语演讲比赛拉开了帷幕,三七南海三校初一全体同学积极参与,并涌现出了大量优秀作品,下面让我们一起欣赏他们的佳作吧。</p> Show Time Excellent works 壹 <p style="text-align: center;">田梓涵</p><p style="text-align: center;">铜锣湾校区 T1901班</p> <p>【Self-introduction】</p><p> My name is Tian Zihan. I'm from Class1,Grade 7 of Nanhai Middle School. I'm a quiet and generous girl. I respect teachers and unite with classmates. I also have excellent academic performance. I like reading, such as Harry Potter, The count of Monte Cristo. In my free time, I usually play the piano and enjoy the quiet time.</p><p><br></p> 贰 <p style="text-align: center;">李奕萱</p><p style="text-align: center;">主校区 1907班学生</p> <p>【Self-introduction】 </p><p> Hello, everyone, my name is Li Yixuan, I am a bright and outgoing girl. I like to listen to English songs and read English novels in my spare time. I hope to be a translator in the future, learn more languages and visit more countries.</p> 叁 <p style="text-align: center;">宋予瑶</p><p style="text-align: center;">主校区 1909班学生</p> <p>【Self-introduction】</p><p> Hello I’m Song Yuyao. I’m from class 1909, TaiYuan 37th Middle School. I am 13 years old. I have many hobbies. For example, I like to listen to English audio books. I like reading natural history and science books.</p> 肆 <p style="text-align: center;">周知言</p><p style="text-align: center;">主校区 1906班学生</p> <p>【Self-introduction】</p><p> Hello, my name is Zhou Zhiyan. I'm a student in Class 6, Grade 7 of No. 37 Middle School. I'm a sunshine girl. I like reading English books and watching English movies. I also like traveling. I want to be a college teacher when I grow up. </p> 伍 <p style="text-align: center;">杨熙晨</p><p style="text-align: center;">主校 1904班学生</p> <p>【Self-introduction】</p><p> Hello, everyone. My name is Yang Xichen. I like English very much. Every year, I participate in the English microblog competition, which improves my English level and makes me happy and successful.</p><p> Because of the novel coronavirus , we had to carry out the mode of learning at home. During this period, my daily life is full and colorful. Such an unforgettable learning experience has enriched my life.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> 陆 <p style="text-align: center;">陈星宇</p><p style="text-align: center;">东山校区 DS1909班学生</p> <p>【Self-introduction】</p><p> Hello, everyone. I am Chen Xingyu .My English name is Jack. I am from Class Nine, Grade One, Nanhai Middle School. I’m a sunny boy. I like playing soccer and I like English very much.</p> 演讲中的同学们~ Speech Draft <p style="text-align: center;"> 李诗语 1905班</p><p style="text-align: center;"> My Colorful Day </p><p> This year we had a special Chinese New Year. We have to stay at home because of the virus. Although this sounds boring, we still have a way to make it colorful.</p><p> Every day, I usually get up early, finish washing and breakfast at a faster speed,and sit at my computer desk to start the online learning.This online learning method helps to cultivate our learning consciousness and initiative, which is very beneficial to our learning and life. In addition to online learning, I also like to prepare breakfast and dessert for my parents. I think that this period of time at home provides us with some opportunities to help our parents share housework and care for their parents, which can also make our parents feel our growth and care.In addition, I will also exercise in my free time, which helps us maintain vitality and physical and mental health.</p><p> This is my day. Although this holiday is special, we can still make it colorful, meaningful and valuable through careful arrangement.</p><p> 1905 李诗语</p><p><br></p> <p> 同学们结合自己线上学习期间的丰富生活,侃侃而谈、挥洒才情。他们标准的发音、抑扬顿挫的语调、流利的口语及饱满的精神充分展现了我校三七南海学子高水平的英语素养。</p> Speech Draft <p style="text-align: center;">李馥江</p><p style="text-align: center;">铜锣湾T1901 </p><p> Honorable teachers,good evening!I feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.Today I"m glad to share my colorful day with you.</p><p> As everyone knows,in 2020, when the new year is coming, The word "novel coronavirus" is jumping into our eyes and threatening.Because of the virus,we are not able to go outside,so I make a schedule for my stuck-at-home days.</p><p> As a student,I should get up at half past six every morning.Then I usually exercise for half an hour.I have breakfast at a quarter past seven and then study online.The software which is used to study is named Ding Ding.After four lessons,I have lunch at twelve.To protect our lives,I never eat wild anmals.</p><p> I have two interesting lessons from fourteen thirty to sixteen thirty.After the lessons,I always do my homework first.If I want to go outside,I must wear a mask and wash my hand after going home.In the evening,I usually watch the TV or read books and go to bed at 10:00.</p><p> In my opinions,my day in life is pretty colorful:join many activities such as English speech competition,cooking for parents and so on.</p><p> Different from others,I think being indoors is not very boring.My inside-life is not only busy but also interesting.If we can control the epidemic situation,I really want to go back to school now!</p><p><br></p> <p> 同学们的演讲或慷慨激昂,或深情低沉。或情感真挚,青春风采展现得淋漓尽致。他们清晰流利的口语,声情并茂的演讲获得了评委老师们的一致好评。</p> Speech Draft <p style="text-align: center;">程书涵</p><p style="text-align: center;">东山1902 </p><p> I live in a small village in Wenshui during the outbreak, and my day is colorful.</p><p> At 4:30 p.m., I hang out in the quiet village with my mask. Then I go to the center of the village where there is a monthly fair. People sell all kinds of interesting things, like plant seeds, grandma's gaudy clothes and fertilizer. At 6:30, I sit by the pool enjoying the sunset.The orange-red sunset looks beautiful and peaceful.</p><p> Before dinner, my mom teaches me how to knit a sweater. It’s not easy for me but I’d like to master a new skill and feel a sense of achievement. After that, I have to do my homework. To be honest, I don't like it. There is no student liking doing homework, isn't there? But I know it's my duty.</p> 优秀成果展示 <p> 自开展线上英语演讲比赛和征文比赛以来,同学们都积极参与并取得了优异的成绩,下面一起来见证属于同学们的光荣时刻吧。</p> 结语 <p> 本次演讲比赛为我校学生提供了一个展现英语风采的舞台,不仅锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,展示了三七南海学子的自信与风采,极大激发了学生们对英语学习的热情。 同学们用自己独特的方式、良好的精神风貌和较高的英语素养为“抗击疫情”贡献力量。英语演讲活动进一步丰富了学生们“停课不停学”的学习生活,不仅提高了学生们学习英语的积极性和自信心,还培植了学生们的家国情怀和民族意识,传播了正能量。相信所有的参赛选手将以此次活动为契机,在英语学习的道路上怀揣梦想,奋力前行。</p><p><br></p> 学校&老师寄语 <p>亲爱的孩子们:</p><p> 凛冬散尽,疫情散去,山河无恙,人间皆安。一切美好都如期而至。翘首以盼的春日如期而至,校园的繁花已然盛开,我们已经按下春季开学的启动键,即将共同携手重返校园。</p><p> 感谢你们线上学习期间的努力与付出, 每一次经历都是成长。在此期间,老师们共同见证了大家的进步和成长。今年的春天或许来的稍迟了些,但你们人生有无数个春天,正在前方等着你们!经过三个多月的积累,此时的你们应该更有力量,更有信心坚定向前;更应该明白自己想要的是什么,更清楚自己将要出发的前路。</p><p> 所以,在这五月天里,许下美好愿望吧,让我们在春天播种下希望的种子,通过努力去获取成功的硕果;让我们以最美的逆行英雄为榜样,从中汲取勇气和力量,携手同心、砥砺同行。愿你们心有梦不负韶华,胸存志只争朝夕。</p><p>春光向暖,谷雨初夏,可缓缓归矣;</p><p>让我们充分准备,相约明日聚清园!</p><p><br></p> <p> As long as we dare to dream and don't get in the way of ourselves, anything is possible--There's truly no end to where our dreams can take us.</p><p> 只要我们敢梦想,并不被自己所阻,一切都有可能——梦想无止境。</p>